

Allison sauntered towards the car, open it, and slid in the driver's seat. She looked at Caroline for a brief second, relieved that the girl was no longer crying.

"I see, you already stop crying. That's good, man up! Your situation inside my brother's house wouldn't be that bad. I want you to know that you have the power to control your situation inside that house if you know how to use your head wisely. As long your method doesn't annoy and irritates me...then...we're good!" she said with a smile.

Caroline blinked her eyes twice trying to decipher what the woman was trying to tell her.

Allison fastened the seat belt around her body and inserted the key to the ignition bringing the car back to life.

"Compose yourself, let's head now to my brother's house. I want a smiling woman greeting my brother Greg. Can you do that for me, Caroline?" she throws her a sharp look.

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