

As the sun set,lily became tired after wandering here and there with shina. On their way countless beauties envied her. To have a god looking male beside her sure drew countless envy towards her. She could only sigh on this fact. Both of them headed towards the mu mansion. As they got inside, a sweet voice drew their attention on herself. It was mu runyun dressed in pure light blue. She has sharp features mainly seductive one. On the sight of master yun, mu runyun blushed inocently. She then walked towards him completely ignoring mu rui and said in a gentle voice " Master yun, i have prepared a little tea party today. If you could join it would be my pleasure."

Mu runyun knows well from some past days experience that master yun doesnt like coaxing words nor does he like shrew or clingy ones.Although she was anger to death upon seeing mu rui with master yun but she didnt showed her anger.She cant destroy her pure sister image in front of master yun.

Shina aka master yun doesnt have any mood to attend this sort of tea parties. upon seeing that master yun has a ignorant face mu runyun inwardly cursed. She immediately said " Sister mu rui ,you have been lost for a long time so you didnt get the chance to enjoy such good parties. Why dont you join us?"

Mu rui smiled a little and immediately replied " why not?"

Seeing mu rui agreeing, shina sighed and replied " Okay we will attend."

As the tea party is going to be held after an hour,mu runyun retired from the place to oversee the preparation. Shina then followed mu rui to her courtyard. After reaching her courtyard ,he stood outside while allowing mu rui to get inside. At that moment mu rui stopped and said " Didnt i told you that you dont need to stand outside. You can come whenever you want."

Shinas eyes twitched a little. He just wanted to ask that ' Whether this little lady cares about her chasity or not.'

But he dont want to argue as he was tired and got inside.Mu rui got inside and sat on the chair facing the window. He long black silky hair were set loose. Shina sat on the bed and this time he was a little free as compare to previous times.

shina admiring her beauty asked " Why you suddenly decided to go to tea party?"

Mu rui yawned and replied " To drink eat and bully ."

Shina massaged his temples and asked " You dont seem to be having any kind of energy. How can you bully others little lady?"

Mu rui then said " I have my ways little one."

Upon hearing ' little one' Shina really wants to say ' you are little ,your whole family is little, my height is perfect.'

After resting for an hour both lily aka mu rui and shina decided to go to this certain tea party. As they arrived at the feng paviallion located in mu mansion . Feng paviallion is exactly like a little paviallion in middle of lotus lake. Bamboo tress are grown on the edge of the lake. Small lotus shaped lights were arranged encircling the open paviallion. Today the moon was full and its silver lights were bathing the whole lake. It was beautiful.

As lily saw the beautiful scene ,she cant help but admire it. Her mood became better upon seeing such a place. She always liked such kind of places. She along with shina walked towards the paviallion. Both looked beautiful. Shina's long violet hairs and those deep black eyes emits nobility. Lily already looks damm good so there is no need to boost about her looks. Upon entering paviallion, lily can see 4 guys dressed quite beautifully and 3 girls sitting and chatting. There was tea , wine and delicious food on the table in middle. As for the identities of girls , she knew one was murong xi aka the 3rd princess and other was mu runyun. The last girl ' she has no idea. ANYWAY if she is in gang of these two ,she cant be good either.' And hence this was lily's conclusion.

Among the four boys , she only knew one among them and yeah she cant remember the name. Shina geastured for her to sit in chair and after that he took a seat too.

The one to start the conversation was mu runyun.She sweetly said " sister mu rui thankyou for accepting our invitation."

Lily only nodded as a reply.

Murong xi then sneered and said " Run'er she should thankyou for inviting her . Didnt you heard what people are talking about her behind her back."

Lily didnt mind and just smiled. She completely dont understand the concept ' I throw mud on you and you throw back' She cant understand why people cant straightly shows their disdain instead of twisting their words.

One of the guy then smiled and said " Long time no see mu rui."

Lily had no idea who is he neither shina had. He just came here now only and he didnt like mingling until he dont have any ulterior motives.So as lily looked at shina for their introduction , shina could only drop his head down.

Lily then helplessly replied " Sorry. i cant remember you. I seems to have forgotten a bit."

The guy who spoke smiled a bit and said " Oh is that so! Then let me help you remember I am the fourth prince xunyuan sen ho and your fiance."

Upon hearing the word fiance her brows twitched and she imnediately lit a candle for him.

After the bomb of fiance , he then introduced the rest three guys who were his companions from the heaven's sect. The girl she didnt recognised was prime minister's legal daughter chen yulli . After a brief introduction , prince sen ho sneered " Our marriage will soon be decided. You will be my 6 th concubine."

Upon hearing his words lily didnt have any reaction but gently smiled. She knows that they are making fun of her. She is the main daughter and lord but still they balantly tried to humiliate her.

Shina all this time was seeing her reaction. As he will become her servant and subordinate , he wanted to know how can she make him submit to her completely. But seeing her calm even after such humiliating words , he cant help but get a little angry . He cant understand why she isnt replying. Does she thinks she has no powers thats why she decided to submit to fate. If it is so , he cant follow such a backless person,even if he has to go against his grandpa, he will still leave her side id she has no courage.

Lily didnt noticed the expressions of shina but was busy with drinking wine. She just smiled on their humiliating words. They were getting frustrated by her such reaction. Murong xi thought that lily will sure make fuss about such words but she never thought that she wont say a single word against them but just gently smile like we are praising her. Mu runyun was also dissapointed as she thought mu rui has changed from her past self so she will refute against their words.

After drinking her fill and eating a bit Lily's purpose was done she stood up and walked towards the end of paviallion and admired the beauty of the lake. With her back facing them suddenly she said " I hope you enjoy your visit here. As i am the lord and you all are in my territory , i will give you presents in return of your humble conversation."

Her words were extremely gentle without a hint of any malice.Upon hearing her words everyone laughed except shina who was currently damm angry to choose a coward person. As she slowly faced them,a muderous aura emitted her body which engulfed the whole paviallion. Her face was still extremely gently but her eyes were cold as ice. Everyone was taken back even shina too.

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