
Chapter 187 - To Mundus Magicus Final

"Sigh never mind we'd better stop this useless talk!" Donnet shouted while facepalming. "Because the gate leading to Mundus Magicus will open in 1 minute!"

Donnet turned her body and walked to the center of the gate which began to glow brightly, she still remained firm in her believe that it was impossible for an enemy of the level of a Thousand Masters to infiltrate the gate which was very tightly guarded.

"Oh my gosh Donnet-san is really stubborn and very firm and determined," Shirou said with a sigh. "If she doesn't want to believemy words, it's up to her. I already gave her a warning, whatever happens next is none of my business."

"Fate Averruncus is a very dangerous, S level enemy with so many people here it will be very difficult to fight that living doll," Rin said. "There will be a lot of of casualties if he really dares to attack us in this place!"

"Don't worry Rin, he won't be so determined to attack us directly," Evangeline said trying to calm Rin. "Did you forget that there wasn't a single casualty when he attacked Eishun's house in Kyoto? He might be a formidable foe who has strength on par with me and Nagi but judging by the modus operandi he carried out in Kyoto, Fate Averruncus wasn't someone who sacrificed a lot of people to achieve his goals. That's why he used Petrification to stop the moves of Eishun subordinate in Kyoto."

"But we have to be careful Master," Negi said with cold sweat running down his face. "Because we don't know what he's doing in this place."

"You all panicked too much, calm down a bit," Shirou said with a face that looked very calm. "I guarantee that nothing will happen to all of us including, Akira, Ako, Makie, Yuuna and Natsumi who have been following us secretly all this time."


"Eeeeeeh Akira-san and the others are following us secretly!" Negi said with a face that looked very panicked. "What we must do! What we must do! it! The five of them are just ordinary humans who don't know anything about magic! The five of them will get in trouble if they follow us!"

"You don't have to worry Negi, they will be all right since I've taking the five of them inside my shadow at this point," Shirou said. "Right now we don't have time to send the five of them back to Nekane-san's house so I put the five of them in my shadow to keep them all safe."

"Pyuuh thank goodness then," Negi said while rubbing his chest as he felt relieved. "I was really afraid that something bad would happen to the five of them, thank goodness Shirou-Nii had acted first to keep them safe."

Just as Negi finished speaking, the ground they stepped on began to glow brightly, signaling that the gate was activated and ready to send them all to Mundus Magicus.

"It's about time," Donnet said.

"Finally the gate is active," Setsuna said.

"I've been waiting for this!" Asuna said looking very excited.

"Oh, I feel so tense, here!" Gu Fei said.

You don't need to feel tensed like that de gozaru," Kaede said. "You should be like me who can stay calm under any circumstances."

"Kaede-Nee you talk like that, but your legs are shaking you know!" Kotaro said.

"Oooh the ground shines so bright!" Illya said with sparkling eyes.

"Yes, the light is almost as bright as the light that emerges from the World Tree in Mahora," Kuro said.

"Right now we will be transported by a large-scale dimensional displacement magic circle," Miyu said. "I'm really feeling palpitated!"

"Hey-hey Yue-chii," Konoka said. "Can you tell me aboit Mundus Magicus using that artifact of yours?"

"Eh, on the net magic is written even though a magical land is imagined as land in a fairy tale castle floating in the air as depicted in illustrated story books and magical girl anime, but originally Mundus Magicus is three times wider than the real world although there are theories that states that Mundus Magicus resides in the void that exists in the sky, but the truth of that theory still cannot be confirmed because until now the origin of the wizarding world is unknown, the population in Mundus Magicus is also around six hundred to seven hundred million people, and mostly magicians from the real world live in Megalomesembria which is the largest city in Mundus Magicus with a total of 67 million inhabitants," Yue answered Konoka's question in detail but because Konoka didn't like too detailed information she simply said to Yue: "Are there are spirits or ghosts, in that world? Are there any elves? I really want to know! Please tell me Yue-chii!"

"Yue-Yue Konoka didn't listen to your long explanation," Nodoka said.

"I'm tired of explaining in detail but Konoka doesn't listen to my explanations!" Yue said in an angry tone. "Even though she herself asked me to explain."


A huge magic circle piled up on top of the gate leading to Mundus Magicus, starting to create a huge pillar of light that shot from the sky towards the center of the Gate. And finally when the pillar of light and magic circle disappeared, there was no one left in the Gate.

Mundus Magicus Megalomesembria, inside theGateport which is a liaison between the wizarding world and the real world.

"Have we all arrived at Mundus Magicus?" Asked Sakura while looking around.

"We have arrived at Mundus Magicus Sakura," Replied Arturia. "And now we are inside the Gateport which is in Megalomesembria the largest city in Mundus Magicus."

"For someone born in the old world, you know a lot about this place, Yukihiro Arturia," Luvia said who was stunned by Arturia's words.

"I was often taken to Megalomesembria by my father every summer vacation when I was in elementary school to study the business of the wizarding world," Arturia explained. "Because the Yukihiro family's business in Mundus Magicus will be my responsibility in the future."

"So your older brother and class rep are in charge of taking care of business in the real world while your job is to take care of business in the wizarding world," Rin said. "You've got a tough task, Saber."

"Ayaka and Suichiro-Anii-Uee have no talent for using magic," Arturia said. "That's why I'm in charge of business at Mundus Magicus because only I can use magic in my family aside my father."

"Going to another world using the Gate is indeed faster than a plane," Chisame said while holding her head. "But the side effects make my head hurt."

"Your headache will go away in a few minutes you don't have to panic or worry," Donnet said with a smile. "If we walk out of this gate and climb the stairs that lead to the exit, we all can see a view of the city before continuing with the procedures to enter the city."

"Then let's go!" Konoka shouted.

"Konoka-san you can't go out yet, you have to come with me to take care of the admission procedure," Donnet said. "Because we use the transfer gate using your family name."

"Okay!" Konoka said.


When the members of the British cultural research club came out of Gateport, they all saw a view of Megalomesembria which was far more advanced than the cities in the real world architecturally and technologically. There were many buildings so high they pierced the clouds and there were countless flying fish-shaped vehicles hovering between the tall buildings which were mostly tubular.

"Megalomesembria deserves to be called the largest city in the wizarding world," Shirou said. "The size of this city are really huge."

"Architectically, this city is hundreds of years ahead of the most modern city on Earth," Rin said. "But rather than a city in a fantasy world, this city is more like a city in a science fiction movie."

"You're right Tohsaka," Chisame said. "This city in the wizarding world doesn't impress me at all."

"You two have really weird tastes," Sakura said. "I think it's still quite a sight to behold, really."

"Just leave them both Sakura," Arturia said with a smile. "Everyone can have a different opinion, right?"

Meanwhile Negi, who had arrived at Mundus Magicus for the first time, felt an extraordinary passion and pleasure in his heart, because he was finally able to find clues about his father's whereabouts.

"Thank God we made it to Megalomesembria safely," Negi said with a sigh of relief. "I was afraid that we would get in trouble when we made the transfer!"

"Your words are not wrong Negi Springfield son of the Thousand Masters, because right now you will get the trouble you want!"

At the same time as that unknown voice appeared, Negi's right chest was suddenly pierced by a stone spear which instantly made a hole in his right chest and his body are bleeding profusely.

And at the same time Anya who was standing next to Negi panicked and shouted loudly:


End of Book 20 of Negima.

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