
fyi ofer

Author: ShoShoShoSho
Ongoing · 19.5K Views
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Chapter 1Stan Lee’s last character

Beep beep beep beep

The sound of the heart monitor beeped a monotonous melody. Dancing a bit as it lost its rhythm. The man producing this eerie music was a 95 year old man. A man who brought joy to many. He spent his life producing characters and stories that sucked people out of their boring daily lives and let them live a while as a web slinger or shield thrower.

Beep beep.... beep .... beep

The heart monitor's tune slows making the beeps it sounded even more terrifying.

The 95 year old man turn his head to his successor Roy and weakly smiled. Next, straining even more, he looked at John, Roy's manager. He smiled and waved his hand as if signalling for him to come closer.

John did as he was asked and lent an ear to the man.

"God bless. Take care of my boy, Roy."

The 95 year old said while forcing his mouth to make a hesitant smile.


John said worried that the man had uttered his last words.

Beep... beep.....beep..... beeeeeeeeeep

The heart monitor screamed as if crying for help. The constant beeping alerted the Doctors to the situation. They entered the room looking gloomy.

One started to check a screen before stopping and muttering.

"He's gone..."

Everyone felt the loss. The man was beloved by all. Successor and doctors alike.

Everyone let out a collective pained sigh and begun to work through their pains. It wouldn't be a quick process, but it was a process all the same.

Meanwhile Stan felt himself floating. Unable to see he accepted this as going to heaven. Until a thundering voice shouted out

"Stan Lee, the entire world is pained by your death. Even us in heaven felt the loss. You brought smiles and joy to many and decided heaven is not the place where you belong. No instead you belong in the universe that you created. We want to let you experience true joy so you are being allowed to choose your powers. We'll do the rest. You will start off as a child and at some point you will receive your powers. So Stan, what powers would you like?"

Stan was still shocked. He was acknowledged by the heavens? He wanted to cry but had no body to do so with.

"Are you really letting me do this?"

Stan said worrying that it was all a dream. The voice seemingly heard his thoughts.

"Stan, this is not a dream. Hurry though as I'm a busy man."

Stan pondered for a while.

'I have created most powers, what else can I have that isn't copying?'

Stan stood for a while, his ingenious brain working its creative magic.

He thought of something.

"Can you make it so that if I ingest the blood or meat of something then I can gain its properties?"

Stan asked wondering of the seemingly endless possibilities.

"If that is what you so desire. Stan as an ode to you we have decided to bestow upon you heavenly looks. Of course you can deny if you do please."

Stan thought for a while. He was quite the looker in his youth and thought that looks can help in many situations.

"I accept"

Stan said gratefully.

"Well then Stan, enjoy your universe."

Said the voice.

"Thank you so much!"

Stan has never been so happy. He had always wanted to go to the places he wrote about. Now he was, he couldn't wait.

Stan felt warmth surrounding him.

Bathump bathump bathump

Stan heard the periodic beating of a heart. He froze a bit remembering his heart monitor, but regained his calm and tried to asess the situation.

But before he could concentrate deeply he saw light flooding in his dark cave. Forcing him to shut his eyes. He felt a weird pushing force pulling him towards the light. Stan started to panic, worried that it was the light at the end of the tunnel. He started to shout but he was muffled by the cave, suffocating him. He felt his legs leave the cave. They were cold. Soon his torso was out, then his head. He had completely shut his eyes and was screaming out of fear. but soon tried to open his eyes. Only to see a man in turquoise scrubs(What Doctors or surgeons wear) holding him.


He tried to ask what was happening but all that came out were cries.

"My boy is so cute, it's a shame your father isn't here."

A woman said, holding her hands out and accepting me.

"Time to think of a name... what about Stan? Stan Hammer. I like it."

The woman said affectionately.

Stan realised what was happening. It wasn't a dream. He was being reborn.

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