
The Son of the Senju and Uzumaki

Anime & Comics
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  • 18 Chs
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Tobirama Senju and his wife Himeko Uzumaki had to seal there son Radien w/ the help of Hashirama Senju before he died along with his wife Mito Uzumaki. 1 year before the Nine-Tails attacks the seal's power is un-done and thechild of Tobirama Senju and Himeko Uzumaki is un-sealed. Naruto characters are own by Masashi Kishimoto. I own my OC's. There will be Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura bashing. I mean how in the hell did Naruto get to be the strongest with only 3 jutsu , and he keep relying on the foxes power the whole time. Sasuke is cocky little shit and Sakura is one of the most usless kunoichi ever.

Chapter 1Chapter 1

At the Sarutobi Clan mansion the thrid Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi was sitting at home, smoking his pipe, working on his calligraphy. When he just finished the last stroke of the brush he looked over to his side at a scroll that he keep in his study ever since his sensei; the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju gave him the scroll before naming him the Thrid Hokage and sacrificing himself to save his comrades.

"I wonder why sensei said I have protect this scroll with my life? What's in it?"

As he was about to get up and leave the scroll was starting to smoke, and un-roll itself.

"Alright. Years of waiting I fianlly get to see what is so important."

The scroll was fully opened with a poof of smoke and laying in the middle was a crying baby with red hair and one or two silver strands here and there, and a few scrolls around him. Hiruzen was beyond shocked as his pipe dropped out of his mouth while picking up the baby.

" I can't belive this. My master wanted to protect this child?"

He wrapped the boy in a blanket he got from his daughter, rocking him to get the child to sleep while he looked at the letters that was with the child. As he read the first one he understood the Scond Hokages orders that he protecs this scroll with his life; it not only contained his son, but now one of the last of the Senju and Uzumaki's left in the world. Hiruzen looked down at the sleeping baby with a loving smile.

Dear Hokage:

This letter I'm writing is to tell the current Hokage or if I have someone I trust to give this scroll to too explain why this child was sealed inside this scroll.

Firstly my name is Tobirama Senju and in the scroll is my and my wife Himeko Uzumaki child that we sealed so he wouldn't have to grow up in a war I fear is to come. For a seal like this me, Himeko, my elder brother Hashirama Senju, and his wife Mito Uzumaki had to do the sealing, but even with us it wasn't strong enough so Mito had to use some of the Nine-Tailed Foxes charka and some of it seeped into my child Raiden, but my brother used a good bit of his Wood Style charka to regualate the Nine-Tails charka so it well do nothing but increase my son's charka coyoles and with my elders brothers charka in him there is a chance that he could have his Wood style. We don't know forsure but inside these scrolls are letters we want him to know when he finds or you tell him about his heratige. Protect my legacy with all your strength.

Tobirama Senju

"So your name is Raiden huh. Well it seems you have your mothers hair with a bit of your fathers coming threw. Maybe I should tell Tsunade that she isn't as alone as she belives... No. Per your fathers request I'll raise you for awhile until I tell you of your heritage."

He also decieded to keep him secret so Danzo dosen't get wind of him. He raised him in secret so only the Sarutobi Clan elders and his wife knew Raiden, but not his true heritage. They only know that he adopted Radien.

A year later the Nine-Tails attacked the village with the Forth Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki died sealing the fox into there newborn baby Naruto Uzumaki. With Hiruzen Sarutobi taking back the Hokage seat he couldn't be there for Radien as uch as he was a year ago.

3 Years later

A red haired child with silver highlights is seen running around the Sarutobi trainning field; wearing a dark-blue shirt and shorts with dark red trims. This is Raiden, and at 4 years old he was starting his trainning to be a ninja.

As he finished running, he sarted doing my shuriken and kunai trainning. Raiden figured just standing in one place wasn't really doing any good so he sarted running and jumping trying to get all of them to hit the bullseye on all 5 of the logs. After sometime Raiden cut my self so he went into the house to get a bandage, but after Raiden passed the Old Geezers office and a drop of his blood hit the floor it started ggoing towards something in the office. Raiden followed his blood as it went up a shelf and then after going around some books and scrolls it hit a blue scroll with a red dragon on it. After the blood hit it th scroll glowed and Raiden picked up and sit it down in the middle of the room and soon 4 scrolls with two letters popped out of the smoke. The scrolls were dark blue, white with a dark red dragon on it, yellow with the Uzumaki crest on it, and a green one with a tree on it. Radien picked up the letter with a Uzumaki crest on it.

Hello Raiden

I'm writing this while I'm crying at the reality that this is going to be the last time I get to hold you, and as your mother I am sorry you'll grow-up without me while I don't get to show you the love I am feeling for you. I would tell you why I can't be there for you but your father we'll take care of that. Now listen to me as I tell you the do's and dont's of Shinobi life. Now always remeber to eat a mix of meat, vegtables and grains. Always listen to your sensei no matter who it is, make sure you find youself a great wife and not in just looks either; she has to be as strong as you so she can fight with you in any of your battles, always take your studies seriously, make sure your friends are true friends that stands by you no matter what, oh go to the Hidden Eddy Village the land of the Uzumaki's it's in the Land of Whirlpools it's a paradise. Now I want to let you know that I will love you always, and will be looking down on you from Heaven.

Love your mother, Himeko Uzumaki

After reading the letter Raiden was crying holding the letter like his life depended on it saying his mother's name over and over in his head so he wouldn't forget it. After he calmed down he put the letter beside him and picked up the next one.

Hello Son

This is your father Tobirama Senju and I'm sure you have read your mothers letter before reading mine. I always had a feeling you would be a mother's boy, but I'll let that go. Now I want to tell you a few things that are important. 1 We had to seal you because I feel a war coming on in the coming months that will cosume the entire world. 2 Our enemies are vast and if they found out that I had a son they would stop at nothing to steal you away from me and your mother. 3 I forsee a time where the Senju clan we'll be on the brink of extinction with this war, and this isn't the last war that well come. With clans coming together fights over land will happen, and me and your mother have to fight for our homeland so when you grow up you can live in peace, and 4 we don't want you to grow up in war. Your mother and I had to and we decied that when we have a child we would make sure you didn't have to like we did. I hope you can forgive us son, and know this is the hardest decision we have ever had to make and well make. I love you son and grow strong. Stronger than everyone that came before and protect everything you hold dear to you. Know son that no matter what you do your mother and I are proud of you. On the bottom of this letter is a map to a compound that is for you and whoever you find trustworthy to train or live. It's close to the Senju compound but the area around it is full of seals that well only open to you, and after the area seals are broken they stay open unless you fix them when you get to the right seal level. The compound itself needs your blood and any you find trustworthy along with there charka to open it and when you shut the door no one can see or hear inside it. We all left somethings there for you.

Your Father Tobirama

After reading his father's letter he didn't care, but his eye's showed determination like never before to become the strongest ninja ever. Even stronger than his uncle the once called 'God of Shinobi'. After putting the letter in his pockets, picking up the scrolls and putting them in his room under his bed, and went to go see the old geezer too tell him what he found out about his parents, but something told Raiden that the geezer already knew. He would catch the geezer sometimes looking at him with a far away look in hiis eye's, since Raiden knew that his father was the sensei of the old geezer it's understandable that he would look at him with a far off look like he was remembering something or someone and know he knew who. As Raiden entered the Hokage building walking up to the second floor. Raiden came up to the door leading to the Hokage's office and entered without knocking

"Hey old geezer we need to talk"

The Thrid Hokage was sitting behind his wooden desk filled to his head with paperwork; wearing a white robe, a red kimono, and a white obi belt around his waist. As he looked up to hearing what Raiden called him again he just sighed and put his brush down and smiled at him, but when he saw the serious look on Raiden's face he knew it was serious.

" So Raiden what are you doing here? Your usually still training."

Raiden closed his eye's feeling the ANBU in the office protecting the old man. After about 5 seconds he felt 7 ANBU shinobi in the room with them. After opening his eye's he looked the old man in the "I need to talk to you alone for a second old geezer. Can you send the 7 ANBU out so we can speak in private?"

Not only the Hokage but the ANBU was surprised that a kid could sense them with there presence hidden. The Hokage nodded to his ANBU and after they left he activated his privacy seal so no one could listen to what was being said.

"Alright Raiden before you we talk can you tell me how you knew those ANBU where in here?" Raiden just surgged his shoulders answering the questiom with a normal tone

"I sensed there charka even before I got in here. I felt them from outside the building. I just needed to be sure that it was 7."

When the Hokage thought about it who his father was it made since he would be a sensory type ninja. The Hokage took out pipe and started smoking.

"Alright. So what did you want to talk about Raiden?"

Radien sat down looking at the Hokage with his red eye's, and with a steady voice said

"I know who my parents are. Himeko Uzumaki and Tobirama Senju the Second Hokage."

The old man looked on seriousness, looking Raiden right in the eye's while blowing out a puff of smoke.

"So how did you figure that information? I know no one told you as I am the only one who know of your ture heritage."

Raiden, still looking him in the eye's had a small smile on his face as he remembered the letter from his mother.

"When I finished my morning running I started my wepons trainning and I cut myself, so I went to bandage myself up, after I got myself bandaged up I was going to your office to get some ink, paper, and brush to work on my calligraphy; A drop of my blood dropped on the floor, but instead of just staying there it started going towards your shelf. My blood then started to go towards a certain scroll, and when my blood touched it it opened the scroll un-sealing some other smaller scrolls along two letters from my parents, explaining to me that since war was coming they didn't want me to grow-up in a era of war and bloodshed."

After hearing Raiden's explanation he sat back, closing his eye's, thinking about what he should he do since he know's now that he knows of his Senju blood he would want to train even harder. After sometime he came to a decsion 'since his father taught me, then I'll take the son as my student. At least until he goes to the Academy. Maybe after that.' Take a puff of his pipe he looked Raidenin the eye's and smiled at Raiden

"Alright Raiden. From now on you don't call me Lord Hokage you ca-" Before he could finished Raiden said " When do I call you Lord Hokage?"

"As I was saying. From now on you call me Sensei. Understood."

Raiden had a huge smile as he stood up

"So the student of my father is going to be my sensei huh. Sounds good when do we start?"

The Hokage did a hand sign

[ Show Clone Jutsu] a clone of the Hokage came up to Raiden picked him and Shunshin away from the Hokage Tower.

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MrBlackWing · Anime & Comics
74 Chs