

When did you last realize that you made the biggest mistake in your life, I realized mine after two days after that day pasted, oh yeah? I didn't tell you guys what actually happened that day so yeah I am going to tell you guys what happened, that day after waiting for an hour I went to check up on my friend and I saw she was head over heels for our math teacher, now you guys will say that in our school life it is common to have a crush on a good looking teacher but guy's, not everyone has an unhealthy obsession with your math teacher for me that was OMG what is wrong with her? she confessed to him should have seen his face it was "priceless" he never saw that coming, neither did i. Sometimes I don't know what is going through her mind confessing to a person how is at least 34 years older than you and has 2 kids W.T.H. After that, I return to the classroom acting like I don't know anything and I was waiting for her in the classroom like always she came to the class after 10 min and she said let us go home I said ok.

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