
Bad Odds In favor

What? Intruders? 

The entire Navy was awakened by the crazy sirens going off. 

Some stopped their training, while others rose from their office seats with urgency.

Who would be so bold? 

In their offices, Navy Admiral Gary, and Coast Guard Admiral Trey, also smacked their tables, grabbing their rallies and rushing out their offices with several navies and coast guard officers beside them. 

These lots were their most trusted secretaries and aides. 

-Trey's side--

Trey was dawning a Blue Coast guard cape, handgun majestically as he walked. 

[Trey]: "Quick! I want stats on all Districts. I want to know their situation, whether safe or not. We are the Coast guards of Baymard. Our main line of duty is to protect the shores no matter the cost. So hop to it! Also, someone for the love of heaven, please contact the barracks fast!"

"On it, sir." One of his subordinates replied while another stepped closer to give a report.

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