
The Freak

I'm suddenly no longer enjoying my steamed buns... I swallow the last bite of my second bun but it goes down hard. Suddenly at the end of the group a large man drags another young boy by a chain around his neck. I clench my fist when I see the lifeless body being dragged.

I go to walk away but when I look over I catch the eyes of the young boy being dragged. He was alive!? In shock, I turn to look at the boy with wide eyes. His eyes were void of life... just staring at me without really seeing me. My heart clenches as I nervously lick my lips.

I turn and begin following the group of slaves. They line the slaves up and begin selling them to the surrounding crowd. I frown as I see others looking on and buying the slaves without batting an eye. This is why a person from the future can't survive in the past...

The boy is pulled to the front but he just lays in a crumbled pile making my heart hurt. Did people not see he was just a child!? The more I watch the angrier I become but when they try to sell the young boy no one wants him.

"He's useless!"

"Look how weak he is!"

"What work could this child do other than warm a bed?"

"That's right, just sell him to a brothel."

My jaw nearly hits the ground as I hear the surrounding people. They're monsters! I step forward and say "How much do you want for the freak?" I know I could have said it nicer but I didn't want to make it seem like I was too eager. I only had one silver and a few coppers...

The large man holding the chain for the young boy turns to look at me with a grin. "I'll give him to you for two silvers!" I roll my eyes and scoff saying "Just look at him! He's broke! What good is he? He's not even worth one silver!"

The man looks over to the young boy with a scowl. He kicks the boy making my insides clench. I wish I had the power to kill this man... "Fine! I'll give him to you for one silver! Otherwise, I'll just sell him to a brothel for a silver."

I suck on my teeth and walk around the lifeless boy with an aching heart but I don't let it show. I look at the boy with disgust but I nod once and say "Fine, I'll do one silver. I still feel like I'm paying too much though." The large man breaks out into a large smile as he quickly says "He'll be fine after a while I promise!"

I toss the silver to the man as he hands me the chain for the boy. "Pleasure doing business with ya!" The man says strolling away after handing me papers for the boy. I glance at the papers with a frown but I tuck them away for safekeeping.

I look over to the boy on the ground with sympathy. I can't believe I just bought a living being... this is so wrong. I walk over and squat down next to the boy "I need you to follow me... can you do that?" The boy just continues staring off into nothing making me flinch.

Was I seriously gonna have to drag him by the chain like some... some kind of animal!? Let's be honest though, I wouldn't even drag an animal by a chain like this! I clench my teeth and begin dragging the boy away. I hate this! I keep going until we're out of the City and a safe distance away.

I let the chain go and shake my sore hand. He wasn't big but after a while, you really started feeling the weight. I look around to make sure no one is looking before kneeling down next to the boy. "Are you okay?" I ask him while looking him over. Other than being dirty, he seemed fine. I look back to the boy's face but all I can see are his empty eyes... my heart clenches as I try not to think of why he'd be like this.

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