
Chapter 57 - Mahora Festival 20

"Finally, all the participants who will take part in the main event of Mahora Budokai has been selected!" Kazumi said. "For the other participants who were eliminated! Don't be discouraged! Please join the Mahora Budokai again next year!"

"How unfortunate Shirou-Nii-Chan didn't participated in the Mahora Budokai," Kotaro sais. "If he join in I think this tournament will be a lot more interesting!"

"That's very true de gozaru," Kaede said. "But unfortunately Shirou-dono is not interested at all to participated in the Mahora Budokai."

"But I'm more interested in fighting the guy named Alucard whose appearance is so creepy aru," Gu Fei said. "He's really mysterious and strong aru, because suddenly all the other participants who attacked him are fainted and lay on the floor."

"That's right de gozaru," Kaede said. "I don't even know how he knocked all of the attendees unconscious."

"The names of the 16 participants who entered the main round will be announced," Kazumi said. "In a moment we will announce the results of the draw for the participants! Everyone, please look at the big screen behind me!"

Tanaka (Android) Vs Takane D Goodman

Negi Springfield Vs Takamichi T Takahata

Asuna Kagurazaka vs Sakurazaki Setsuna

Evangeline A.K MC Dowell Vs Yoshi Yamashita

Ai Sakura Vs Alucard

Kotaro Murakami vs Colonel Sanders

Kaede Nagase vs Tatsuya Nakamura

Mana Tatsumiya vs Gu Fei

"Aaah this is bad!" Negi said."My first opponent is Takamichi!"

"Aiiya I have to fight Mana aru," Gu Fei said.

"Tomorrow match will be fun," Takamichi said. "I really can't wait to fight with you Negi."

"Me too Takamichi," Negi said. "I'm looking forward to fight with you tomorrow morning!"



In front of the Starbook cafe right after the elimination match towards the main round of Mahora Budokai was over. Shirou and Negi meet the class 3-a students who are celebrating the success of the class 3-a haunted house.

"Negi-Sensei! Shirou-kun! Thank you for your help today!" Misa said.

"Thanks to the help from Shirou-kun and Negi-Sensei the entrance tickets to the class 3-a haunted house are sold out!" Makie and Sakurako said.

"Negi-kun! The dracula costume you are wearing really attracts a lot of visitors!" Yuna said.

"Uh, you're welcome," Negi said.

"Shirou-kun! Your brown skinned archer costume is so cool!" Madoka said.

"O-oh okay," Shirou said.

"Shirou, as far as I know, you took a nap at the Infimary and helped me on patrol," Rin said. "How you can help out the haunted house?"

"I'll tell you later, Rin," Shirou replied.

"Shirou-Senpai!" Sakura said while holding Shirou's two hands. "I will never forget the wonderful thing that happened to us this afternoon, it is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to my life!"

"Shirou!" Saber said who kissed Shirou's cheek. "Thank you for taking me to a restaurant with a delicious food this afternoon! I'm really satisfied and happy!"

The two of them then left with red faces to join their classmates who were partying.

After feeling confused about what really happened to Shirou. Rin just realized what her younger sister and Saber were doing to Shirou. Rin started to emit a terrifying aura from her body.

"Ooh Shirou," Rin said. "Can you tell me why you can have a with date Saber and are you doing something to my little sister!"

Shirou broke out in a large amount of cold sweat when he heard Rin's words that sounded so scary. He realized he seemed to be making some more time travel to meet his hectic schedule on the first day of the Mahora Festival.

"Negi-Sensei!" Ayaka said. "Today Sensei really made me the happiest girl in the world, I really grateful to you."

"Uh, yeah Ayaka," Negi said.

"Negi!" Shouted Makie, wearing a white cat costume. "Thank you for coming to my club today!"

"Y-Yes," Negi said.

"Negi-bouzo!" Gu Fei said. "Thanks to show up to my club this afternoon!"

"Sensei! Thank you for coming to the astronomy club!" Chizuru said.

"Aniki," said Camo, who had recently woken up. "It seems that Aniki did a time travel again."

"I know Camo," Negi said. "Although I don't know what will happen later."

"Shi-Shirou-Kun," Chisame said who approached Shirou with a flushed face. "For your kindness this afternoon at the cosplay event I would like to say thank you very much, but please don't tell anyone about what happened this afternoon!"

"O-okay," Shirou said.

"Shiiirouuuu!" Rin shouted while choking Shirou's neck. "Tell me everything what you are hiding!"

"Rin-san please stop!" Negi said. "If you strangle Shirou-nii like that's how he can talk to you!"


"Have you calmed down a little, Rin?" Shirou asked.

"Hmmph!" Rin said.

"I know you are still angry with me, because suddenly Sakura, Saber and Chisame approached me," Shirou said. "But to be honest, I honestly still don't know why they are like that."

"You don't know?" Rin said. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I haven't done anything that made them greet me earlier," Shirou said.

"Your words are getting less and less clear!" Rin said. "Describe all in detail!"

"Ehmm, how to explain it, huh," Shirou said. "It's all about time travel."

"Time travel?" Rin said. "That's impossible! All I know is that you can only use Denial of Nothingness which is the first true magic! Instead of time travel which is the fifth true magic!"

"Shirou-nii didn't lie Rin-san," Negi said who approached the two of them from behind along with Kotaro. "Earlier I, Setsuna-san and Shirou-nii made time travel!"

"Negi you are delirious, huh?" Kotaro said. "Time travel is impossible to know!"

"It's not impossible," Rin said. "But requires special magic to do it!"

"No need to use any special magic," Shirou said. "As long as there are the right tools and energy it is possible to time travel without using the fifth magic."

"Shirou-nii is right," Negi said as he showed Cassiopeia that Shirou borrowed to him to Rin and Kotaro. "Using this pocket watch that Chao made a time travel is possible!"

"Impossible!" Rin said. "How could time travel be accomplished using just that thing! How absurd!"

"Wooow!" Kotaro said. "Amazing we can time travel using that little clock! Hey Negi how does the clock work?"

"Eh," Negi said. "To be honest I also don't understand how this clock works."

"Let me explain," Shirou said. "I've done structural analysis on that Cassiopeia so it's not difficult for me to explain how it works, even I can recreate the watch and modify it using Denial of Nothingness."

"Then Shirou how does it work?" Rin asked.

"Yes Shirou-nii-chan please explain! " Kotaro said.

"The Cassiopeia held by Negi is a time machine that can bring someone back to the past, and with a few modifications that watch even can bring people into the future," Shirou said. "But the time travel that can be done is limited to only during the Mahora Festival where the special magic energy that comes from the World Tree is overflowing, and thanks to that special magical energy a time travel is possible."

"Hmm, if that time travel was carried out using the magic energy from the World Tree it would sound possible and make sense," Rin said. "But I never thought that Chao Ling Shen could make something close to fifth true magic using only science, she really is a genius who can make that time machines with only the technology available today."

"Actually Rin," Shirou said. "Chao is not someone from this period, but she is someone from the future, I know this information because of the structural analysis I did on the Cassiopeia."

"If she really comes from the future now everything is make senses," Rin said. "But what is the purpose of Chao going to the past?"

"Shi-Shirou-nii!" Negi said. "Is it true that Chao is from the future!"

"The maker of that pocket watch is from the future!" Kotaro said. "Are we in a science fiction film, or something?"

"Chao is from the future I can confirm that," Shirou said. "But what her purpose was in this era and why she gave the clock to me is still unclear."

"We can confirm that later Shirou-nii," Negi said. "Right now we better go back to the past to do things we haven't had time to do today!"

"Aniki and Shirou-Anii's schedules are really busy," Camo said.

"Negi, can I come with you," Kotaro said. "I also want to go sightseeing around the Festival!"

"That's okay for me," Negi said.

"Shirou! I want to come too!" Rin said. "Time travel is a rare opportunity! So of course I have to go!"

"Yeah yeah," Shirou said with a sigh. "Negi give me the Cassiopeia!"

"Okay Shirou-nii!" Negi said by giving back the Cassiopeia to Shirou.

"Rin hold on to me," Shirou said. "And Kotaro hold on to Negi!"

Rin held Shirou, while Kotaro put his hand on Negi's shoulder. And Shirou grabbed Negi other shoulder.

Negi then activated Cassiopeia using his magical energy and in an instant they all disappeared from where they were before and returned to the past.

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