
Beginning of the End

( . . . ) : Oh great soul. You who have died and reicarnated over and. over again . Stained with evil . Virtious with righteousness.

(MC): Ahm. ok ?!

( . . . ) : You who have survived countless tribulation and still never been broken. You who have succumbed to a dark path.

(MC): This is getting confusing. ( why does this dude even say such condraticting things. i dont get it. I'm just a normal guy. I'm just on my way to buy chips ok. Why am i even here, where is this place, why is it so damn brigth!)

( . . . ) : You who have took all paths , WAIT. . .

What do you mean condraticting , all i have spoken about you is the thruth and nothing but the thruth.

(MC) : ( Did this dude just read my mind ) I didnt say anything ahm should i call you what sir?

( . . . ) : You who have been here count . . * sigh * enough with this .

Boy yes i can read your mind , thoughts , even your spirit .

You have been here so many times already .

You have been thru death and rebirth of samsara thru the 6 paths

the human path [manusya realm]

the animal path [tiryag realm ]

the hungry ghost path [preta realm ]

the hell realm [naraka realm]

the demi-god path [asura realm]

and finally

the god path [deva realm]

you are here for the last time to achieve nirvana

to be free from the cycle of reincarnation.

to be perfect and unblemished.

to be at peace and be never ending.

(MC) : . . .

( . . . ) : . . . .

------------------------------------------------------------ONE ETERNITY LATER . .



( . . . ) : That took you a life time to take that in.


( . . . ) : As exactly as i said. one lifetime. a child was born in your last life and died of old age by now. one life time.





( . . . ) You done child ?

(MC ) : I can't believe this. { crying } my family , what about my family. please my family { more crying }. My mother and my little sister are they well what has become of them please . atleast tell me.

[ a/n : dont judge me i dont like to type huhuhu for crying sounds ]

( . . . ) : its been two life times now. The family you are shouting at for has already left thier plane and moved on thru the cycle ones more. Currently your ' grand child ' the youngest child of your younger sister is an old man now at his deathbed at that. Your mother grieved for you since you have been missing for a long time.She searched for you for a long time till she moved on in her life for your little sister . She died an old woman, but never gave up on believing that you are still alive.

Your sister on the otherhand gave up on finding you once your mother died , believing you have already died long ago . She indulged your mother in her fantasy that they can still find you but in her mind she already accepted the fact that you are dead . She thought that if you were still really alive they would have already met you , but they didnt. She died at the age of 60 due to heart attack.

Although you didnt ask for the wellness of your father , he did on multiple times tried to search for you . He reconsiled with your mother 2 weeks after your dissappearance but your mother never accepted him and he died a year later.

He left your mother when you were still a kid right , he has a mistress then but when he ran out of money he stried to come back to your mother because his mistress left. Thats when he found out that you were missing but i know you dont care about that right.

(MC) : { lost conciousness }

( . . . ) : * sigh * how long will he be out. last time it was and endless repeating shouting of ' no ' . Now he drops down and losses conciousness . oh well , might aswell have a nap.

------------------------------------------------------------ONE HOUR LATER


Our MC woke up from fainting after hearing what the figure has told him about his family. He never thought that just a trip to the convinience store he would actually walk straight to this wierd world of nothingness. straight nothingness and a man made of light suddenly appearing in front of him and spouting words and terms that for him are too condracting for the meaning of that words meant. Thing like evil and rightousness , isnt that polar opposite of what the other represents? For him it doesnt make sense.

He sat in the same spot he fainted , to see the figure that talked too much , sleeping. Complete with loud snoring and a single line of rainbow colored drool dropping from the side of its supposed mouth.

He has never seen such thing in his life. Then it hit him.

He remembered what the humanoid thing made of light told him about his family and what has happened of them after he spend two life times in this nothingess . His stupidity cost him two life times worth of doing nothing and solving nothing , instead of just being calm and process the words that the figure told him and maybe figuring out how to get back to his family , he rather chose to act on impulse and do stupid shit and even shout the word no repeatedly. Like an actual idiot. Two life times wasted.

( . . . ) : You are right about that boy. W-A-S-T-E-D.

Whispered the figure of light to our MC

( . . . ) : Now i will give you more time to digest this facts that i told you , after that we will procede to talk about what will happen after you accept them alright? good ?! ok im gonna sleep again.

And so our MC calmed himself and reflect the things the humanoid light construct told him.

Samsara . He already passed the 6 paths of rebirth and he is on his way to achieving nirvana.

(MC ) : But how ?! OK . . . . there is more to this.

If i was really to achieve nirvana , then thats means . . .


Does that mean other religions and gods are not real?!

( . . . ) : Well actually yes but actually no.

(MC ) : Your awake already ?!

( . . . ) : I am always awake and asleep at the same time. i am concious and uncouncious all the time.

(MC) : Here we are again with this confusing things you say. Why do you always say things that contradict each other.

( . . . ) : Its all in the existance boy. i both exsist and don't . I am and i am not. Ever heard of i am the alpha and the omega ?!

And before you bow and kowtow , no , i don't need that.

Also before we proceed all religions pertain to me.

All those you call ' GOD ' or higher being is me and its the problem of your ancestors for their diffirent interpretation of me. They all always represent me as this and that with wings , or colored blue with 6 arms and a third eye. I dont even know what the smoked to view as that as it was as simple as just ' SEE ' me with your mind heart and soul 's eye. but no i was rather be viewed as a man riding a winged craft or the one where i was riding a cloud or rather i was a winged serpent from the skies.

* SIGH * And what about those messengers , its just me ok , just me. Then here comes angels , demons, and other so called 'supernatural ' that give my word.

Let me be clear its just me and all thise what they see are just what they think is me got it ? !

Our MC sprung up almost instantly , straight back , stomach in - chest out military like pose saluted.


( . . .) : * SIGH * Enough . Ok now thats clear the reason you are here is because you have died in the last realm the lowest , the human realm.

Yes you died many times each and ever time your karma tips from bad to good ypu change realms or paths . And every time you pass your life ypu end up here in this nothingness or so called void to have you judged and transfer realm and you child passed all the realms all 6 of them and ready for ' NIRVANA ' but befo. . .

(MC) : Pardon me my LORD but, i dont remember dying in my past life in earth or mortal realm . All i remember is going to the conviniece store to buy chip that all.

As our MC finished speaking , the man made of light just sighs once more and as if a giant hologram appeared above his head and show a scene showing our MC going to a store in the city of tokyo and in above his head there was a falling billboard ready to smash his head in.

(MC) : Is this , how i died my lord. [ really a billboard with the word


( . . . ) : Yes really.

(MC) : . . . . . .

(. . . ) : Any other questions now ?!

As calm as he can be our MC just shook his head. Although he has his doubts about his survival in earth he no longer cared for he has already know what has become of his mother ang sister when he died.

( . . . ) : You should ask more boy. Has it ever entered your mind that when i say your mother and sister came looking for you as if you where missing when the scene i should you is where you supposed death thru being squashed by a billboard.

Before he can answer GOD cut him to it.

( . . . ) : I transported your body here before the signage hit you so there is no body underneath the debree so as to appear that no one is under the billboard and your family will just assume that you are just missing. And no there is no witnessess as there in no one near you when it happen and the security cameras are all in blind spots of the incident so there was no investigation about your death . Just an investigation about a billboard falling from 5 stories above hitting no one just pavement. Oh before i forget there is investigation about your disappearance but they never attributed you missing with the billboard incident as it was far from where you usually buy things and as i said no witnessess.

Gobsmacked with what he heard , our MC just , in that point , accepted his fate. Heck even if this was a certain detective manga or anime , it will come up as a dud for this perfect crime though this is just GOD 's intervention if you will call it is too damn perfect.

(MC) : So , ahm GOD . What will happen to me ?!

I mean with all this you have said , i have some ideas about samsara but about me being reicarnated in all and i mean all planes , well its quite difficult for me to accept . I am but just a mortal my Lord.

( . . . ) : I am getting quite tired explaining everything.

A ball of light flew from the being and shit straight to our MC .

He fell backwards as like being shot in the head.

As fell down memories began to spring in his mind. Non stop information

from his mind.

All his past lives , all in diffirent realms , all he has done wether be it

right or wrong. An explosion of wisdom erupted inside his very soul.

( MC ) : I understand everything now.

I was a god. I was an asura. I was a Pheonix. I was a vengeful

spirit. I was a demon. And lastly i was human.

I understand now.

I was all those things.

I was all those things both evil and holy


I Was a living example of Irony.

I was a walking contradiction.


( . . . ) : Finally. now to move on. You are to achieve nirvana but before that you must be purged of desires. All those worldy temptation you must remove from yourself before ascending. Basically your wants , you must relinquish. Regrets you must have non and what better way to do

than to basically fulfill all your dreams and be free to choose what you will do with no regrets get it ?

( MC ) : Yes my LORD i completely understand. One last question though , why am i so calm and everything i understand . Like i am a new person but its still me . All this knowledge has it changed me ?

Was is because i was a DEVA and i gained wisdom because i have my previous selfs memory and maybe countenance?!

( . . . ) : You just answered your own question.

(MC) : So it was like that. All experiences , ideas , dreams , mistakes etc etc etc all those within me and in my disposal with this power in me i can rule a world if choose to do so!

( . . . ) : Correct. Now you understand be on your journey.

( MC ) : GOD , since i was a former god myself can i choose to , you know maybe do the things you mentioned in a world of my choosing , you know maybe a fictional one . I have always dreamed to go to those worlds.

( . . . ) : Again you answered your own question. You have a perfect mind from being a former DEVA . A god so to speak so why cant you process the words . . .

" you must be purged of desires. All those worldy temptation you must remove from yourself before ascending. Basically your wants , you must relinquish. Regrets you must have non and what better way to do than to basically fulfill all your dreams and be free to choose what you will do with no regrets "

Now go on and be on the way . What ever world you go it will be as you belong in it . You will have a background most befitting for a god or in a twist of fate it will punish you for being a former vengefull spirit , an asura and demon. Anyway whatever world you it is it wont reject you and it will be up to you on how to fulfill your desires and regrets. Until then do all must you do and if ever you finish you will be transported here again . And so i will watch you but wont interfer on what you will do.

( MC ) : But what if i, lets just say that i fail or die in the world i choose. Do i start again or will be sent to another world to try again or maybe

but i hope not , that i will be reborn again in those 6 realms ?

( . . . ) You decide that for yourself . I am just going to wait here till you achieve your nirvana . Its not like any of thise 3 choices you said will affect the outcome of your journey. In the end you and i will again . Its just about the matter of time.

( MC ) : Thank you my Lord i will on my way.

( . . . ) : HHHMMMM. . . .

The figure or rather our MC fades till nothing can be seen of him and the void once again is filled with silence.

The figure made of light sat up to lotus position from his previous laying down posture and started to meditate.

It is unknown what is on his mind and he remained seated as if nothing happened.

And with our MC .

Next chapter