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"Yes, your highness!"

"Show him a good time!"

"As you wish, your highness."



Very quickly, the tall burly gigantic man called Ingrot..... harshly grabbed William and ripped his blue robe forcefully.



Several other men quickly stepped forward and pinned William on the ground close to the fire.

He laid there with his back to the sky and his belly on the cold ground.

And how were they going to make him talk?

Well... Ingrot had first planned to Flay (peel off several layers of his skin), before burning it with fire, cutting his fingers, removing his eyeballs and so on.

"Wait!" Connor said, before slowly walking towards William and gripping his jaws again.


This is your last chance.

Speak now or face...."



Connor froze for a bit, before finally trembling from rage.

Did this son of a b**ch just so it on him?

Next chapter