

When Lirius turned to check on the girl, he became serious seeing how badly affected the girl was by the situation. He clicked his tongue annoyedly on them. "F*ck it," He mumbled as he started casting protecting and defense type magic all over the soldier preventing the arrows and magic being thrown at them not harming them at all.

At that moment, Athena was trapped in her own world. Memories of her past which the previous owner experienced fast like a movie being shown to her. All the pain and torture she suffered from each and everyone who wishes her dead. Yet, a small glimpse of light flashes across her when the smile of the children in the village runs freely, the woman and men living a brighter life, elder full of tales to tell to the young ones. A life where everyone is able to live freely and with hope.

Meanwhile, for some reason, Lirius had this strange feeling that something was not right. Like something terrible is about to happen which he couldn't explain at all, "We should he bac-"

As he turned back and grabbed hold of the girl's arm, he was already too late. As the girl already grabbed hold of her bow and bag of arrows from him. He was all flustered and was unable to think right away and stop the girl from what she was about to do.

Athena pushed through the soldiers as she grabbed one of the horses which a soldier was supposed to use. "Allow me." She said as she hopped on and pushed the soldier aside causing him to fall on the ground.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The soldier's voice out angrily at her yet she was too far away already.

"What is going on?"

"Who was that?"

The soldier became all curious about the mysterious person that just appeared out of nowhere. Whilst leaving Lirius dumbfounded and frozen from the shock, he just received as he saw the girl riding her way to the battlefield.

"ATHENA!" He screamed her real name aloud, realizing he just let her go and did not even stop her.

Since Athena left without saying a word, Fuji too soon followed. His sudden arrival brought shock to the soldiers as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Seeing Fuji has gone to aid the girl, Lirius too started pushing his way out of the camp and started chasing after them. He hastily cast all sorts of magic on him in order to cast after the girl, in order to provide protecting magic for the girl. Even though the girl was already quite a distance away from him, he was able to maintain the magic surrounding the girl. Since if he becomes a distance away, the spell might be broken. He casts a few defence magic on the girl before, but, he fears they aren't that strong to protect her.

There are two types of spell, long term and short term spell. It is very simple, short term means they can only last within the twenty four hour range, whilst long term can last for weeks, months and even years if they person who cast it is very powerful.

Lirius was having a hard time chasing the girl, he could only picture the demon behind him point a shot right at his throat. "F*ck, that b*stard will surely kill me." Well, even though that's far too impossible from happening since he can just kill Serfred first.

The girl was still a distance away from the enemy. However, she has better sight than before and she can clearly see them. Her vision was like of an eagle as she focuses on her prey ahead. She prepared her bow and arrows, took a deep breath and as she released it…


It hit the enemy right on the forehead as he collapsed like a fallen tree that's been cut down.

When the soldiers saw their fellow men suddenly collapse with an arrow on his head, they were all shocked and bewildered. They looked at each other's question, whether they saw the owner of the arrow.

"Where did that arrow come from?"

"Did they have reinforcement with them?"

"Everyone! Be alert!"

"Continue to focus your attack on them! We must get the commander!"

The enemies continue to strike on the empire's soldiers. Focusing all their energy on targeting the commander who was running for his life. But, once again, out of nowhere, another arrow flew right across them and killed one of their men out of the blue.


"We-where did that come from?"



Again, another person was shot right in the forehead. Arrow after arrow flew across killing each one of them one at the time precisely at the same spot. With all the arrows they were fired and the magic they've cast, it should have been impossible for anyone to target them.

Whilst the empire's soldiers were running away and heading to the camp. They notice a horseman who was going the opposite way.

"Who was that?"

"Did you see that person control her bow."

"What's that-"

"That's a Twilight Wolf."

Some couldn't help it, but pause and be amazed by what they were seeing. The distance between her and the enemy wasn't that vast anymore. She hops down from the horse and release it back to the camp as it started running for its life a well.

Fuji, soon arrived by the girl's side. Even though the girl left early on, it didn't take that long for him to catch up to her as well. He noticed the malicious aura the other's were emitting, which means they were threatening the girl. Anyone who dares harm the girl was his meal...


It was a howl that none of them could ever imagine. As it brought such fear into their hearts… As they looked at what's ahead. They soon witness the presence of a majestic beast that will soon bring an end to their lives.

In no time, Fuji was able to reach them and rip one of the men's throats unexpectedly. They were all shocked by everything, that they weren't able to prepare themselves.

"Kill it!"

Despite he may be still a pup, but his speed was greater than of a horse, which means he was an opponent that is hard to target. With his well develop senses and training, he was a frightening machine well prepared for the battlefield.


"Help me!"

"Run for your lives!"

"Kill it, kill the wolf!"

The scene was horrible as each one of them who were captured were slaughtered by the wolf. It was a beast that cannot be tamed by others, and will only stop with its master command. Even if they plead and kneed before it, it was useless and futile.

Soon, Lirius was closing in to the girl. He noticed that there weren't any arrows and magic being thrown at them at all. AS he looked in the direction of the enemies, he noticed most of them were running back whilst the rest were being massacred by the wolf. As he witnessed the horrible scene, he also noticed something unbelievable happening right in front of him. He recalled once Serfred has mentioned that the girl was able to strike down a deer in one blow.

...Her body hasn't fully recovered yet and she is able to do this much. She isn't even using that much energy at all to think she can control her attack and strike them at the same spot. If she has fully recovered, could she be as powerful as… I shouldn't worry about that for now. I need to keep a close eye on her, I fear the future will be quite bothersome soon.

The distance between her and the girl weren't that wide anymore, soon different magic circles were appearing all over the girl.

"Ah, he caught up." Athena said as she then released the arrow killing her target at one strike.

Once he reached the girl, he checked her condition right away. He fears that even a single strain of her hair will bring death to him, for Serfred was the type of person who seems to know everything about the girl. As he checked for any signs of wounds, cuts, he sighed in relief and retreated, seeing not a scratch was on her.

"Don't ever do this again!"

Lirius was so furious that he noticed a group of enemies heading their way. In a blink, glare at them and suddenly a large explosion happened which killed all of them and brought fear to the rest of them as they ran for their lives. He didn't want them to bother the girl anymore as he really wanted to drag her out, but seeing more of them were coming, it was up to him to get rid of all of them in one blow.

Athena saw what happened, she felt goosebumps all over her body. As she thought, 'I should have not done what I did, Lirius will kill me if I angry him.' However, it made her curious about how powerful Lirius can be. Seeing the type of magic he just cast and all the protection and defense type magic at the same time, it just proves he has a great mana and control at the same time. But, the fact he is an alchemist makes her question his identity a lot. Some of the magic he's been using is something an Arch Mage would normally do. Yet, he can simply blink and boom, it's happening right in front of you.


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