
The Research

Today was is the meeting of the plague doctors that includes me our meeting would be held on Oxford which is far from the original meeting location which is Birmingham. Thankfully the young girl was awake before this so we talked a bit about what she felt when the medicine kicked in. "Did you felt pain after that 20 minutes?" I said to the girl. "No, no pain at all. And it felt great. Oh, I never told you my name.

My name is Liana Judes, I guess you have my thanks for saving me then. You were successful in saving me you should feel better now." Indeed I felt better saving one's life again. I asked the girl. "Can you do me a favor and come with me to the meeting of the doctors in Oxford and I want to show them the mixture that I made that cured you. This could save thousands you know." The girl nodded and we headed to the underground trans system that the surviving smiths made to transport safe people while we were traveling underground I continue to write my report on a notebook that is filled with all of my progress in it making three volumes over in the past nine months.

Especially the volume 7 of my notebook where I made the report of complications starting to arise that might be the reason why people died instead of the plague based on their bodies the stage of the plague is around the second-day mark since their bodies don't look like a those who died from the plague. Since the bodies are fresher than those who were killed by the plague. So I continued to write all of what I saw out there. Each page is important for all of my research to find the reason why this happened. 4 hours had passed and we arrived at Oxford all every doctor, all ten of us where there.

"Ah, I see that Dr. Neal here has a person with him. Now, tell me did you succeed in saving at least one patient?" Said Dr. Hylen. I replied. "Yes, you're looking at her right now. I may be the doctor behind the executions but look at what my research has revealed... Let me explain, over the past three months of observing the patients outside this are patients are at their peak time which is their fourth day with the plague intact some of them died not from the plague even before the fifth day

some died not because of the plague, I think that the plague in the fourth day might cause some complications that might kill the person earlier than what we expect. The symptoms I did see were continuous vomiting, diarrhea, asphyxia, and dysentery. I might also think that the plague might evolve be a more dangerous sickness if we don't continue our research. Then my mixture to make

my cure saved this girl's life but it failed on another man. I thought I made my complete mixture I might need some help from you guys to stabilize my mixture to make it suitable to everyone in Liverpool." After I said that Dr. Hendrick stood up and said "Dr. Neal, if you have your mixture then we can't help you with it our hands is currently full right now with my mixture isn't curing my patient correctly so I'm sorry but with the research that you said is very helpful we will look out for more signs that the plague might cause more damage than before, you did your best with your mixture and were happy with it but please.

Continue to improve it because if we successfully made our perfect mixtures we might combine them and end this plague once and for all for the queen had her hopes on the remaining us to save Britain from this plague." Some of them nodded while the others wrote reminders on their notebooks. I stood up again and said. "Oh, and one thing to look out for also are people that can withstand staying on Dead Man's Land for long periods I saw this young girl outside sitting on a bench nearby, she said that she's been outside for the past week without dying to the plague during that week and she told me the date that she got the sickness. In one week she only got the sickness two days ago.

My theory on this is possible that some people might have strong immune systems that they withstood the harsh air outside. In this case, we should find these people and save them as much as possible without losing our focus on saving others. I think that this young girl is our starting point for our motive of saving everyone from this disaster." After a few hours of disputing and discussing we ended our quarterly meeting, we head back to the lab with the young girl.

"Liana are you ok of staying here for a while and maybe help me around here while I try to find your siblings around town since you're cured and I don't want to risk you getting sick again, trust me." She replied. "From the sources I got, they were last seen near the town center. You should try looking there." I replied. "Thanks, I'll do my best in finding you're siblings." I left the lab to observe the surroundings and to search for the missing siblings of Liana. Before I headed on the town center I looked around the buildings.

Check on the small rooms around the building, from what I saw there was nothing but dead bodies that did not survive the plague. Then I saw a young man sitting on the corner with his back on the wall. I asked the young man. "Do you need any help young man maybe some medicine?" The young man replied.

"No, because doc I'm on my fifth day already so there's no time for saving here. Then I thought that the doctor that represented us would be a nice doctor but what we got was our only hope the doctor that we looked back upon on now look what happened to us... I think you don't need revenge for ruining your name because karma got the best of us. *Laughs*" I replied to the young man. "Now, now I never had any grudge held upon anyone of you people and I never came to save you since each time that I tried to save you is just getting turned down upon but that's the past and still I never became successful with my cure since you were correct that I can't heal anyone I can only kill mercifully."

The young man looked at me. "Really? I had my hopes high for you that you'll save at least one." I replied. "I did save one through luck though since not everyone is compatible with my medicine I killed more than I save." The young man left his final words. "I can feel the plague kicking in my organs I can feel my kidney failing and it's coming up slowly. You know not all are nice, kind, and merciful.

We have our choices and you didn't always choose the correct choice the same goes for us for doubting you. Even though you killed a lot in your history I still see you as a man that always does his best at doing what he excels at.

To be honest that lucky survivor that you save, keep him or her on check especially her emotions since that can hurt a person that survived the outside because of you, you extended a person's life that I would like to have but I chose to doubt you here we are then dying horribly alone and sad... I see the light, I guess this is good by then..." the young man died telling me all those that he was wrong about me and he missed his opportunity of being saved.

I gave him a proper death prayer and grabbed some samples from his fresh deceased body to confirm that he died from the plague and not from the complication. And indeed he died from the plague... I left the building and headed to the town center where I found something that can either intrigue me or harm me.

I continued to search for Liana's lost siblings...

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