
Chapter 124 - Training Arc part 5

"Hey Shirou, among the girl who just came, who do you think that had the potential to become the strongest?" Asked Evangeline when she saw the baka rangers, Konoka, Nodoka, Haruna, and Setsuna who had just arrived.

"Hmm, in terms of basic abilities maybe Gu Fei-san and Kaede-san, because both of them have been practicing martial arts for their whole life," Replied Shirou who sat next to Evangeline and Rin. "But in terms of natural talent and brute force it might be Asuna, who has the ability to be the strongest, it's just that her nature to act just like my real father that might make her effort harder to get stronger once Asuna reaches the full potential of her strength."

"Well, the tall girl with slanted eyes and the girl with brown skin does have some potential. They will continue to get stronger if they train themselves properly," Evangeline agreed with Shirou's opinion she felt that Kaede and Gu Fei could reach the highest level if they trained properly. "But for Kagurazaka Asuna, even though she has talent equal to Nagi's. It will be difficult for her to catch up with the strength of the tall girl and the brown one, because the basic abilities of Kagurazaka Asuna are very bad."

"We will use the remaining time to strengthen the basic abilities of Asuna and the other girls whose physical abilities are below average," Rin said. "With the same training as Kotaro and Negi."

"Whether Konoka-san and the others can survive, I have a little doubt about it," Shirou said. "Among the girls the one who might be able to survive are only Gu Fei and Kaede, eh maybe Asuna if she can use her Kankaho well."

"Well, if they are all want to go to a dangerous place, a basic physical training is necessary," Rin sighed, she knew that the physical training they were going to give Konoka and the other girls was really dangerous. that's why acting a little cruel for the common good must be done. "Mundus Magicus is a very dangerous place, so they all have to train their physique no matter what!"

"Ahahahaha their training will be a very interesting thing to see," Evangeline said. "They are all will all look annoyed, panicked and reluctant because they have to do the physical exercises that you are going to force to all of them."

"Sigh, I feel like a criminals because we have to force all them undergo a intense physical training from us," Shirou said.

"Everything we do is for their own good, Shirou," Rin said. "If we all go to Mundus Magicus without proper preparation, it will be a disasster if an unknown problem arises."

"Toobkuch worries like that aren't good for your heart, Rin," Shirou said. "But since your worry are makes sense I don't think training all of then is a bad thing to do."

"We just have to prepare a pleasant surprise for them!" Evangeline said. "Ehehehehehehehe."


"Asuna-san, you have come," Negi said who welcomed Asuna along with Kotaro. "Are you already finishing your homework?"

"Of course," Asuna said. "Otherwise, how could I be here? How about you two, are your training is running smoothly?"

"Our training is as good as usual," Negi said. "Even though that was a tough training."

"We already have identified all the members and honorary members of our new club," Haruna said. "But who will be our club's advisor?"

"Ah, as your homeroom teacher, I appointed my self as the advisor for our new club," Negi said. "But because I'm a new teacher at Mahora I don't have a qualified to be an advisor, so the task for the advisor is given to Fujimura-Sensei."

"Ah, Fujimura-Sensei huh," Haruna said. "Well, I don't mind her, if she who became the advisor, so my question is, are currently Fujimura-Sensei is inside this villa?"

"She's not in this villa," Negi said. "Fujimura-Sensei has no intention of entering this villa, because she still had a lot of tasks piling up in her room."

"Phew thanks godness Fujimura-Sensei isn't here," Haruna said. 'I still owe a meal ticket to Fujimura-Sensei because I lost the bet.'

"All of you already here," Evangeline said. "All of you taking too much time, just to came here."

"Sorry, if we were taking to much time just to be in here," Asuna said. "It takes a lot of time to finish up all the summer homeworks!"

"All that Summer homework can be completed in just 3 hours," Evangeline said. "You're overestimating the summer homework Kagurazaka Asuna."

Asuna, Konoka, Haruna, Nodoka, Yue, Kaede, Gu Fei gawked at Evangeline's words. Doing all that summer homework in just one day was almost impossible, and she said she did it in just 3 hours? It is impossible task for them!

"Eh, you know Eva-chan is impossible for us to finish the summer homework in just 3 hours," Asuna said. "Even if that's possible, only you can do something like that."

"Not really, if you studying seriously all of the lesson in the school you can finish your summer homework, more faster," Evangeline said.

"......." They are all didn't know what to say, because Evangeline's words were true. But they are all too ashamed to admit it.

"Master," Negi Said. "Asuna-san and the others are trying their best, to finish the homeworks so at least please appreciate their efforts."

"Shut your mouth! Your word only making me like a bad person!" Evangeline said.

Once again they all can only be silent, and think:

'Isn't Evangeline already considered a villain in the magical world?' But they are all didn't dare to say it knowing that Evangeline would go berserk if they said the word.

"All of you better come with me now," Evangeline said. "There are important things that I, Shirou and Rin want to discuss with you all."


Lebenschilt Palace, tropical area.

Arturia, Setsuna, Rin, Sakura, Shirou, Kotaro, Negi and Evangeline sat in front of a large table and in the other side of the table, sat Chisame, the baka rangers, Konoka, Nodoka, and Haruna.

"Whaaaa!" Shouted Chisame who was wearing a maid costumes with neko mimi. "You want all of us who don't have any physical abilities to train our physique in the winter dome! Shirou-kun! Are you crazy!"

"Yeeah she was right!" Haruna said. "There's no way we can survive such cold temperatures!"

"After all, rather than training the physique, wouldn't it be better to practice magic theory and spells for us to master," Yue said. "Physical training won't be of much use in the magical world."

Konoka and Nodoka nodded, they also didn't like having to train their body physically in extreme places like the winter dome in Evangeline's new villa.

But not with Asuna, Gu Fei and Kaede. The three of them were excited to start training.

"Sorry, but I won't accept your complaints," Shirou said firmly. "Physical training is something that necessary if all of you want to go to the Mundus Magicus."

"But but, aren't we going to be a tourists in the safe city of Mundus Magicus," Chisame said. "I don't think physical training will be needed considering we'll be in a safe place."

"Chiu-chan is right, we're just going to be tourists, why bother training our bodies?" Konoka said.

"That was a wrong thought Oujou-Sama," Setsuna said. "When I was a child, I went to Mundus Magicus together with Eishun-sama. And unfortunately Mundus Magicus is not that safe, if we don't have enough strength or a lot of money then our safety will not be guaranteed."

"All of you will be given a 24 hours of time to prepare yourself physically and mentally," Evangeline said. "So all of you don't need to worry too much, you can plan ahead of time what you will do while training your physique in the winter dome for 3 months."

"3 months!" Shouted Konoka, Nodoka, Yue, Chisame and Haruna.

"T-that's too long!" Nodoka said.

"That's a torture!" Haruna said.

"You want to kill us!" Chisame said.

"Cruel!" Yue said.

"3 months isn't cruel!" Rin said. "Me, Sakura, Arturia, Luvia, Shirou, Setsuna, Negi and Kotaro trained for 6 months! In that hellish enviroment! So 3 months is still considered a light training!"

"You live on the winter dome for 6 months!" Chisame said. "That's crazy! How can you all stay sane!"

"By practicing while having fun of course," Shirou said. "If you only practice your body in an extreme places like that it will be very boring and stressful."

"Or are you all willing to train for 6 months just like me, Nee-san and Senpai?" Asked Sakura.

"No thanks," Konoka said.

"Y-Yes, 3 months is more than enough!" Nodoka said.

"Cough I didn't imagine that I had to stay in such a cold place for half a year," Haruna said. "I think 3 months is still acceptable."

'Uuuh I'm starting to regret knowing about the existence of magic and joining this group,' Chisame said in her heart. 'But now it's already too late regreting it, because I've already too far involved. I must stop my regret! Because I'm doing this training as my gratitude to Shirou-kun for fulfilling my dream of doing cosplay in the form of a little kid. '

"Can I, Asuna and Kaede do training in the winter dome for 6 months aru?" Asked Gu Fei. "The three of us feel 3 months of training isn't enough aru."

Asuna and Kaede nodded, agreeing with Gu Fei's idea. For the three of them who have physical strength above normal people. Practicing in a challenging place like the winter dome is a joy.

"No problem," Replied Shirou. "If that's what you want."

"Ah, yes there is one more thing I forgot to tell you all," Evangeline said. "If all of you successfully complete the training in the winter dome for 3 months, Shirou will give a very valuable gift to all of you."

The word precious gift made them all start thinking things.

Asuna, Gu Fei, Konoka, Kaede, Chisame and Haruna thought that they would ask Shirou to date with them all day long.

Meanwhile, Nodoka and Yue thought that Negi would invite them to dinner in a romantic place.

"The reward I will give you is a permanent age-changing pill which can give you the ability to change your age permanently and freely," Shirou said. "And all of you can get eternal youth!"

Asuna, Gu Fei, Konoka, Kaede and Haruna were immediately disappointed that the present wasn't a date. But after hearing the effect of the pill that Shirou was about to give, they immediately smiled. Because the pill's effect can make them always look young.

Chisame was disappointed because she had already taken the pill, in her heart she decided to ask Shirou something else later.

While Nodoka and Yue could only sigh, and they were a little surprised that they didn't expect that the gift Shirou gave was a super rare pill that was very expensive after Yue tried to find out about the age-changing pill on the Mahou-Net.

"Well, because all of you already now all the things that needed," Evangeline said. "You all have 24 hours of free time. Make the best of your available time, because after 24 hours all of you will have a very deep regret! "

They all didn't understand what Evangeline's words meant, but somehow all the trainees in the winter dome had a feeling of uneasiness from those words.

Author Note: Next Negi vs Asuna, almost all the girl in Negima are weak so I decided to train them in this fic so at least they have more thorough preparation when they are separated later in Mundus Magicus .

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