

Before I knew it, I too had fallen asleep. When the morning sun coming through the windows hit me, I groan and rolled over on the bed. My eyes suddenly pop open. Bed? I sit up and look around the empty room in confusion.

My mind races but the last thing I remember is sitting next to the bed with Bai Lei. I run my hands through my wild hair and stretch. I must have fallen asleep as well... He probably woke up and put me in bed but I'm a little shocked I didn't wake up.

I'm normally a light sleeper... I push the covers off and look down to find Little Bun curled up next to me sleeping. I was really starting to worry about him after he ran off... I pet him a few times and enjoy his super soft fur before getting up and getting dressed. 

After cleaning up and getting dressed, I walk over and pick up Little Bun. He was still sleeping so I carried him out in my arms. The sun was bright and nearly blinding but it felt good on my skin. I close my eyes and lift my face up as a cold breeze sways my long hair and dress.  

"It's good to see that you are well," Ren says while bowing in front of me and catching me off guard. I open my eyes and instantly regret it! I lift up my free hand and squint at him saying "Dear Lord, it's blinding!" Ren's face twitches as he slowly stands up.

"My apologies... Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I have temporarily lost my hair. I hope you don't mind for the time being." He says with a twitching eye. I frown at him and slowly nod my head as I say "Just do me a favor and don't bow to me anymore. Do you need a prescription for stress? I can write you one."    

Ren feels like crying as he shakes his head no. "Thank you for your concern." He says with an eye roll. He goes to bow again but quickly catches himself before saying "I will be within reach. Call me if you need anything." He goes to walk off so I quickly call out.

"Wait! I need to ask you something." I say tucking Little Bun into my sleeve. Ren stops and turns to me, waiting. I scratch the side of my neck as I try to think of how to put this. "Um, you see, with everything that's been happening with the Under Realm and all... Is there something I can do to help Bai Lei?" 

Ren stares at me with a blank look before turning to face me completely. "Yes, stay here. Right here. Don't move, don't talk, don't even walk. Just eat, sleep, and breathe. That's it!" This time my eye twitches as I say "I get it already! I'm not going to leave this courtyard but I want to know if there's something else I can do? Paperwork? Battle strategies? I'm actually pretty good at both."

Ren snorts at me and says "Sure. We all know how good you are. Just stay here like a good girl." Hah... he really knows what buttons to push, huh? I smile at him but it lacks any warmth as I say "You know... I just thought of something I need." 

Ren frowns at me as I step closer to him. "What?" He asks in aggravation. My smile grows as I look at him. Ren suddenly feels a cold sweat on his back as he looks down at this pretty vixen. Why was she smiling at him like that? 

I suddenly lunge at him and grab both his ears as I yell "Would it kill you to be nice!? Huh? Do you have a death wish or something!? Why are you always such an ass!!?" He yells out in pain and tries to jerk back but I jump up and wrap my legs around him and I begin smacking his bald head over and over.

"Get off me you crazy demon!!" Ren yells as he tries to pry me off but I'm not going anywhere! I latch onto him like an octopus and continue slapping his bald head as I say "What. Is. Wrong. With. You!?" Ren desperately tries to pry the woman off him without hurting her but it was nearly impossible! He wants to cry!! The shame!! 

His strength wins as he manages to pull my legs off but I quickly grab his ears again as I climb further up. My weight causes me to nearly flip over his shoulders, causing both of us to freeze. He grabs me as I grab him from behind.

I was now completely upside down holding on for dear life as Ren holds my thighs. Ren looks up with tears in his eyes. What crime has he committed in his past life!? What crime!!?? "That's it. I'm going to dig a hole and stick you in it!" Ren says with an evil grin while walking over to the tall trees in the courtyard.

My eyes narrow in anger as I say "You really must have a death wish!" I reach down and pull his pants up as hard as I can. Ren's eyes grow large before he falls to his knees in pain. I continue pulling with all my strength as we both fall.

"You're a monster!! Release me now you heathen!!!" Ren screams at the top of his lungs. I use the wind around us to pull even harder! I hear cloth rip as Ren screams like a little girl. When the cloth rips completely, I fall back and land on his back.

Ren wails on the ground as he tries to pull the cloth out of his butt. I smirk at him and begin patting his bald head as I say "Try me again and it will only get worse." Ren freezes as the demon on top of him continues to pat his bald head. She then places the ripped fabric on top of his head and says "There, it kinda looks like you have hair again."

He's nearly foaming at the mouth as he does his best to fight back his tears. She's evil... so evil!! 

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