
Where's Deku?

"How's that new guy doing? Both of you settling in nicely?" Shouto asked him as they sat outside a Starbucks around the corner of Izuku's apartment, his hands cupping his steaming coffee cup tightly.

Izuku swallows a bite of his chocolate croissant, a sigh escaping his lips when he feels the warm chocolate filling linger in his mouth. He sucks at his frappe a bit before responding. "He's… Good. I think. I mean, I've… Uh— cats aren't like dogs?"

Shouto snorts. "Uh, yeah, they aren't."

Izuku narrowed his bright emerald eyes at his friend, "Of course, I meant more… Like… I never grew up with a cat, though. Mom and Toshi both loved dogs. She never would've guessed that I'd adopt a kitten."

"Tell Inko and Toshinori I say hello, by the way. I swear, even though you guys aren't blood-related, you both act the same. Both always breaking bones, bright eyes, always crying—"

Izuku quickly interjected. "Hey! The bones breaking is in the past now! High school sports are deadly… I can't say much about the crying part… All three of us can fill the oceans with our tears," Izuku chuckled. "Toshi's a good guy, I'll tell them both if you promise to stop spreading rumors."

"Can only promise so much, Izuku. Now, for spreading rumors, that's more of Ochako's forte, right?" Shouto sipped at his coffee, his lips lingering at the mouth of the plastic lid.

They both fell into a comfortable silence afterwards, the autumn air already dropping by the minute, the breeze gaining more force. Izuku shivered involuntarily, already regretting his cold coffee drink. "Have you heard from Hitoshi lately? I feel like he'd like to visit to see the cat."

Shouto hummed in agreement, "I can ask Tenya. I'm sure Mei keeps in touch with our insomniac friend. Tenya tries to get Mei to sleep too, from what I've heard. And seen on her late night Snap stories."

"Tenya should just give up already, the girl will never sleep." Izuku chuckled and uncapped his dome lid to chug the rest of the drink down. He smacked the now empty cup down on the cool metal of the table, another harsh shiver vibrated his body from head to toe.

"It's already November and you're still religiously chugging down those slushies. Get sick, I guess. Inko will probably kill you if I take you to the Emergency Room."

"I'll manage…," Izuku said confidently, before adding a soft, "I think."

Shouto snorted as he scooted his chair back, the metal feet scratching against the cold cement like nails on a chalkboard. "Gotta stay a good body temp for the new kitty. You know if ya brought the little noodle to your parents that All Might will tear him to shreds. That dog is terrifying."

"All Might is not terrifying. You're just a coward and a fool," Izuku stood up stiffly, wrapping his jacket closer to himself to create some heat. "You're just scared of that old mutt because Enji only had cats."

"Don't forget that little pigeon, Hawks."

Izuku snorted which only caused him to cough into the cool air. "How can I forget your little Hawks? Why did you even name a pigeon that?"

"Can you blame me? The old cat's name was Endeavor! What kinda shitty name is that?"

The pair paused before laughing out, Izuku moving quickly to Shouto's "warm side" and cuddling closer as Shouto wrapped his left arm around his shoulders. "Are ya heading to your Mom's now?"

Shouto shook his head, "I told her I'll be late today. She told me to visit her tomorrow morning instead. I'm sure the hospital wouldn't enjoy another late night visit from me. Plus, I wanna see Baku."

"He might not like you, just a warning. He scratched Mom's arm when she picked him up."

"Oh, so I guess now I gotta defend Inko's honor. Would you call the police if I wrestled your cat?"

Izuku gasped and looked up at Shouto's mismatched eyes. "That's abuse! Mr. Todoroki, that's not professional in the slightest. What would your father say?"

"Don't make me laugh, Izuku. The old bastard'll probably send me away like he did with Mom," Shouto snickered before sighing when he watched Izuku's face fall. "I won't wrestle the cat. Maybe play wrestle, but nothing too violent. I promise."

Izuku held out his pinkie, his hand cold and shaky. Shouto rolled his eyes and scoffed at the childish action before linking his own warm pinkie and hooking them together tightly. "Let's go inside already, you look like a block of ice."

Izuku took that as an invitation to run around the corner to his apartment building, quickly sliding through the front door and waiting by the stairs inside for his friend. He saw Shouto move swiftly inside, cracking open the door a bit to slide inside, then shedding off his puffy jacket as the warm lobby air hit him. They both went upstairs to Izuku's floor, and turned the staircase to the other side, stopping in front of his door.

"Have you signed your new lease yet? It would suck if they rented out 1-A already to some other folks," Shouto joked, teasing Izuku about his rental problems from the year before.

Izuku glared at him, before turning around to slip off his bulky red sneakers by his door. He beelined straight to his AC unit, turning on the heater to warm up quicker.

"Where's the little guy?" Shouto questioned into the empty living room.

"He should…," Izuku dropped to his knees roughly, he hissed as he looked under the couch, "if he's not under here, he should be in my bedroom."

"Are you sure I can't defend Inko's honor?" Izuku glared at him with a frown. Shouto held his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll get him."

"Use food to lure him out if he's under the bed!" Shouto heard Izuku call out as he moved to the small hallway.

"I'm still gunna wrestle that bastard, no one hurts Inko on my watch," Shouto grumbled when he opened the door to Izuku's bedroom, his eyes scanning the bright, yet extremely messy, bedroom. He saw an orange tail slip under the bed quickly, and Shouto smirked.

He dove under the bed, not before baseball sliding to the front of it, feeling his knees scrape against his jeans and the curly carpet underneath him. He hissed from the sting and the fact that the cat escaped just as quickly.

Shouto cursed, Izuku yelling out, "Are you okay?" in concern. "I'm fine, the brat is smart and fast. The bastard." Taking in a steady breath, Shouto pressed against the floor to sit up criss-cross, his red-and-white hair peeking just above Izuku's thick comforter. He heard some heavy movements on the mattress in front of him and he held back a laugh as he jumped forward to catch Baku.

Shouto didn't feel a flurry of cat hair in his arms. No. Instead he felt skin and a leg. He looked up, swallowing back another string of curses when his eyes met bright red ones on a human face. A naked human male.

"Hey, what'dya do with Deku?" Baku asked.

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