
Chapter 80

Arum bought a pair of crystal mandarian ducks from the seller and was now driving back to Seoul.

"What's the big deal about this?"

She didn't feel good while driving all the way, with the pair on the passenger's seat.

Would she go and watch the sea if she was with Hojoon?

Right after receiving the pair of used crystal mandrian ducks from the seller, she headed for Seoul right away.

When she filled it up at the gas station, his face came to her mind.

Even though she filled up the gas, she felt empty in heart.

She keenly felt the veracity of the old saying, 'You don't notice it when your lover is with you, but you notice it instantly when your lover is gone."

Feeling under the weather all along, she came back to Seoul early in the morning the next day.

In the afternoon, she reported to work.

Obviously, she couldn't concentrate on work. She googled 'Soran Cho' dozens of times on the search engine while working. But there was no news about her alleged suicide attempt.

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