
Border Battle 1

--JunGo Border City, Arcadina--


Eli and his group had arrived at the border 5 days ago, and made camp around the outskirts of the city.

They had laid out their plans cleanly, and were currently undergoing their first battle.

Currently, there were 4 City lords with Eli.... And each lord had brought 5,000 men with them.

Although Eli officially had 10,000 men under him as the first prince... he had decided to only bring half of the amount for this battle.

Of course the rest were currently staying at his other bases around Arcadina.

Anyway, in total..... Eli and his group had come to JunGo city with 25,000 men.

In battles like these one's, it was good to send the men out in batches.

Hence Eli had began by sending 5000 men to the battlefields.

From there on, they would continue sending backup in batches of 1000s to... aid those on the fields.


"How is the battle proceeding?"

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