
Chapter 5

6 years later


Alex had grown up to a handsome boy with a well-developed body, even though he was a 10 year old but looks older than his peers, with a height of 147cm. During these 6 years, Marcus and Jane had Alex home-schooled. Alex had gone attended middle-school to experience it as he didn't have a chance in his previous life. He quit it, at the end of the first week, as he couldn't put up with the troublesome brats.

Alex hit a blockade in his cultivation. He was stuck at the pinnacle of the Great Sage realm. To progress and breakthrough, he needed to find some resources. During this time got his parents to get a few trainers in different Martial arts, he developed his style with the help of LOHP by combining different types of Martial arts he came across.

He even trained his telekinesis which progressed gradually, and he experimented everyday controlling several items with different weights to improve his control, he could now construct psionic weapons that damage a target either physically, mentally, or both in some point.

Last year he started to write a few books. Some of the books that Alex wrote were his own, whereas the others were books written by famous authors in his past life. He had shown them to his mother and asked her opinion. After getting her opinion he asked if they could publish it. Jane then contacted a publishing company she knew and got the best deal they could get.

When his parents questioned what he would like to do with the money he got. He told them to use half of it in buying shares of a few companies and keep the other half to invest in the company he starts in the future.

Alex also got to meet Susan and Johnny storm 2 years back. Marcus and Jane take him to Central Park where they meet up with Mary Storm, who was with Susan and Jonny. It turns out that his mother and Mary were friends during there Collage. Susan was two years older to him and johnny was just 6 years old at that time. They meet up frequently since then.

Susan was a cute girl with soft blonde hair and blue eyes, with a cheerful personality and a smile that makes people around her happy. Johnny was a blond-haired blue-eyed little boy just like his sister. He was just a shy, socially awkward kid right now. This was a far cry from his future playboy self. He liked spending time with Susan, as she was smarter than kids of her age. Johnny was fun to be around. They became close as brothers and often play tricks on Susan.

Mary was a stunning woman around 30 with short blonde hair whose appearance was only matched by her intelligence. Although they met a few times, she was always a rather distant person, preferring to take care of things in silence. She was never as openly affectionate as Jane, but she would always take care of them when she had time.

Mary's husband Franklin Storm is one of the greatest surgeons in the United States. Franklin was a distant man, and that was all that Law knew about him. They had met a handful of times. Franklin was busy with his work most of the time. They lived on Long Island and Mary would get them to play on weekdays or he would go there.


Alex was right now in his room training the control of elements, he had reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, so he had decided to practice his abilities and have a stable foundation. As Alex training, he could hear someone approach his room, knowing that it was Sebastian he stopped practicing.

"Master Alex, " Sebastian said knocking the door as the door opened and Alex walks out.

"what is it Sebas," Alex asks stepping out

" ah good your awake your mother has called you downstairs for breakfast" Sebastian replies

"What have you made?" Alex asks as he follows Sebastian downstairs

"Chocolate cereal. " Sebastian answers

"yum" Alex smiles as he and Sebastian arrived in the kitchen where Marcus and Jane were eating.

"good morning honey " Jane smile when she sees him.

"good morning mom, good morning dad" Alex answers as he sat down on the table, and Sebastian places the cereal bowl in front of him."Thanks" Alex said before eating

"So what are planning to do today," Jane asks

"Well, its Saturday so I was going to visit Susan and johnny " Alex replied and continues to have his breakfast.

"Okay have fun."

" well its time for me to go," Marcus said as he got up "Should I drop you off there Alex, "Marcus asks

"Yes dad, Sebas could you coming to get me in the evening, "Alex asks

"Sure Master Alex"Sebastian answers


Marcus dropped off Alex outside the storm siblings' house and got off. As Alex got near the house he could hear an argument between Franklin and Mary. Just then franklin got out the house, spared him a look, and walks away. Alex then enters the house and sees Mary too was going out.

"Aunt Mary, is there any problem. I just saw Mr storm leave in a hurry" Alex asks

" Its nothing Alex. It's just that we had a disagreement," Mary replied with a self-deprecating smile.

"Susan and johnny are upstairs, see you later I have to go now, "Mary said and sets off.

As Alex goes near the stair he sees Susan and Johnny coming down, and greets them

"Hello, sue, hey johnny how have you two been. " Alex greets

"Hey there Alex, I'm fine, "Susan said with a fake smile.

"Alex your hear, " Johnny said excitedly

"Yes, johnny I promised I would come over, can you go and get the ball, " Alex asks johnny

"ya sure"

"Is everything alright sue, I overheard your parents arguing? "Alex asks

"You heard that hu, they been arguing for two weeks now" Susan replied in a depressed tone.

"Do you know what is it about"

"It's about some disagreement they had at work, the past few days they have been ignoring me and johnny "

"I ask my mom to have a speak with aunt mary, you and johnny can come to stay over my place for a while. "

"Thank you, Alex. that might help"

"Come on now let's see were johnny has gone off to."

Hey guys

I don't know what to say about this chapter, I think it's a bad one. Please comment with your opinion good or bad and what to change and improve.

Moon_Fictioncreators' thoughts
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