
Death Revised and Revived

You'll never make me return to my old self. Forcing kindness towards someone who used people to test medicine for other people. Mercy killing, I never knew I was good at it. Or rather I'm a horrible person to be in this job. Weirdly though I can see that my great-great-grandfather had gone through this and saw the opportunity to be like this to turn it into something incredible. I'm just the way that my great-great-grandfather made me become. I came and looked at the second subject and it seems the effects are kicking in... So I prepared a pen and paper to write down the possible outcomes of this test. And what do we get? Another failure, this time the patient just straight up went silent. With a cold stare looking directly at the light of the ceiling. No pulses, blood is still normal. And I still don't understand why it ended up as a failure. All of the organs are still in one piece. I can hear the reminiscence of this patient saying. 'Someone Save Me!' I can hear you but I can't just crash down just to save one. I agreed to accept every outcome so I did. Though painful, I asked my assistants including Tom. "Will you pray for me? Or make a saint of me? Will, you lay it for me. Or make a saint for me." They fell confused after I asked them that I may cause them to give them all they have including themselves. So I wipe their tears of blood again and again. So I asked

"Heaven help us now!" As I begged till I fell asleep on the bed they carried me my assistants who thought that I was taking stress too much but Tom had other things in mind. "Miss Hailey, calling will help us now. It may be slow at first, but trust me I've seen this and I truly believe that. We will find a way and hopefully, you'll get enough courage for the next and third tests that might traumatize yourself for the rest of your life. It may lead to killing your best friend but what do we have left? I

promised to Him that I will make this right and I will make this a success. My gifts are still unknown but I hope that it opens up in this kind of situation. If I'm honest Miss Hailey can't do this alone anymore. I must call for help in Heaven too I guess. May our wings be grey, may our hands be sinned, health is what we hold, health is what we can serve, believe in the unknown, I see what others can't, red, white, and grey is our colors, thus I call upon the name, a memory, a voice that perpetuate the lives of many I call the 'Lady With a Lamp' to guide us with her mercy as she has been called the angel of mercy. May Neal Kirkstoic give us the resilience you've known for and hear our heed for we seek the future of humanity. Your judgment will come and we will accept it whether it's good or bad." My eyes lay shut but I can still hear Tom praying for us I guess...

I can hear the sound... From a voice, I've heard from before. Can someone save me? Is there anyone who understands fully what we can do in this situation? I feel something's touching my soul like someone entered it and went to fix the holes in it. It's happening way to fast for me. I feel different, it's like I've been given a trait from someone. I can't move my body but I'm still conscious though I can't open my eyes I can still think. I can still breathe, I weirdly feel the light. It's like I've been brought to another world to be revived or something. Did I die? Wait I did say I can still breathe. Suddenly I feel like jumping up... My heart suddenly spiked its heart rate. I can tell because I'm breathing way faster than I usually do. I feel hot... I feel the sweat moves from my forehead going down hitting my ears. I feel someone's hand is on my chest and it feels like it went in through it. Deep yet not painful... Tom, where are you? Where's everyone? What time is it today? Can some please explain it to me? Sir Neal? From the smallest taste, I've tried... I feel that from the smallest taste I lost something inside me. Is this what calling heaven down for me? Miss Florence? Is that you? I've gone so far and with so many promises that I will be successful in saving everyone? Have I gone through and headed the direction like my great-great-grandfather? Should I put my faith into something better? Or should I go through what looks like the trial for the better being like my great-great-grandfather? I think it's easier if I stay. So from this day onward, I have to take what they're giving me, so I accept your gifts. Heaven comes down for me to be enlightened! I still don't get what's going on with my family but I guess I have some things to search for. I guess like I'm just like my great-great-grandfather... I need a book to record everything, every change, every moment for me to pass on in case if another case like this one exists shortly. I woke up in my resting room in the lab with one of my assistants are looking after me. "Ma'am! I'm so glad that you woke up, Tom saw you fell to the floor passing out. Thankfully you weren't hurt from that. We were worried that we had to take a break just to look after you since we were really worried." I replied. "Thanks but don't you worry I can still work we need to take this medicine as soon as possible." The assistant replied. "But Ma'am you're in a bad shape right now you need to rest!" I replied. "Trust me on this one. If my great-great-grandfather hasn't sacrifice comfort for the progress he wouldn't save millions of lives. So I need to get on moving we haven't tested on... Oh yeah... The third subject..." The assistant replied. "Ma'am? Are you okay?" I replied. "I guess I have to do it then. Give me time to talk to the third subject privately." So I went to the third subject's room.

"Hey, Irina... How'd you feeling right now?" Irina replied. "Horrible to be honest. Hailey, can you be honest with me and will you work on your medicine on me?" I replied. "No, I can't I must replace you and save you from this testing... I can't kill my own best friend with my medicine." Irina replied. "No, Hailey you must. I mean you need me to be your test subject. I'm telling you I can't last any longer now. I need to be tested, don't go acting up being a hero. You really can't be a hero in this kind

of situation. My sacrifice would be useful for your development. Hailey, I know this is hard but it's for the greater good. Your great-great-grandfather had to do these thousands of times just to perfect this with every test failed. I know it's hard to follow his routes. But for every challenge, there's a choice where you choose to stay here and suffer or man up and save the world with a broken smile. There's no happy ending Hailey. And I understand, I want you to do it. Give it to me! I want to work for my friend, I want to be at use for once. I've been with you and only stood beside you. I haven't been useful in the situation. And today is my time to show that I can be a friend to you. You did abandon some of us Hailey during the golden week but I never backed down. I always believed that the Hailey I knew once was a great doctor and always will be. I can't stop time anymore it's time for you to choose Hailey. Me or Millions of people that are dying each minute once this plague mutates. It's up to you if you want to be foolish or if you want to be the 'Hero'." I replied. "I-I... I can't fight against that but if you say so then... I should do this. But before that can you write your last testament in this paper for us to remember your sacrifice." Irina took the pen and paper and wrote her last words after that we began testing on her... She took the tests like she was made for this... I can't hold back from crying. It's twice the pain that I've taken from the last two subjects to

see her die like that. I locked myself in my room to wait for the results and I began to write everything on a book to record my painful fate of being the Doctor of Death...

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