
Valerie (5)

The second clubhouse was just as much of a bust as the first. The president claimed that another clubhouse was involved and they had nothing to tell me. Despite the lack of information, their corpses would prove just as valuable as knowing where she was being held. I knew if I lead a bloody enough trail behind me, that they would have no choice but to come looking for me. If they came to me, it would be like getting the information delivered free of charge. I knew they would have to send some heavy hitters to deal with me after the blow I dealt their reputation and the humiliation they felt. With my plan in motion I rented a room at the local motel using one of the IDs i'd taken of their bodies for the night and waited. To say the room was desolate and underwhelming was the like saying the titanic got a little wet. The worn pink paint was peeling from every wall, the ceiling was water stained, the bathroom stunk of mold and bed looked like it featured in Backdoor Babes 9. Fortunately, my wait in the fifth rate room was kept short.

<Just like I planned. Like lambs to the slaughter.>

I wasn't sure where this voice was coming from but I needed to it to find Valerie.

From the noises echoing through the door, there was ten of them. Four about to breach the door, four behind them and two hanging back. The first four through the door would be nothing but muscle. The next four might have some useful information, they were probably more senior and there to make sure I suffer. However, the two hanging back, were the two I was interested in. They had to be the higher ups, running the hit and here to make sure that I wouldn't bother their gang anymore.

I took a deep breath and readied my knives, I wanted to make this quick and quiet. I was going to make plenty of noise with those two and I wanted as much time with them as I could before the police came. A sinister grin crept across my face. <Game time>

The door exploded open and almost left it's hinges as it was hit with a lock shattering kick. Four men all holding sawed off shotguns quickly entered the room and began quickly scanning the room with their eyes as the light of the cheap fluorescent motel sign illuminated the entry. Once their initial scan provided nothing, they began to probe deeper into the room and started to walk around. One man walked the length of the room and began to check the bathroom, another man walked to the bed side table and started rifling through the drawers. The third man got on his hands and knees to check under the bed and the final man was keeping a watchful eye, standing just beyond the door. Unfortunately for him, he didn't check behind the door, a mistake he didn't live long enough to regret as I slid a knife into the base of his skull while gently lowering his body as I closed the door. Without making a sound, I stealthily walked up to the man checking under the bed and used my hunting knife to give him a thorough ear canal exam. I caught his body as it fell and lowered it quietly before throwing another knife into the back of the man standing in the bathroom's doorway's head. My movements must have been caught in the bedside thug's periphery because he spun around and tried to target me with his shotgun whilst yelling for back-up.


Before he could finish I had closed the distance between us and plunged my knife deep into his throat and watched the life fade from his eyes.

<I didn't think I was capable of this brutality....but they deserved it, they dared to take from me.....where is this coming from?>

The men outside heard the initial scream and came charging through the already broken door, guns raised and ready for war. The first four through the door carried a combination of pistols and AK47s and the two behind them each had a Desert Eagle pistol. I threw two of my remaining four knives at the first four as I sprinted towards them. Moments after my knives buried themselves deep into their targets skulls, I reached the group and landed a powerful elbow strike to one man that caved in his skull and a snap kick that crushed his chest cavity of the other. The only two left were the ones I was interested in talking to. They shared a look at each other and turned to run as a drew my last two knives. As they began running I quickly stabbed one of them deep in the front of his leg, through his quadriceps and into his femur. His face twisted in pain as he fell to the ground clutching his leg. The man that was closer to the door, had managed to get several metres down the corridor before I sent him crumbling to the ground with a well placed knife throw to the back of his right leg. I turned to the man I stabbed and quickly knocked him unconscious with a jab before leaving the room and carrying the other man back to avoid the blood trail from dragging him.

After the men were securely in my room, I checked the corridor and looked for any suspicious activity in the nearby windows, when I was convinced that no one had been watching or was aware of what was going on I closed the door and placed some of the bodies against it to prevent it reopening. I secured the two men I left alive to two chairs with cable ties and duct tape and gagged them with duct tape. When the men awoke a day later, I explained my rules to them.

"I'm going to ask you a question and I want an answer. If you don't answer or I don't like your answer or I don't believe your answer then I'm going to punish you by taking away something like a finger or an ear or an eye or....." I looked down at their groins suggestively. "Do you understand?"

They both nodded their heads violently as terror began to fill their eyes.

"Good" I smiled as I dragged one of the chairs into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

Over the next two days I asked a lot of questions and whilst they may have been a little hesitant to answer truthfully at first. The reality of their ever growing loss of body parts and the constant pain they were feeling became a great motivator and I finally got the answers I wanted. Apparently Valerie had been taken to warehouse on the outskirts of town and was being held there with several other kidnapped women which they planned to ship into the Eastern Europe and sell off to the sex trade. When I finally found the answers I was looking for the rage and hatred grew so loud inside me that I couldn't hear anything else, I couldn't even think straight. It grew so loud that I couldn't help myself from brutally and painfully killing the two men I had been questioning. My hatred blocked out everything and sent me on a war path to the warehouse.


I took my knives from the bodies, the two desert eagles, two AK47s and a set of car keys from the bodies before I doused the room, furniture and bodies in petrol and set it alight as I left the motel and took one of their cars and made my way the warehouse. As I grew closer to the warehouse the voice of my hatred grew louder as the fiery inferno swelled within me.

<The time for stealth and peace is over. NOW IS THE TIME FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING.>

Without any further thought I grabbed my weapons and placed a brick on the car's accelerator and rolled out of the door as the car hurtled towards the warehouse. I readied one AK47 and began shooting anyone that looked even slightly like they were involved, each shot landed with an absolute precision that I should not have been capable of with my lack of experience. When the first gun was emptied I dropped it and switched to the second and continued shooting as I marched my way into the warehouse through the path the car had carved. Within minutes the second gun was empty and the body count was over 50. A smirk crept across my face as I pulled out the two desert eagles and continued my onslaught. I walked room to room killing everyone I found with no thought or hesitation, only hatred.

After laying waste to all of the smaller rooms, there was only the large storage section of the warehouse left. As soon as I entered the large room I was assaulted by the sight of thirty Cobra members standing in a semicircle staring down their guns at me. A raised my two desert eagles and readied myself.

"Unfortunately for you, we got concerned when our men didn't report back from the hit and we shipped them off yesterday. So there is no way you can save them now and since you're about to die anyway that doesn't really matter." Taunted a voice from the group. It came from a large man standing in the middle of the group behind two other men. He was covered in Cobra tattoos and had the State President insignia on his vest.

<I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but I need to get to him.>

I took a deep breath and readied myself as we all readied our guns. But before anyone could pull their trigger, they started dropping like flies as their heads just seemed to explode.

"You're always getting us into to trouble Eks, but it's always for the right reasons which is why we still keep following you." A voice called out from nowhere.

"I'm not sure what's going on but I need that one alive." I called out as I pointed at the President. His eyes filled with confusion at the sight of his men dying from apparently nothing.

"Got it." Came the voice again. Within moments on the president was left standing in sea of blood and grey matter, his body frozen in shock and his face covered in disbelief. I took that moment to lunge forward and knock him unconscious.

As the surveyed the carnage two figures slowly appeared out of the nothingness. One was tall, dark and bulging with muscles, he looked somewhat familiar. The other was shorter but by no mean short and had shoulder length black hair and a scruffy unshaven face, he also looked somewhat familiar. Familiar like the dying moments of dream as you begin to wake. They were both holding weapons that looked a lot like assault rifles, yet clearly not. They looked like a more futuristic and powerful version you'd seen in a game or movie.

"Long time no see Eks, we came as soon as we got the signal." Said the shorter man.

"Signal? Also why do you keep calling me Eks? My name is Zack." I replied perplexed.

"It's complicated, we'll explain on the ship."


"Yeah, just grab that guy and follow us."

The hatred that had been burning deep within me over the last week was suddenly receding and was replaced by pure confusion and many burning questions. As they turned to leave, I slung the President over my shoulder and followed them.