
28 Wiped Out

In the Castle.

Victoriel kneeled, giving respect to her mother, The Queen of Vampires and the Pack.

" Victoriel, I called you because we will start a war with the Werewolves tonight."

Victoriel was surprised and a big smile appeared in his face.

" Really? If that's the case, then so be it. It's a perfect timing. I'll go and get ready."

Victoriel bowed down and leaved.


Raliz was talking to the Mermaids. They are one of the Halflings, Half human, half fish.

Raliz gained some informations about these Mermaids. In the movies, Mermaids are Creatures that had an upper body of a beautiful woman and had a fish tail as lower part.

But these Mermaids are different, they are one of the kinds of Mermaids. They are called Gills.

Gills had fish scales around their body and gills on their neck.

There are three type of Mermaids living in Alpha World.

Gills, Pearl and Scales.

They are different from each other and have different kinds of abilities.

As Raliz talked about them, someone interrupted.

" Hey ugly Creatures! Don't go near with the pretty lady. She might get your filthy gills." Harrison insulted the Mermaids.

The Mermaids were startled and immediately left Raliz and swam down into the water.

Harrison laughed.

Raliz was furious.

" Hey! Why did you do that? They didn't do anything to you. Say sorry to them." Raliz said angrily and gave Harrison a cold stare.

" Woah! No, I won't. You should even thank me. Because I saved your pretty face from getting gills." Harrison said with a proud face.

Raliz anger heightened. She remembered someone who acts like he does. Harry.

Raliz clenched his fist.

" I'll make you pay."

Raliz rushed forward and threw a punch to Harrison. Her fist was about to collide with Harrison's face when a hand stopped it.

Raliz looked at the owner of the hand.

He has a pink hair and he is a Vampire.

" Please forgive this old friend of ours. We are truly sorry for what he did to you." The pink haired Vampire said in a sorry tone.

He looks so handsome and Charming. With his voice, a girl could fall in love with him.

He turned around and looked at Harrison. Harrison shivered and left in fear of getting hurt. The Vampire turned around back to Raliz.

" I'm Daniel. The Fifth Prince of the Vampires."

He gave his hand to Raliz and Raliz shake on it.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Daniel. I'm Raliz."

" I'm so sorry for what happened. It's just we can't control him. He is a very important person here. If something happens to him, it'll be our responsibility and loss." Daniel sincerely apologized.

" Alright." Raliz said.

Daniel looked at Raliz and he smiled.

" Come on. Let me introduced you to my brothers."

They arrived at a Tree house. They climbed it and entered.

They saw his brothers.

" Guys, this is Raliz. Raliz, they are my brothers."

The four Vampires stood up and introduced themselves.

" Hi. I'm Samuel. The Eldest, The First Prince and The Future King of the Vampires." A Grey haired Vampire named Samuel said.

" Hi, Raliz. I'm Gabriel. The Youngest, The Sixth Prince of the Vampires. Nice to meet you." A Vampire that looks alike Daniel. He had Pink hair too, just like Daniel. They look twins.

Raliz looked at Daniel. Daniel realized it and he explained it.

" Gabriel and I are twins."

Raliz nodded but deep inside, she was amazed. I mean they look very alike. You couldn't even discern which one is who.

" I am Raphael. The Third Prince of the Vampires." Raphael was a little bit muscular and has Blue hair.

" And I am Michael. The Fourth Prince of the Vampires." A red haired Vampire said.

" Hi Guys. I'm Jane Raliz Montefalco. But just call me Raliz and It's a pleasure to meet you all." Raliz introduced herself to the El-brothers with a sweet and heart warming smile.

Everyone smiled and blushed a little..

" She's so cute..."

" Beautiful..."

" Amazing Charisma..."

These thoughts appeared on their minds when they saw Raliz smiled at them.

" So, you've met my brothers."

A black haired Vampire went inside the window.

" Victoriel!" All of his brothers exclaimed his name.

" Hi, Raliz." Victoriel greeted Raliz.

" Hi." Raliz said with a smile.

Victor's heart pumped when he saw Raliz's smile.

" I have some good news for all of you, especially for you, Raliz. We will attack the Den tonight. Rescue the remaining slaves and other captures and destroy the Dark Force." Victoriel said with a voice that could encouraged one's heart.

The information fueled the fire of excitement in Raliz's heart.

" Everyone! Get ready and prepared the soldiers. Tonight will be a bloodbath."


" Guys, have you seen Raliz?" Vanessa asked the group.

" Maybe she's in her room." Wizardo said.

" No. She wasn't there." Vanessa said.

" Maybe she was just wandering around the Den." Harry suggested a thought.

Aldrin squinted his eyes. When they got here, he felt a tremendous amount of Darkness around.

He thought maybe it was Raliz but she was not in her Darkness Form.

He felt the Den was Darkness itself.

He closed his eyes and different Auras appeared in his mind. In the next seconds, images and structures of the Den appeared.

Then, all the auras that surrounded all the inhabitants turned Dark.lll

But just as he thought, in some corner of the Den, there was bundled Auras. They were good Auras.

He didn't found Raliz, though.

Aldrin opened his eyes.

" Everyone. Don't freak out for what I am going to say, okay? These Werewolves are not good. They're bad. In fact, they're one of the Darkness."

Everyone was startled.

" And Raliz? She's not here." After Aldrin said that, everyone turned themselves into their battle mode.

Powerful Auras filled their room.


Someone knocked on the door. They sensed that a group of Werewolves were on the other side of the door.

" Good thing they offered their lives first." Harry said while grimly looking at the door.

His body grew. His muscles were covered with orange light.

He walked towards the door. Every step he makes, made a deep crater and a loud noise.

The Werewolves on the other side, felt the dangerous aura that Harry produced. Their body transformed into huge Wolves.

They crashed into the door. As they entered, a blinding light blinded them.

Huge fists collided with their jaws. They flew into the air and dropped in the ground really hard.

There were four of them and they were beaten up by Harry.


Outside the Den.

Many Vampires, Creatures, and other beings, started to spread around the Den.

It's an army of the Vampires and Soldiers of the Pack. Among them were the Princes who led the Army to battle.

Raliz was with them too, ready to strike an enemy.

" Everyone, get ready!" Victor said loud and clear.

" Everyone! Attack!" Samuel and the other four Princes led the group of Creatures, while Victor led the group of Vampires.

The big and strong ones were in front, destroying all defenses of the enemies.

The enemies were off guard by the sudden attack.

They were all startled and panicked. They look like headless chickens scattered everywhere.

They didn't know what to do.

After thirty minutes, all of the defenses of the enemies were destroyed. Walls are smashed and fell into ruins. Dead bodies of some Dark Werewolves were lying on the ground.

The next part was the most dangerous and most difficult part, inside the Den itself. Where the Alpha was hiding.

The Alpha knew the attack that happened outside his Den and brought his Elites to guard the Den.

All of their captives were held in a cellar.

The Alpha thought that it was going well as planned. But his plan was about to be ruined.

He forgot about Raliz's team inside the Den.

Raliz's team killed hundreds of Werewolves inside the Den. In the next moment, all Werewolves in the Den were wiped out.

The Alpha's face turned green. He didn't thought about Raliz's team to be so strong. They have already killed half of his armies.

When the Pack entered the Den, they could only see dead bodies of those Dark Werewolves.

Their eyes almost popped out. The Den was filthy and reek of blood was hovering in the air.

" Who could have done this?" One of the pack asked.

" It's them." Samuel answered and looked forward.

They saw five people standing with blood stains on their robe and armors.

" Guys!" Raliz exclaimed as they saw them.

" Raliz!" They all exclaimed as well. Raliz ran towards them.

" Good job at cleaning off the Den." Raliz complimented them.

" Oh, we are not finish yet, we also got their leader. And we were still going to free the captured. Free to join us." Harry said.

" Okay." Raliz said and they moved. Aldrin, who was holding the Alpha, threw him towards the pack.

He raised his hand and chains that made with holy light shackled the Alpha's body. The Alpha's groaned in pain as the the chains reacted to his Dark Aura. It was burning his skin but not to the point that would kill him.

It was just for suppressing him.

All of the Pack was left unmoved. Even the Princes. They didn't thought that a group of five could wipe out the entire Werewolves in a Den. They shivered as they thought of it somehow.

" They're very special." Victor said while picking the Alpha up.

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