
Thank You, John!

The next day.

In John's office.

Romeo dropped by to show the latest newspaper headline to his best friend. "Have you seen this---?"

John took the newspaper and read the headline.

'Inauguration of the first and second building of the relocation site dedicated as a new home for Makati City's slum area.'

There's photo of politicians and businessmen gathering in the said event and graced by no other than the highest leader of the land, the President himself. The President give a small speech praising the couple Ella and Danny for their great contribution unrelenting drive in making the relocation site a big success. He also thanks all the businessmen who donated anything for the good cause and for the masses who also donated any amount for the completion of the project...and the youth for extending their helping hand during the construction project.

Next that gives speech was Ella...she did not give a long speech... she was just thanking God for making her dream charity project a great success ...then she thank her father as the wind beneath her wings and her husband for believing in her and supporting her advocacy. Then she also thank the Makati City's Businessmen Association who contributed big for the cause and all the people who shared her vision in making the seemingly impossible project a reality. In her last speech, she mentioned of a man...a special man named...John...who brought her into the slum for the first time and who nudged her gently into the right direction and he's the man who started it all...."Thank You John from the bottom of my heart!" she said.

Ah, John remembered now that one time he brought Ella into the slum area! He never know it will have an impact on the spoiled heiress and made her a championed for the poor.

Romeo's brows deepened. "Holy Cow! Did you and Ella have a date in the slum area? How did it happened and why in the slum area?"

John grinned, he remembered so well how excited Ella was on their first date, but when she saw the area where he took her, her excitement gone within seconds. "I told her that instead of wasting her time stalking me, she should spend her precious time on things that really matters..."

"Really?" Romeo scratches his head.

"I'm not expecting she will become a charitable woman just because of that one time date in the slum area," John said.

Romeo looked at his buddy in the eyes. "You have no regrets, bro, that you rejected Ella's advances and aggressive personality?" he asked.

John smiled. "No. Ella and I will never be together because I have Catherine implanted in my heart and mind. I'm genuinely happy for Ella...she and her husband looks so happy together and she is now pregnant with their first child. I prayed for her once...asking God that hopefully Ella will find her soulmate one day and she did!"

Romeo was still shaking his head. "Yeah. It's so hard to believe that I'm looking at the old same Ella right now," he said while looking at the newspaper photo of the woman who used to be slutty, shameless and fearless to get what she want in the end...Ella did not get John...but God awarded her a soulmate in the person of Danny.

Romeo looked at the photo of Ella and Danny, looking so sweet and happy together. "I guess they really were meant for each other...another match made in heaven," he commented.

John smiled...when it comes to Ella he did the right thing. He was never the guy for Ella... but her husband is, just looking at their photos together...love and respect shows in their eyes.

Romeo grinned. "She mentioned and thanked you before she ended her speech," he said.

"Which means we have no bad blood to each other...besides it's all in the past now. Catherine and I finally got married and blessed with two children. So, I'm happy for Ella... finally she found her true happiness and her soulmate," John said.

"Yes. Let's be happy for Ella...for finding her true self worth," Romeo agreed.

John gave back the newspaper to Romeo.

Romeo did not get out of the office yet, he still have one thing to ask. "Bro, what will happen after your mother Clara returned, will you tell her about your biological mother...Susan?" he asked curiously.

John was momentarily silent.

"I will find the right time to tell her everything. Father and I have been talking about it. We can't keep it a secret forever. At some point in time in the future, we have to tell her the truth, but not after the wedding, maybe after a few months," he said.

"That would really hurt Auntie Clara real bad especially if she will know that your father and your biological mother had an affair at some point in time, she was blindly raising the son of her husbands mistress!" Romeo elaborated.

"And what would you suggest, bro?" John asked raising an eyebrow.

"I dunno...maybe it's best that she doesn't have to know the painful truth at all. What do you think?" Romeo said.

John was shaking his head. "I think it's best that she will know...I can't keep having two mothers without the other one knowing about the other. The truth will hurt at first, but eventually, we all have to move on from the pain and shadow of the past. By moving on...we will be able to face the present and future with peace and happiness in our heart."

Romeo gave his buddy a thumb up sign. "Okay, I got it...at least you're making sense, bro! I like what you just said right now...The truth will hurt at first but everyone will eventually learn to move on...no other way..."

Romeo rose to his feet about to exit the office.

"Don't forget the dinner tomorrow, tell Sandra, we will discuss the wedding that will be happening in three months from now," John said.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten about it! Sandra is looking forward to see the babies and she loves discussing the wedding with Catherine," Romeo grinned. "I have to go home now...bye bro!" he said and exited the room.

"Bye bro!" John said and turned his attention back to his work.

Next chapter