

"Quiet Milana!". Thompson yelled, pushing her from me. Suddenly Antoine rushed into the place.

"What's going on guys, I can hear your voic..." He was shushed at the sight of me in the room. "Holy Moly". He gasped.

"You were supposed to keep watch Antoine, how did she get in here without you seeing her". Thompson rushed to him with a punch. Directing his anger to the wrong person.

"Dude get off him". I intervened. " Is he your punch bag or something? Huh. Why are you directing everything on him when you knew this was all your fault in the first place. Besides, I was here first." Immediately Thompson freed Antoine. The dude rushed out before Thompson could change his mind. Frustrated, Thompson ran his hand through his hair and punched the air.

"So bitch, what do you want from me?" Thompson asks, he firmly places his hand on his waist.

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