
The rich booty of the Dara, the despondency of Baraz

The dry riverbed looped, Dara walked along it and made his finds. Nails, fishing hooks, small coins of the second empire, less often the first, mostly small copper, which cost nothing. But once near the crossing, apparently earlier when there was a river, there was a ford in this place, Darra heard immediately a dozen very good signals 88, 99, 87 ... it could definitely be only gold or silver!

usually in places of crossing where there was a ford, people often lost money or jewelry; they fell near the ford onto the ground or the water itself. But with a fast current, such finds could spread over a large territory, if the rivers were short-term cones of rainwater, rainwater from the mountains, then they were stormy, and if they were rivers flowing from the mountains from the glaciers, then they went out onto the plain and already lost their former power.

Just near the fords you could find gold !!!

Dara made money. He found the golden Tilla of 1802, 1814, gold rings with rough diamonds and turquoise, a couple of gold doubloons. Obviously, merchants were transported here, they often carried foreign gold with them for exchanges - gold is gold in any country!

Found Dara could safely sell at auction for an amount of 7800 dollars. Sometimes treasures lie directly with the feet; you only need to know where to look under your feet.


Baraz found about 15 more copper coins of the first empire of 1858-1898, all cents, and nothing to indicate his project 47086_1. It was interesting to look for coins, but he couldn't solve his question whether there were any traces of that project on the plain and mountains of the remnants.

The driver has already gone into the world of dreams, unable to resist and tasted alcohol. Despite the fact that he was a staff member, but alcohol of 40 liters ... turned out to be stronger than discipline ... the years of atheism in the times of the second empire affected. He broke the covenant that alcohol was forbidden to drink.

Fang found several shells from the old rifles of Berdan and Mosin, five soldier's copper and brass buttons from the end of the first empire of 1915-1916. And that's all ...

Barno was more fortunate, usually newcomers are lucky. She found three coins and all silver Tummans of 1858, 1876, 1889. Not rare, but they cost about 50-70 dollars per 1 piece.


Dara went unnoticed down the riverbed deep into the steppe for 5 km. He did not notice that he had gone so far. His presence in the steppe was hidden by the high banks of a dried river. Sometimes at the bottom he managed to find lone coins, sometimes even gold. The rivers in the mountains were more turbulent than on the plains in Europe.

Gold coins were heavily knocked down, it was almost impractical to read which year and which country they belong to.

Having pushed the drunk driver, Baraz placed him in the back seat, in fact the trunk of the jeep, placing a soft bag under his head. Barno and Fang stacked metal detectors and shovels. But they could not find Dara anywhere. He disappeared somewhere, disappeared again. Baraz suspected that he had deliberately distanced himself from them to find the "Gold of the Emir"!

Baraz had some kind of obsession with Dara. This was probably due to Dara's greed, he loved money too much!

Where is that idiot? Where is Dara! The outraged Baraz almost turned to a cry. Again missed this cunning and greedy little slander !!!

- Do not worry, dear, I know him, he just got carried away with something again and did not pay attention that he had left, so far away from us. Fang said competently.

Barno only giggled nearby. Although she recently met Dara, she immediately noted his fascinating nature. As he gets carried away with something, he goes into his own world and he won't be able to reach him anymore, he won't be torn from his research. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, in everyday life, such a person was like a naive little kid and not like an adult. It would be difficult to live with such a person! Thought Barno.

He can be a genius! But he absolutely does not know how to live and does not pay attention to those around him at such moments. Just some self-centered! He is not like her friends in the USA, open and kind guys, they are simple and easy with them. But she was afraid to say these thoughts out loud so as not to get charming looks from the people around her. They did not accept her open and free outlook on life without traditional formats. Barno herself did not want to live in her homeland, it was difficult for her to get used to the eastern way of life. In their part of the east, the world was in the Edo era and not in the 21st century. Therefore, the world was more conservative, closed, less friendly for those who did not take customs and foundations for granted.

If not for relatives and grandfather, with her grandmother, she would prefer to spend her holidays in a more developed society, where there is where to go to relax, have fun with friends.

Barno could not understand the fact that if she did not have a homeland, if her elders and relatives did not live there, she would never be able to live the sweet life that she used to have. Who would allow a secret police official to question such a large fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars in a dubious way. The tax service first stage asked where the money dear? Have you accidentally sold state secrets to a third party? But in Small Ahn, no one asked such questions about this. And therefore, hundreds and even tens of thousands of Barno-like children and grandchildren of superiors of various ranks lived and studied in the United States and Europe. Moreover, such a whispering Europe did not ask the children of wealthy officials where the money came from, if their parents' salaries were only $ 400-1500. Where did they get the money to buy expensive real estate in the US and the EU? Everyone preferred to remain silent about this.

But this was a different story that had nothing to do with the story of adventurers and treasure hunters.

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