
Chapter 106 - Mahora Festival Final Arc 21

"Takahata-Sensei is very strong indeed, he able to defeat that giant golem alone," Setsuna said.

"Hurry up and do the sealing," Takahata said. "Before the golem's is regenerated!"

"Okay," Ijuuin said.

But suddenly someone attacking Takahata from a long distance with a sniper bullet, and Takahata who react to the attack reflectly used his Iai Ken to block the attack.

"Swoosh!" After Takahata blocked the bullet using his Iai Ken, a worm hole that was ready to suck up anything near it suddenly appear. luckily Takahata managed to block the attack so the worm hole didn't suck him up.

"Takahata what's wrong?" Asked Ijuuin.

"There someone that attacking me from a long distance using a sniper rifle please be careful," Takahata replied. "From the skill of the sniper, I think Tatsumiya who attacking us using the special bullet that will transfer us several hours to the future."

"If Tatsumiya who attcking us, this will be a problem," Ijuiin said. "She is a tough enemy to located."

"Yeah, so please be careful not to get hit or touch the bullet directly, the effect will be dangerous!" Takahata said.

"You are all heard what Takahata has just said right?" Ijuuin said to all the magicians who had just finished sealing the giant golem.

"Everyone stay out from the open space and strengthen the kekkai that protect your bodies!"

"Yes!" All the magician said.


"He easily blocked my attack Takahata T Takamichi from AAA is really strong," Mana said with a cold sweat in her face. "I must stop targeting him, he is too strong to be my target. I'll just go after someone else!"


Mana fired a bullet with a reflecting bullet technique, and the bullet she fired hit one of the mage that hidden from her. And in an instant the woman mage was sucked into a small wormhole and then disappeared.

"You are all can hidden from my eyes," Mana said. "But all of that is useless since I can still sense your presence and use the reflecting bullet technique to hit all of you."

"Shit! Tatsumiya Mana shot us using a reflecting bullet technique," Ijuuin said. "All of you, be careful!"

Unfortunately Ijuuin's words were too late, in just a few seconds Mana had made dozens of mage disappear into the worm hole.

In the place where Ako, Yuna and Akira are fighting the Tanaka.

A different Tanaka appeared while carrying a gatling gun, and then he started shooting the gatling gun to the participants.

Ako and Fumika Narutaki, who did not have the chance to escape, became a victims of the bullets.

"Fumika! Ako!" Fuuka said.

"They both disappeared!" said Yuna.

"Apart from the two of them there were many other participants who disappeared," Akira said. "What the heck is going on!"

"Ijuuin-Sensei and Kokone-chan were hit by the special bullet," Misora said.

"Calm yourself Misora, nothing will happen to both of them!" Takamichi said. "They both were only moved a few hours into the future."

"All of you mage in Mahora can find out the information regarding the effect of the special bullet that I made,

this is shocking, it seems that there is some information that leaking from my side."

Misora, Takamichi, Setsuna and Asuna were completely shocked when the four of them heard Chao's voice.

Chao wore the uniform of Chao Bao Zi and behind her back there is a 4 drones that were shaped like long flying shields.

"Chao!" Shouted Asuna.

"Chao Ling Shen!" Setsuna said.

"Even though I have set a trap on Cassiopeia that I gave to Shirou-kun," Chao said. "But it seem you're all didn't the Cassiopeia at all."

"Shirou-sama already knows about the bug you planted in Cassiopeia," Setsuna said. "We are all could have gone back to the past using the Cassiopeia, but Eva-san and Rin-san have a bad feeling about the watch, that's why Shirou-Sama decide not to use the Cassiopeia."

"That was a right decision," Chao said with a sigh. "Because even though all the bugs from Cassiopeia have been removed, you will still be sent to the future thanks to a special program that I have planted in Cassiopeia, you guys are really lucky."

"Why you dare to appear here Chao," Takahata said. "Do you think you can beat me?"

"I admit that under normal circumstances if I fight you, I won't be able to win no matter what," Chao said. "But today is the day when the World Tree shine the brightest and the gadget that I use to fight you is using the magical energy from the World Tree. That means I can maximize the power of my gadget and use them to defeat you Takahata-Sensei!"

"You're too noisy, Chao!" Shouted Asuna. "You won't be able to beat Takahata-Sensei!"

"Asuna don't underestimate her," Setsuna said who broke out in cold sweat. "Yesterday Chao, defeat me using a gadget that made her could stop a time and teleport."

"Ooh looks like you still remember your defeat last night Setsuna," Chao said. "Right now there are only to people who can became threat to me, Principal Konoemon and Nosferatu Alucard."

The Cassiopeia in Chao's back started to shining and in an instant Chao already in front of Asuna and punched her in the stomach using a high-pressure electric punch from her special glove.

"Asuna!" Shouted Takamichi and Setsuna.

"What a dumb girl you are Asuna," Chao said. "But unfortunately your power alone isn't enough to defeat me!"

"Chaaaaao!" Setsuna, feel really angry when Asuna was hit by Chao, she immediately drew her sword from its sheath and attacking Chao. Unfortunately in instant Chao already teleported behind Setsuna and attacked Setsuna using a laser from her drone.

"Unfortunately you repeated the same mistake like last night Setsuna!"


Chao's attack sent Setsuna's body flying, and Takahata was forced to jump while carrying Asuna to saving her from the shockwave from the explosion.

And Chao won't stop attacking until Setsuna and Takahata are defeated.


Mahora Middle School library.

"Hey Chiu-chan what we must do to help you?" Makie asked.

"Hmm, nothing," Chisame said "But you two can help me by guarding the library door so that no one comes in."

"I want to help you! Not guarding the library door!" Shouted Ayaka. "You must be just joking right! Tell us the real task! There's no way Negi-Sensei told us to help you just to guard the door! "

"Class rep is right!" Makie shouted. "Chiu-chan tell us our real task!"

Chisame who is scolded by Makie and Ayaka, really confused what excuse she would used to trick Ayaka and Makie.

'Uuuh what excuse should I make, huh, aaah because that brat who sent them to me, maybe I'll mess with him a little!'

"If the participants lose against Chao in the Survival Event , then Negi-Sensei will become Chao's fiancé," Chisame said. "That's why Negi-Sensei asked you two to help me, and I'm not lying about the two of you guarding the library door for me because that was a direct order from Negi-Sensei!"

'If the two of them were fooled by the stupid excuse I just said that means they are both really are stupid to the core, in a sense that everyone can trick them.'

"That's a big thing, Chiu-chan! Why didn't you talk about that earlier!" Makie shouted.

"Makie is right!" Ayaka said. "Why didn't you say it from the start!"

'They both believe taht stupid excuse? Makie and the class rep mind is really innocent! '

"Negi-Sensei / kun will became Chao's fiancé? That was really a no for us!" Shouted Makie and Ayaka at the same time.

"Well, if the participants win all the problems will be resolved, and Negi-Sensei will not became Chao fiance," Chisame said.

"I don't want to just guard the door for you, Chisame-san!" Shouted Ayaka. "Tell me if there's anything else I can help!"

"I already told you, Makie and you didn't need to do anything other than guard the door," Chisame siad.

Chisame stood in the middle of the magic circle that Negi had made while holding the magical girl stick Electrum Reguno her artefak.

"I already know how to use this childish artifact, now is the time to do the task!"

Chisame spun the Electrum Reguno and then she began to chant to activate the power of the artifact.

"Nil Nullum Zefirum, Spiritus Magnum Unum, Spiritus Electronici Ferantur, Super Aquas! Ego Electrum Reguno!"

The magic circle under Chisame's feet started to glow and the power of the artifact started to activate.

"Chisame, why is there a strange circle shining on the floor?" Asked Ayaka.

"Yes Chiu-chan, why is there a magic circle like the one in anime or manga on the library floor!" Makie said. "Ans the magic circle is shining so brightly!"

"Geez!" Chisame said. "Why are you two in the circle!"

"Sriiing!" When the power of Electrum Reguno was fully active, the consciousness of Chisame, Ayaka and Makie was goes inside to the virtual world that look like a sea.

"Where am I!?" Chisame said.

"What happened?" Makie said. "Chiu-chan, why are we suddenly inside the sea like this?"

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