
Chapter 201 - Martial Arts Tournament

Nodoka Miyazaki and Anya Kokorova were currently staying inside a gigantic dungeon located thousands of meters underground. The two of them had been in the dungeon for more than a week, but so far the two of them couldn't find a way out that would make them escape out of the dungeon.

"Sigh I feel very tired, how long will the two of us have to explore this giant dungeon!" Anya shouted whose face looked very annoyed. "Why did we both get thrown into this dungeon when we were separated from Negi and the others."

"Well, we were both unlucky because we teleported to a dangerous place like this dungeon, luckily we both have enough strength to survive in this dungeon, otherwise we would have died," Nodoka said who was always trying to smile in any kind of circumstances.

"But I don't know how long we have to stay in this dungeon."

"In a dungeon of this size there is a possibility that treasure hunters or adventurer will appear to harvest monster corpses or search for treasures that stored in this dungeon," Anya said explaining what she knew about a dungeons in Mundus Magicus. "What we have to do now is find treasure hunters or adventurers who are exploring this dungeon so we can get out of this dungeon!"

"But we've been in this dungeon for a week but we haven't found or met anyone yet," Nodoka said.

"It's possible that we are still in a rather deep part of this dungeon," Anya said. "If we walk to the top of this dungeon I'm sure we'll find one or two adventurers or treasure hunters."


Back to the instant house Shirou made outside Granicus city.

"A-Alexander-kun may I ask you something?" Asked Akira to Shirou.

"Hmm yeah, what do you want to ask me Akira-san," Answered Shirou.

"The fantasy world we are in right now is real isn't it?" Asked Akira with a serious face. "Because everything I feel feels too real to be a dream."

"Well that's was right, the fantasy world we are currently in, is referred to as Mundus Magicus. A magical world that reside in a different dimension from the one we came from," Answered Shirou while explaining about Mundus Magicus to Akira. "But if Mundus Magicus is called a dream world it's also not wrong, because basically Mundus Magicus is a half-real dimension. I'm really sorry for bringing you to this fantasy world."

"Well, since Alexander-kun also helped me, Ako and Natsumi from slavery, I think we can say we're even. Rather than that, Natsumi said that the two teenagers who accompanied you were actually Negi-Sensei and Kotarou-kun. Is that true?" Asked Akira in a serious tone.

"Well that's right, those two are Negi and Kotarou in disguise because right now almost all members of the British culture research club are fugitives," Answered Shirou with a sigh.

"If the two of them are here it means that Shirou-kun must be nearby too, because from what I know, Shirou-kun is always not far from Negi-Sensei," Akira said with a flushed face because she wished that Shirou was near her.

"Hmm how should I answer it, huh," Shirou said who was confused by Akira's question.


Because Shirou couldn't answer Akira's question, finally the one who answered Akira's question was Chisame and Chachamaru who were currently standing right next to Shirou.

"Shirou-kun is currently with Tohsaka-san in another place," Chisame said. "The two of them are engaged and also dating so it's not strange that Shirou-kun and Tohsaka-san are always together."

"Shirou-Sama is meeting a friend of his father's in a remote area of ​​Mundus Magicus together with Rin-san," Chachamaru said in a flat tone.

Akira feels a little sad because Shirou is alone with Rin, but that sadness is masked by the confusion that arises when she saw Chisame and Chachamaru that using their kid form. She was confused by the identity of the two small children who answered her question.

"Eh, can you tell me, who are you both?" Akira said who was really surprised by the two small children in front of him.

"Sigh I'm Chisame your classmate who is currently disguised as a kid because I'm also a fugitive," Chisame said with a sigh.

"And I am Chachamaru who is also your classmate, like Chisame-san I disguised my self as a little kid for being a fugitive," Chachamaru said.

Akira's head became increasingly dizzy and she became more and more confused with her two classmates who were currently in the form of a little kid.

"E-Earlier it was Negi-Sensei and Kotarou-kun who became teenagers and now my two classmates are became a little kids! All these things are too confusing and make my head hurt!" Akira said while holding her head because she felt dizzy.

"Akira, you don't have to think about all the strange things that happen in front of your eyes," Chisame said trying to comfort Akira. "Because there will be more weird thing that you would see in this Magical world, so I hope you can get used to them all."


"Since the matter about Akira, Ako and Natsumi being slaves is over, it's time for us to continue our journey and look for the other Ala Alba members," Shirou said. "But since Ako still hasn't recovered yet, our journey will be delayed for a few days, that's why I decided to train Chisame, Kazumi, Negi and Kotarou for those few days."

Kotarou and Negi's eyes lit up because they were about to receive another training from Shirou while Kazumi and Chisame's faces turned pale and looked frightened, because they both knew how hard Shirou's training was. And they both didn't want to have to accept extra training from Shirou at all.

"Yeaaah! Shirou-Nii-san's training! I'll definitely have a lot of fun by receive a training from Shirou-Nii-san!" Shouted Kotarou who looked very happy and excited.

"Yeeess! With the training that Shirou-Nii will give me I will definitely get stronger!" Negi said looking very happy. "I can't wait to train again with Shirou-Nii and Kotarou!"

"Uuugh why do I have to do a training again and again!" Chisame said looking depressed. "Three months of training in the winter dome is almost driving me crazy! And now I have to train again? Seriously!"

"This must be karma since I only practiced for a month and a half in the winter dome!" Kazumi said with a sigh. "I should have finished the three month training menu in the winter dome!"

"The training I'm currently going to give the four of you won't be as strenuous as training in the winter dome," Shirou explained. "And especially for Negi and Kotarou I have extra training for you two."


"Extra training?" Negi said in a confused look. "What kind of extra training is Shirou-Nii that you would give to me and Kotarou?"

"Yeah, I'm curious," Kotarou said.

"In this city of Granicus a martial arts tournament is held with a prize of one million Drachmas," Shirou said. "So I want the two of you to take part in the tournament to gain experience in fighting against various fighters with different abilities."

"That's a very good idea Shirou-Nii-san! I really like your idea!" Kotarou said who was pleased with Shirou's idea. "Joining the Martial Arts Tournament would be great fun."

"Martial Art tournament huh," Negi said with a nostalgic expression on his face. "I was reminded of the super difficult battle I had to go through at Mahora Budokai."

"The martial arts tournament in Granicus will be in higher level than Mahora Budokai so I hope you two are ready to face a strong and formidable opponent," Shirou said in a serious tone. "And since this tournament is a group tournament so you two will be on the same team, that means you two need to be able to work together in every fight."

"Don't worry Shirou-Nii-san me and Negi are used to working together in our training," Kotarou said. "So fighting together isn't that hard for both of us!"

"That's right Shirou-Nii! The two of us often work together in training battles against Master," Negi said. "So fighting together with Kotarou in the martial arts tournament will be easy."

"That's good then," Shirou said with a smile. "I hope you're both ready, because I'll also be participating in that martial arts tournament with Archer. And I'd be very happy if I could fight both of you Negi, Kotarou!"

Shirou's words made Negi and Kotarou gulp, because later in the Granicus martial arts tournament they both had to fight Shirou..

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