
A Bulge In The Wall

Inside the building was less packed. It looked like a study area with couch seats on both sides of the hallway. A few students were sitting in them, but too absorbed in their books to pay her any attention.

Just to make sure, Rory ducked her face down and made her way toward her dorm. The college's population circled around the number 5000 and couldn't be considered a large campus. After all only 10% of the world was qualified to be here.

Checking out the building she had to admit it was a worthy school for its title. The inside walls were made out of red wood and the ground was made from marble. Golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, reflected off the wall making them seem golden.

After walking for a while, Rory found two hallways that said dormitories. One was pointing to the right and was labeled [Female] another was labeled to the left labeled [Male].

Rory felt a bit guilty heading down the male section, but what could she do? Thankfully she didn't have a roommate and didn't have to worry to much on invading their privacy.

Room A101...A103... A240...A567!

The male dormitories seemed like a never ending hallway of rooms forcing her to walk down it for a while. In her body's state by the time she reached her room she was already out of breath.

Opening the door, Rory felt around for a light switch. The walls were cold underneath her hand and the darkness of the room sent alarm bells through her mind.

She tried to not trip over herself as she walked more into the room still unable to find a light switch. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. What kind of place has the light switch so far from the door.

Walking listlessly out of no where she wrecked into a wall. Rory covered her forehead with her hand and glared at the area in front of her. The build for this room was completely off.

Without a care she started to feel up the wall in front of her in search of a light switch.

However, she couldn't help noticing that the wall felt a bit different from the other ones. It was as cold as the rest of the place, however seemed to have lines in it and also she could almost swear that it was respirating. Rory shook her head at the ridiculousness of that thought.

Rory lived alone and if the thing she was touching was human they would definitely have to be naked. It seemed like a bigger jump for someone to break into her dorm and get naked than the area in front of her being a wall.

Also, normal human temperatures held a temperature of at least 90 degree unless they were in freezing conditions... The room was cold, but definitely not freezing, therefore because of the object's temperature it was quite unlikely that it was human.

Rory's lips twitched. What an eccentric room.

She moved her hand over the top wall in a few second in search of a switch before going lower on the wall until she came across a weird feeling of cloth. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion when she reached a rather large bump on the wall.

Rory felt a chill run down her spin and the temperature of the room dropped exponentially.

"If keep moving...I will kill you." A cold deep voice entered Rory's ears making her heart skip a beat. It was actually a human! Was this the wrong room? But, she could of sworn that she saw the correct number by the door. Quickly she withdrew her hand and her foot stepped back.

"You think after doing that you can leave so easily?" The man's voice was heard again. Alarm bells went off in Rory's head and she started to back up slowly. She wasn't ready to fight yet!

A strong hand grabbed her arm and yanked her back in front of the man. "For a female to go all the way to sneak their way in here you seem very desperate to leave."

The whisper made her heart shake. How did he know she was a female? Who was this person?

Rory didn't think anymore and moved to head butt the guy. He obviously wasn't expecting such an action and let go of her arm. She then tried to kick him in chest in an attempt to gain some distance from him.

The man grabbed her leg and twisted it making her collapse on the ground. "Do you really think that you can fight me with such flimsy skills?"

Rory cursed all of the fates in heaven. She literally just got killed by a guy and now she was about to be killed by another one!?

"Another girl willing to do anything for money. You are pathetic!" The voice spit out sounding extremely angry.

The lights clicked on. Rory looked up at the face of her attacker before becoming completely dumbfounded. Her attacker looked down at her also with a dumbfounded expression.

He could of sworn that the hands he felt were a female's hands... was he mistaken? The person in front of him was beautiful enough to be a girl for sure, however the outfit and hair made her seem to be a man.

His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"You. Who are you?" He questioned the 'guy' on the ground with a cold demeanor.

"Your mom." She growled out when she came out of her daze, rubbing her head that had been abused twice today. Once from when she wrecked into the man and another when he flipped her over using her leg. Already she was completely fed up.

Even though the man in front of her looked like god's gift to woman he was clearly her gift from hell. Was he an invader? He looked like he just came out of the shower with only a towel covering his body and slightly damp black hair, it was not the typical outfit for someone doing a break in.

Also, wasn't his face a bit too pretty to be in the business of robbery? Surely he could easily seduce some people to give him money without anything in return.

Rory pretended to continue rubbing her head absentmindedly observing the situation. The previous soul definitely lived alone in this room and she wasn't stupid enough to not be able to read the numbers on the door. To come here without permission he couldn't be anything good.

He moved closer causing Rory to blush furiously. Didn't this guy have any sense of shame?! If he moved any closer she might as well be labeled a peeking Tom! "I won't ask again. What. Is. Your. Name."

"I am a student at this school and if you leave now I swear I won't call the police." Seeing that the man was well built she realized that the likely hood of her getting out was extremely low. Too low for her to risk trying to fight back.

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