
Revenge Is Near!

Marlo looked at the group of people before him and sighed.

Why was their luck so bad?

The thing that troubled him the most is that he just had to run into Mitchen again.


If he had known, he would've stayed on the previous path rather than branching off towards this direction.

He figured that the earlier path might have other dangerous animals around, so he chose another route towards the hideout.

Of course during their journey, they had indeed wasted time bypassing mother nature which slowed them down considerably.

One should know that the island itself was enormous.

And the closest route after leaving the base to the hideout would take them 1 hour and 35~45 minutes if they weren't stopped here and there by mother nature.

It was deep, deep, profound within the forest.

So it wasn't something that could be reached in a matter of minutes.

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