"I loved the man who unfortunately was the person who I barged into his room " A small love story of a girl from another country falling in love with a Chinese handsome guy who by the way is the CEO of a well renowned company. Let's enjoy the story guyzzzzzzzzz ❤️
'Hii.. I'm Lacy Hills, I come from Australia and now I'm going to go to China to visit my Dad. I'm not Chinese nor are my parents, my Dad (Charlie Hills) started his own business in China at the age of 23, my mom (Gracy Holmes) is an interior designer and is working for a company in Australia. By seeing the names you might be thinking why is my parents last name different if they are married together. Alas ! my parents divorced when I was 12years old, I even don't know why they divorced, they really had a good understanding between them, this made the after divorce life peaceful though. I go to my Dad's house for 2 months then I go to my mother's house for 2 months, like this I have spent my teenage life. Now I'm 23 I have been working for a company named Tripsy Trip as an assistant manager in Germany. I worked there for 3 years without a holiday.. you might be thinking... What???? It's true because I love my job. My colleagues are the best , they are my good friends, because I enjoyed going over there ,therefore I didn't took any holidays. Now I have not gone to my mom's or my dad's home for 3 years. So Yesterday I decided to go to China to meet my Dad. I booked my tickets to China and now I'm at the airport. '
Suddenly Phone vibrates ...
It turns out it's her Dad.
She answered" Yo daddy..... I'm at the airport I'm gonna leave now. Do you miss me already?"
Her dad answered " My Dear please don't be mad at me ... It turns out I have to leave to New York today and I won't be coming for 2 months .. sorry dear please forgive me."
She was shocked " 2 months.. that's a lot of time dad ! why ?what happened? Is there anything wrong at our company? I will cancel my ticket and come to New York to accompany you"
Her dad interrupted and said " Dear there's nothing wrong in the company I actually kinda agreed to spend time with one of my important client for his vacation I was drunk and agreed to it and now I couldn't back out from that so..."
She said unhappily but smiled gently "Okay dad ! I know you can't reject that offer because he is our company's important client so it's fine I will just go visit my Friends at China and I will stay there. Okay then Bye Dad have a good vacation"
Her Dad said " I'm gonna makeup it up to you so please forgive me this time okay ! Bye !"
She sighed and hanged up and boarded the plane.
Finally reached China ..
Her mind was of full excitement to meet her her friends and in her mind she had all those beautiful memories flashed .. she said 'Im back'.