
Judge L- Lemon

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Judge P pushed Sora away and looked at him with a frown.

"At least wait until we get to some place quiet and out of sight," she whispered as she loooked around. Patting her clothes and straightening it out, Judge P shot Sora a look before walking away.

Sora smiled and followed behind her.

Judge P purposefully twisted her hips and gave Sora a nice view of her moving ass and hips. It was as if she was dancing, entrancing him onto her perky butt and those seductive long legs of her's.

"Here," she abruptly said before dragging Sora into a hotel.

She paid for a room and quickly drained Sora into the elevator. Once the elevator closed, she surprised Sora by jumping on him and kissing him fiercely.

She jumped off the ground and jumped on to Sora, her legs around Sora's waist and her lips on his with her arms wrapped around his neck. Sora held Judge P up, his hands on her elastic butt that felt soft and nice in his hands.

He gave her butt a nice squeeze and she continued to fiercely kiss Sora. Her blue hair disheveled the more they kissed and the heat in the elevator rose.

Judge P's clothes got messy and wrinkly as she moved and grinded her body on Sora's.


The door of the elevator opened and Sora walked out of the elevator with Judge P still kissing him. He walked over to their rented room before entering and closing the door.

Once they both heard the door close and lock, they quickly began undressing. Their lips struggled to stay together the entire time. Their faces flushed red and they were both deeply aroused.

Sora shook his clothes off and helped Judge P remove hers.

"Mm… ah!"

They kissed and kissed until they were on the bed and completely naked. Sora laid Judge P on the bed and slid his hand to her pussy.

His fingers ran along the pussy's lips and Sora spread it open.

A beautiful pink inside was revealed when the pussy lips were spread open. It was dripping wet and slimy, very erotic to the sight and tasty looking.

Sora looked at Judge P with beast-like eyes before going down on her and licking her pussy. His long tongue sliding deep into Judge P's body and exploring every part of her insides.

He bit onto her clit and made her moan loudly.

"Agh! Yeshh!" Judge P spread her legs open and pushed Sora's head down, wishing for him to do her rougher.

Sora slid his tongue in more deep, capable only thanks to his dragon and demon bloodlines.

His deep black eyes were staring at Judge P's blissful expression on her face. She moaned and screamed for more as she clasped onto Sora's hair and curled up her toes.

"Ahh! You're so good at this," moaned Judge P as she orgasmed and Sora drank up her orgasmic juice.

Licking his lips, Sora sat up and revealed his mighty glory, shocking Judge P momentarily. Sora moved close to Judge P and placed his mighty member close to her pink and beautiful pussy.

"You're one beautiful woman," said Sora as he placed his hand on her neck and he pushed in his rod. He leaned forward and kissed Judge P before instantly passing his cock deep into her.

Her eyes opened wide and her pussy was stretched open with Sora's rod. Clenching her jaw, Judge P scratched at Sora's back as he slid in deep into her. A bulge formed at her stomach and it could be seen sliding in and out.

"Argh! You're ripping me apart!" Judge P groaned as she bit onto Sora's shoulder.

Sora chuckled and pressed a pressure point on Judge P's body, lessening her pain and increasing her pleasure instead.

In just seconds Judge P began moaning like there was no tomorrow. She orgasmed over and over, her face twisted into a pure form of lust.

Cross eyed, wide pleasured smile with diva escaping the lips, a blush on the face, and eyebrows pushed together.

Getting off the bed, Sora made some candles appear in front of him. These candles calm the Mind and restore a sense of self, making it a good recovery candle for his wives and whoever he fucks.

After placing down the candles, Sora laid back down in bed and Judge P snuggled into his arms. One of her hands found itself on Sora's chest.

"My name is Rang Jae-Hwa." Before Judge P fell asleep, she told Sora what her real name was.

Sora smiled and closed his eyes to get some sleep.

Walking up the next day, Sora found something moving below the covers.

He lifted the covers and found a beautiful blue haired woman sucking on his cock like if it was her only source of water.

"Your cum is really tasty!" Judge P blushed as she was found milking Sora's cock below the sheets of the bed.

Sora smiled silly and laughed.

He let Judge P go on more for a while before finally they got dressed to go back to the competition.

When Judge P put on her suit and the golden hair pin, she returned back into her apathetic self.

Sora noticed that and wrapped his arms around her waist before giving her a peck on the lips.

"I'll see you tonight Jae-Hwa," muttered Sora before leaving the room.

The day progressed like any other day, more teams went against each other. Sora and his team stayed at the stands since it wasn't their turn to go until the next day.


Sora raised his head and looked at a black haired boy in the distance.

"What's wrong Sora?" Aoi noticed Sora's actions and asked what had caught his attention.

"Oh, nothing… I just saw a Fox cub," said Sora as he focused back on the fight before him.

However his eyes weren't focused on the fight itself but rather the two nurses of the GOH Competition.

Flirting with the two nurses with gestures, Sora winked at the black haired nurse, Sai.

Sai blushed and looked away before glancing back at Sora and waving at him.

Sora chuckled and waved back at her before giving her a composed and sexy look.

Shuddering just from his gaze, Sai felt her crotch moisten. She blushed and blew Sora a kiss.

Looking from the side, Heal was getting jealous about how Sai was getting all of Sora's attention.

Chuckling, Sora gestured for Sai to call Heal.

Heal turned her head and looked at Sora.

"Join me and Sai later for some fun," Sora mouthed to Heal, making both Sai and Heal blush. They didn't particularly think anything about sharing the same man in bed, though they did wonder if he could even keep up with them.

Nodding her head meekly, Heal stopped looking at Sora with a blush on her face.

It was only then that Sora actually paid attention to the fight which was coming to an end.

"Hmm…" Sora sighed, bored to death about the current fights. He had seen the fights of the Monkey King, AKA Mori Jin, and his team, which included Mira.

They were all exceptional individuals with great strength and talent.

Though in Sora eyes, they were just barely sprouting and letting their feeble roots into the ground.

Mori Jin, the Monkey King, has talent, but he focuses too much on strength rather than skill. He also has no actual battle experience from losing, always winning and never truly finding out what's wrong with what he currently knows.

Daewi, a member of Mori's team, is also a powerful individual whose friend was saved by Sora. He's in the right party and can become a strong figure on his own in just a couple of months and years. If nothing more is thrown into his plate, he should be able to properly train each skill of his.

Mira is also very talented, being able to quickly find faults in her technique with just some advice from someone. As long as she continues the way she is, she will become an exceptional figure.

All of the members of Mori's team are very talented and strong individuals. It's only a matter of time before they become powerhouses.

Now that Sora thought about it, he remembered that Taejin Jin had mentioned someone before when they talked at the Kengan Tournament.

Mori also shared the last name and some similarities in their personalities.

"Looks like I found your grandson Young Taejin," muttered Sora as he looked down at Mori with a small smile on his face. "Because you tried helping me before (referring to when Taejin was warning Sora about the Ogre), I will help you out by making your grandson stronger."

After a few more fights, the GOH ended for the day and everyone could go home.

It was barely 2 PM, so Sora went down next to the arena where the two nurses, Sai and Heal, were reading the hurt fighters.

"Should I come back later when you're both not busy," asked Sora as he appeared on a chair.

"No, you don't have to. We're about to finish up here," said Heal, smiling at Sora with a small blush.

"Great, I'll wait for you here then," said Sora, looking at both Sai and Heal with a smile.

True to their words, Sai and Heal both finished treating the fighters in five minutes.

"Where should we go?" asked Sai with a smile.

Sai is a beautiful woman with plump red lips, black long hair and charming blue eyes. She had a nice and healthy pale skin that brought out the beauty in her eyes and those red lips just made her more charming.

Heal is a young woman with blondish-brown hair with similarly colored eyes. Her lips were a pinkish red and she had an innocent aura surrounding her that enhances her youthful features.

"Let's go get some kimchi pork steamed buns first before heading over to anywhere else," said Heal with a look of hunger on her delicate face.

After eating some food and finding themselves at a hotel, Sora rented a room before heading up with both Sai and Heal.

When they entered, Sora headed straight to the bed whilst both Sai and Heal went to the bathroom to wash up and remove their work clothes.

It only took a few minutes before they walked out of the bathroom with their shockingly enchanting naked bodies. Sora gazed at their nipples, feeling that they had a very beautiful color to them.

He licked his lips and looked at both Sai and Heal with a lustful expression.

"Get naked too," muttered Heal with a red face.

To not feel embarrassed about being naked, Heal had asked Sora to get naked as well. Even if she had Sai around, she was too embarrassed to pay attention to that fact and instead focused on Sora.

After stripping off all his clothes, Sora looked at both Sai and Heal with a smirk before sitting down at the edge of the bed. Sai smiled and got down on her knees right before Sora.

She looked up at Sora with her beautiful blue eyes before slipping Sora's cock into her mouth. Sai gave a small smile of joy before having Heal join her in sucking and licking on Sora's cock.

They sucked on hard like a vacuum and licked him clean as if he was a cub, removing every single speck of dirt.

After some attention on the cock, Heal began licking Sora's balls and then sucking on them.

"Today will be a lot of fun," muttered Sora as he looked down at the two nurses giving him a blowjob. He caressed their heads and then covered them in white with his glroious cum.

It wasn't long before the cum touched their tongues and they began craving for more.

Next chapter