
Andrew's Condition

Everyone thought deeply but still felt perplexed.

What exactly was plaguing this Man?

Looking at Landon's mysterious smile, they knew that he must've already figured it out.

And they were right.

All the signs and symptoms described and seen were precisely the same as those he personally witnessed back on earth.

Of course, to be absolutely sure, he still had to buy off information and treatment procedures from the system.

"Everyone, what Mr. Andrew is facing, is something called Gout... Or as some would call it, Gout Arthritis.

So earlier on, your guests weren't far from the truth.

It is indeed a certain type of inflammatory arthritis.

It's all new to you all because you've never seen or heard of anything like this.

And that could also be credited to the lifestyle of those here."


The doctors all looked at Landon in confusion.

"So the disease chose its victims based on their lifestyles?"

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