

It was close to mid-night; Amanda slightly pushed the door and entered the room. Lights were lit. Amanda saw two children were sleeping together on the bed. Leonardo was hugging Angela's left arm. Whereas, Angela had this story book under her left hand. She was sleeping quite peacefully. Amanda noticed the blanket sheet wasn't properly covering them, she gently glided it on them, tuned off the lights and left.

In the hall way, Amanda saw light coming out of the study room. She predicted who it'd be. Amanda knocked the door and stepped in.

Jennifer saw Amanda entering the room she closed the book and faced Amanda with a warm smile, "Ah, Amanda! did you just arrive?"

"Yes Ma'am!", Amanda affirmed. "Yawn! You must—be really tired—why don't you get some rest!", Jennifer advised. Amanda raised her brows in confusion because the one who seemed tired was none other than Jennifer herself.

She chuckled, "I think you need to rest too Ma'am! Because you seem more exhausted than me!" Jennifer grinned upon hearing the rejoinder of the latter. "Yawn! I will! I will!"

Amanda was about to leave when she turned around and asked, "Ma'am there was a girl with young master. Is she a guest?"

"Oh, you mean Angela! No, she isn't…she is the grand-daughter of Rebecca. She arrived here after you left. I didn't know it either until Rebecca told me. I wanted to introduce her to Leonardo –but that cheeky brat discovered her before me and befriended her. She's an innocent girl so I permitted her to play with Leonardo." Jennifer replied while gazing at the book.

"Uh—is young master happy with her?"

"Oh yes! He is! He's been very happy for the past few weeks while you were on your business trip—he often asked me about you. I think he will be really happy to see you."

Amanda nodded, "It's really good to hear that young master asked for me!", commented Amanda. "I'll take my leave Ma'am. Good night!", she turned around and left.


At dawn, "Wakey! Wakey! Angela! It's time for breakfast!" Leonardo was waking up Angela who sleeps like a log after working for six hours every day. Leonardo faced this problem every now and then when Angela fell asleep before him. But the latter never minded it in the first place instead, he enjoyed waking her up by sitting beside her and gently pinches her snow-white cheeks. In that way Angela woke up by witnessing Leonardo beside her. Sometimes Angela got up and cuddles Leonardo back into the bed as a joke.

"Come on, wake up already! We will be late for the breakfast and grandma will get mad at us again!" Leonardo warned Angela who was drowsing.

"Angela, wake up!", Leonardo poked her cheeks softly. Since Leonardo was younger than Angela, his hands were really soft therefore his touch felt soothing. Angela felt sleepier, she often enjoyed this feeling when Leonardo poked her cheeks.

Few seconds later, Angela struggled and opened her pure bottle green eyes. She lazily stared at Leonardo. "Come on, get up Angela! Or grandma will be angry!", pouted Leonardo. Angela nodded with a smile. She got up and went for the restroom. When she came back and asked in her sign language, "Did you brush your teeth?"

Leonardo shook his head and said, "I was waiting for you."

"Come on, let's do it together."

Leonardo went in the washroom and both brushed their teeth. Angela teased him a little by throwing water-droplet on him or touch him with her cold hands. Her every action made Leonardo giggle and brought smile on the girl's beautiful face.

After brushing their teeth, they dress up and comb their hairs. Leonardo often asked Angela to comb her hairs. Because he loved combing Angela's red-fiery long hairs to her waist. As for the girl she felt really happy; being treated like a princess by the heir of the Guryon family.

After that they both went down stairs at the dining table where Jennifer was waiting for both of them.

"Good morning grandma! Good morning granny Rebecca!", greeted Leonardo. As for Angela she bowed her head a bit to Jennifer and Rebecca.

As both sat on the chair across Jennifer. "You are late again!", Jennifer mentioned. "I am sorry grandma! Its Angela's fault again. She's a sleepy head!"

"Hmm~", Jennifer glanced at Angela, "Is this true Angela?" asked Jennifer. Angela didn't know what to say so she just lowered her head in embarrassment. Jennifer smiled, "It's okay dear! I thought it might be Leonardo but since it's Angela, I will let it slide."

"That's so unfair! You always punish me when I am at the fault but you do this every time when she wakes up late!", Leonardo objected whereas Angela giggled helplessly after hearing the latter.

"Who is unfair to my sweetheart?", a voice echoed in the dining hall from entrance. Leonardo recognized the voice therefore, he glanced behind him in surprise and saw Amanda walking in his direction. He quickly jumped down from the chair and ran towards her. "Aunt Amanda! You're back!", he yelled. Amanda crouched down and hugged him. She picked him up and pecked him strongly on his cheek, "I missed my darling soooo much!"

When Jennifer brought Leonardo home, he just conversed with her only. After a few days, Amanda took the initiative to talk to him; at first, he just nodded and shook his head during the conversation.

Few days later, Leonardo opened up a bit to Amanda. As time went on a relationship of trust was built between them. And so, they both become friendly with each other. One month later he called Amanda 'Aunt Amanda' which she cherished most. Amanda spent her free time with him.

After working for hours in the office, Amanda mostly arrives home late at night. Even though her time with Leonardo was twice or thrice a week but she counted it as a blessing. Because she treats him like her own flesh and blood. Amanda became his mentor after Jennifer and taught him many things, such as; manners, etiquettes, ethics and many other things.

On the table, Jennifer and Angela were watching the duo. Jennifer had this pleasant smile on her face after viewing their reunion. Whereas, Angela was staring at them blankly. She didn't know what to do at such a moment.

"I missed you too, Aunt Amanda!"

"Really!" Amanda narrowed her eyes, "But I don't believe you!"

"Why?", Leonardo asked quizzically. "Because you didn't kiss me that is why!", Amanda pouted deliberately.

"Oh~", said Leonardo as he comprehended the meaning of her uncertainty. He kissed Amanda on her cheek and asked, "Do you believe me now?"

"Now I do!", Amanda accepted and hugged Leonardo tightly. "Oh! Oh! Aunt Amanda! Aunt Amanda! I made a new friend!"

"Oh really~ where is this your new friend? Can I meet her?", asked Amanda even though she knew but for his sake she pretended to be unaware. She put Leonardo down, he quickly stood beside Angela.

"Angela! I want you meet my Aunt Amanda!"

The girl got down from chair and stood next to him. In meantime, Amanda stopped before the duo, she closely examined her beautiful stunning face. Angela put her hands together in front and bowed her head respectfully.

Seeing her like this Amanda gave a satisfactory smile and commented, "So this little miss Angela is a friend of our young master!" Amanda crouched on her knees before Angela and asked, "Why don't you introduced yourself?"

Angela glanced at Leonardo with a puzzled look. She made a hand sign to Leonardo. He nodded and informed Amanda, "She can't talk Aunt Amanda."

Amanda was taken by surprise by Leonardo's reply. She slightly furrowed her brows, "Why?"

"Because she's a mute!", Leonardo replied earnestly.

Hearing his answer Amanda stared Angela with totally baffled expressions. Her view about Angela changed completely after hearing the latter's reply. Angela's gaze was directed downward all this time. She knew who Amanda was by name but never saw her in person. This was the first time Angela saw Amanda who emanated dominance more than Jennifer hence she felt really nervous in front of her.

Amanda sensed vibes of anxiousness from Angela. She grinned inwardly and tilted her chin gently. Angela pursed her lips and looked straight in the eyes of Amanda while feeling uneasy.

"She's so beautiful! Yet, she's so innocent!", Amanda thought to herself.

Amanda quickly recovered and informed, "Don't be nervous! I won't punish someone who is friend with my nephew. Just be good to him but don't spoil him. okay?"

Angela was already blushing due to nervousness. She nodded her head with great difficulty. "What's her name?", Amanda asked Leonardo. "Her name is Angela Evergarden. She is the grand-daughter of Granny Rebecca."

Angela made some sign to Leonardo this instant. Amanda noticed and asked, "What did she say?"

"She said she is really happy to meet you." Leonardo translated. Amanda eye brows raised when she heard her reply. "Same here!", Amanda mentioned. She faced Leonardo and asked, "Leonardo did you learn the sign language behind my back?"

Leonardo nodded, "Yes I did."

"And what was the reason?"

"Since Angela is a special girl and my only friend here so I need to learn her special language to understand her what is she saying." Leonardo replied truthfully. "Very good! Now let's eat!", Amanda praised. She got up and greeted Jennifer, "Good Morning Ma'am! Good morning granny Rebecca!"

"Good morning!", Jennifer and Rebecca greeted back simultaneously.

After few minutes later they finished the breakfast. Angela and Rebecca went into the kitchen while Leonardo went out in the lawn with the sign book in his hand. Amanda and Jennifer were left at the table.

"Ma'am, are you okay with this?", asked Amanda. "What do you mean?", Jennifer said with confusion. "I meant the friendship between young master and the girl." Amanda clarified her previous question. "Yes, I am totally fine with it." Jennifer said while sipping the tea. Amanda frowned, "You won't mind if they develop feelings for each other!"

"Relax Amanda! Leonardo is just five. He won't be able to develop that kind of feelings until he crosses the age of ten. And the way we are bringing him up he won't have much time for love."

"I agree but—what about the girl?", asked Amanda sternly. Jennifer focused her gaze upon Amanda, "What about her?"

"I think Angela likes him."

Hearing her reply Jennifer wasn't startled. She put down the cup and commented, "Isn't it a good thing?"

Amanda was startled. "Should I talk to Rebecca for her grand-daughter's hand in marriage? ...take a good look at Angela—she's so beautiful, smart and innocent as an Angel. There is no reason for me to overlook such an opportunity. I think Rebecca wouldn't mind." Jennifer teased Amanda.

"MA'AM! How could you say that so casually?", Amanda frowned at Jennifer.

"Ho~ Ho~ Look at you getting all flustered over something so little!", Jennifer poked fun at Amanda. "Ma'am! I am serious!", Amanda furrowed her brows.

"So am I!", Jennifer mentioned in a tranquil.

"What! …are you seriously saying that Leonardo should marry Angela one day? Don't you think it will trouble us in the future if people find out that Angela is just an ordinary girl."

"Trouble…you say!", Jennifer squinted her eyes.

"…It's just…my intuition that Leonardo would face trouble if we let them be in the future." Amanda replied with a stern face.

"…Amanda! Nobody knows the future so stop being ridiculous!"

"But what I am trying to say is—"

Jennifer raised her hand and closed her eyes. "I know you worry for the future of my grandson. But—keep in mind that destiny is not in our hands. Take my late daughter for example. Even though we possess the power in the empire but we still couldn't save her. So don't worry about the future because I know—" Jennifer opened her eyes and looked in the eyes of Amanda, "—that my grandson will become someone great—so great that his name would be written in the history like legends in the past—and he will never be forgotten!"

Amanda noticed the firm determination in the latter's eyes and asked, "Is this some dream you had or just a feeling?"

"Neither! –—it's just my intuition!", Jennifer curled her lips upward.

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