
The First Battle, Part I

"Get up! It's time for rations!"

A bald man, with an eye patch covering his right eye and a sword dangling on his waist kicked the young man in front of him.

"I do… no – "

"Haaah? You don't want food? If I say you eat food, you better eat your goddamn food!"

The young man closed his mouth and stood up from his chair with his head down, the old man scoffed before turning around leading the young man.

"Seriously, you walked to this camp demanding where you were as if you are some sort of noble. After a few months, you still behave so arrogantly that you dare talk back to your superior?!"

The bald man kept shouting and shouting while the young man kept his head down. The young man was wearing ripped clothing, his face covered in bruises and his hair cut down to a buzzcut.

As they continued to walk, they finally arrived at the massive canteen within the building. Many different people wearing leather armour and swords around their waist were walking around, eating and talking away.

"Oi! Eagle! Where are you taking the new recruit to the feeder squad?"

The bald man named Eagle turned around, he was slightly taken aback as he saw a middle-aged man before straightening his posture and saluting.

"Sir! I am taking him to eat food, so that he is ready for his first battle!"

The middle-aged man stared at the young man with a observing gaze, the young man started to shiver as he felt exposed completely.

"Go, don't make him eat too much, it'll fatten him."

"Yes sir!"

Eagle quickly pushed the young man forward taking him to a small corner. The small corner had a table with a plate of mouldy bread and meat surrounded by flies. The young man who saw this stepped back slightly before Eagle pushed him hard.

"Eat! We got a battle and you are starving yourself like a complete idiot! After this, join your crew and rest before we send you out!"

Eagle grunted before walking off to his table, the young man who was pushed down then sat on the chair and stared at the food right in front of him.

'It's been two months since I arrived in this world, and I am treated like a slave!'

Yes, the young man had travelled from Earth to here accidentally by falling down a small trapdoor underneath his bedroom.

He was Chen Yang, heir to the biggest family in China and infamous for his arrogance and playboy attitude.

When he arrived in this world, he thought it was a kidnapping and ran off looking for help. He landed at a small village, looking at the people around him he realised something was off. But he did not care, and strutted towards a random person demanding to know where he was.

Guards took him away, throwing him into a dungeon for a few days. Those few days made Yang to realise that he was in a different world with no way to get back. He cried in his cell for days, before the guards took him to another location.

There, he now became the new recruit for the 'feeder' squad. He did not know what it means, but he understood that it was not good. Flaunting around like he ran the place; Yang was soon then beaten by the other soldiers due to his arrogance.

'I can't eat this, I – '

Before finishing his thought, his stomach started to rumble. He retched at the idea of eating the food, but his hunger was taking over his mind.

He picked up the mouldy bread from the plate and bit into it without second thought, but soon regretted it as he threw up.

The soldiers who saw this commotion laughed, and Yang who was the person they were laughing at kept his head down while tears flowed down his eyes.

He has never been humiliated this much before in his life, previously he was treated like a king. Women came to him at the mention of his name and people respected him due to his power.

Now, he is a nobody in a strange world with no idea how to get back.

After an hour of forcefully eating everything in his plate, he stood up and left the canteen. The soldiers who saw this continued to point and laugh at him, one of them even threw a plate at Yang's head.

Yang who was about to turn around quickly stopped, and walked away. He knew that although this humiliation is something, he will have revenge on, he was not strong enough to fight them.

Hell, he was not even strong enough to fight a single person in the feeder squad.


The middle-aged man from before stood up from his chair and said his orders, everyone in the Feeder Squad saluted before rushing to the armoury, including Yang.

As Yang walked into the armoury, he was greeted upon countless different weapons, all covered in dust and cobwebs.

The twenty members of the feeder squad picked their weapons, most picked swords as they were the easiest to use in most cases.

Yang continued to stare at the weapon, before his sight landed upon a katana on the ground with a roll of paper attached to it.

'A katana...?'

Katanas were a Japanese sword in his world, yet it is also in this world too? Yang picked up the katana, and opened the roll of paper attached to it.

< You have been called upon to become the next Realm Traveller! >

A huge text of writing appeared before his eyes, he dropped to the floor in fright.

'What the actual hell!?'