
Start! The Very First Day

My name is Maynard Augustine. I'm a 16-year-old boy and a grade 11 ICT student. I will tell you today the story of how I met the woman I love.

It starts off when I first entered this school I'm studying today. The name of the school is Alfamore Senior High, it is really close to my home so that's one of my reason why I chose this school, the other reason is that back in my old school the strand that I want to study is not included in their senior high strand options. That is why I was forced to transfer, no worries I really want to leave that school anyways. Joke aside, I'm really nervous because my best friend was in another strand and I was left alone add the fact that I'm an introvert. Oh goodness! This will be hell!!

As I speak to myself, what have I done? Why did I switch strand in the middle of our enrollment put aside the fact that I would be separated from my friend and be left all alone? Well, that's that, no point crying over a spilled milk.

Then the first day of school came. Oh no! My heart is beating so fast! As the orientation went on the only thing that I think about is how would I survive this environment all alone? Help, please? Then, the orientation finally came to a settling end. Final remarks fly out, frightening warnings about naughty students going through jail time... Blah blah blah... I'm worried about these things because believe it or not, I'm a good student so...yeah, moving on.

The time has come. This is it! We are finally going to our homeroom! As I walk to my homeroom I steadily pace myself in a very calm and cheerful manner. Walking on a very average speed, chest up, head held up high, and to top it all of a big bright smile like I was modeling for a toothpaste commercial. I think I looked like a doofus but I don't care because my heart feels so tensed.

I reached it. This is my homeroom, a small square-shaped room with a long rectangular blackboard fixed into the wall on the north side of the room, then a small teacher's table that has a floral covering and a monoblock chair in front-middle of the class. As for the student's chair, well... A small armed chair I guessed... It is aligned in a very odd fashion. The chairs are aligned like this: 2 rows on the east and west side of the class facing not the front but the center-middle of the room, then like 10-15 rows and 4 columns of a chair in the middle of the room just in front of the teacher's table.

Yeah I know, weird right? But soon as that thought popped out in my head I saw on the door of my room the list of the students. My gosh! What a long list it was, it had 69 students... 69 freaking students! It all makes sense now, the weird chair arrangements I meant. Okay, that was surprising, never would have thought that my section would be this big. Aside from feeling surprised, the beat of my heart just got a lot stronger, my heart is literally trying to jump out of my chest.

Okay, I said to my self, no more Mr. ScaredyPants we will enter this room find the most comfortable place to sit in, the place where I can't be noticed or I can catch some unnecessary attention. So I chose to sit in the 1st row and 1st column in the middle. Yeah yeah I know, why you would I choose this sit you asked? Well first, I anticipate that my class would be a messy one. Second, is that I have poor eyesight and hearing. Finally, Infront I will not get bored in class because my teacher is literally just in front of me and I can focus on our lessons. Yes, I'm a student who loves to study.

As I finally sit on my chair, our adviser enters the classroom. He is a man with average looks, average height, and average body figure. All in all a very average man. But, he has this very compelling aura which I instantly noticed. From then on, I know that our adviser is not just your own typical teacher, he's more than that. After that, we started the traditional "introduce yourself to the class". The tense started kicking in again, my gosh! Can my heart take a little break?! Jeez! This is stressing me out!

FORTUNATELY for me! I'm at the 1st row and 1st column in the middle part of the class so... I'm the chosen one to introduce first... GREAT! really great, now I think my heart just stop beating. It just gave up all hope.

As I stand up, giving off my brightest smile then taking a big deep breath. 1... 2... 3...

"Good Morning Sir! Everyone! My name is Mayna..."


"Sorry, Sir! I lost my way so I asked someone to bring me here"

"It's fine, sit beside this good sir who just about to introduce himself"

"Oh my! I'm sorry!"

"I...I...It's fine, no need to worry. Ehehehe"

Just like that, I saw this gorgeous woman barging in our class, everyone locked their eyes on her. She responded with a bright smile and a giggle. With that response? Well I on the other hand, just turned stone and instantly fell in"crush" with her. Can't blame me on that one, I mean she's a total beauty, she has this small pale-white face, pointed nose, small red lips, and seductive eyes. Even though she's small in terms of height and her body is petite, she also has pale white fair skin.

Back to reality, she sits beside me and our adviser said that I need to proceed in my introduction so here we go again...

"Good Morning Sir! Everyone! My name is Maynard Felvore Augustine. I'm 16-year-old"

"Okay! Nice to meet you, Mr. Augustine. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, pardon everyone. Ehem! My name is Sir. Alexader Almario Crisostomo Concepcion, 25 years old and a Literature major teacher. You can call me Sir. Al."

"Nice to meet you, Sir. Al!"

I went back to my sit.

"Okay next! You Miss late!"

"Ahihihi... Sorry again Sir. Al. Good Morning Everyone and Sir! My name is Gardenia Marie Valencia Gonzales. I'm 17 years old!"

She sat down on her chair again.


The introduction went on until it reached the 5th-row 2nd-column on the west side of the room. I saw her, the little woman with white fair skin like snow white and have fierce eyes. A true living ice queen...

After the introduction, our adviser summarizes the principal's orientation then leaves the classroom. Our subject teachers enter and leave the classroom after they introduce themselves and explain how they will grade us in their class. Some tried to befriend us, while others tried to scare us but in the end, I don't really mind. It's the first day of school after all. It is a tradition, been there done that type of activity.

4:00 P.M.

The day went to a close and we all went home... What a tiring day it was.

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