
The Beeps

Conner and I spent the day going into various shops. He would ever so often look over at me and my heart would flutter looking at his brown eyes.

He had a laugh that automatically made me smile and laugh too. It was like music to my ears and slowly and surely it became the very thing I looked forward to each day.

Sometimes he would reach out and grab my hand unknowing what it does to my heart.

Conner held tightly to my small hand. It almost looked like a child's hand holding tightly to a giant. He dragged me along through the mall like a puppy on a leash as we headed towards Game Halt, his favorite store.

We had different tastes in games. He opted for games like Call of Enlistment while I preferred games like The Last Few of Us. The day dragged by quickly with him. We saw a movie that he let me pick and during it I threw popcorn in his hair. His bottom lip quivered as he tried to not laugh at my idiotcy in the crowded theatre. I would smile mischeviously at him. Conner would always pay for when we hung out. In the back of my mind I had always wondered if these were dates. Were there such things as unspoken ones? Maybe I am thinking to much into this.

"Hope, you ok?" Conner asked me with his puppy like head tilt. "You looked like your mind went to outer space." I shoved him playfully and once again he did his bottom lip quiver as he held in laughter.

As the hours passed our day turned into night. All of our time was seemingly wasted on a mall trip. I looked up at Conner hesitant to ask him what he thinks of me.

My phone buzzed and beeped twice. I pulled out my phone unsure what the noise was. Unlocking it quickly, it revealed my chaos app had opened itself. Across the screen read 38 miles away. Did it expect me to run 38 miles? There was no way that was happening. Unsure of its meaning, I stuck my phone back into my pocket. How ridiculous.

Around me I heard the beeps again. Others pulled there phones out as well. I guessed they must have gotten the same message. Shaking my head I turned back to Conner. He looked at me quizingly possibly wondering the same thing I was. "Maybe we should leave Hope. " Conner spoke softly to me as if reassuring a small child. "All the people around here are playing too. " I nodded my head understanding what he was saying. We did not know how the cat and mouse game worked.

As I reached for Conner's arm my phone beeped twice more. This time the message assigned me a number, 38.

I showed Conner. He looked around at the other people walking around us. They had numbers as well, those that were playing with us. He seen numbers as low as 17.

Conner wondered If this was the order we were playing in. A look of frustration overcome Conner's usually cheerful and goofy face. I watched on as he downloaded and opened the app. Conner was assigned number 40 in our area. To him, this confirmed his suspicious. His message also told him 30 miles away.

He walked me to my car. The parking lot was still packed even with closing time nearing at the Mall. With this weird game looming over us I don't know what came over me but I felt it was time to ask.

"Conner, what do you think of me?" My words came out almost hoarse and you could very easily hear my nerves behind it. He looked at me and said nothing. Instead he leaned down towards me for a kiss.

His dreadlocks fell over his face, ruining a perfect moment. He laughed and cursed to himself as he grabbed and held back his dreads and kissed me. It was awkward but sweet.

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