
26 Vampires and Werewolves

Their awareness heightened.

As their gazes fell on their surroundings, shadows appeared as fast as lightning.

Raliz and her team couldn't determine who or what things are appearing.

One of the shadows stopped and the group saw what it is.

Raliz barely know what it is but the others clearly have knowledge about it.

" Vampires..." Vanessa said.

Raliz's group began to get serious. They released a dangerous aura towards the Vampires. Raliz don't know why but she became more aware about the Vampires.

They felt like death.

" Humans... Delicious." One of the Vampire spoke in a very creepy way. If an ordinary human heard it, it will faint immediately.

" Michael, don't act like that to our guest!" A very handsome Vampire step forward and scolded Michael.

" I'm sorry for what my brother said. I apologized for him."

" I am Victor. The second prince of the Vampires. We're on the good side. We're one of the group of the Halflings."

" We're sorry if we scared you. But we need to keep going. Corrupted and Dark Vampires are on the loose. We were given an order from the leader of the Halflings to kill those Dark and Corrupted Vampires. Thankfully, we bumped into you because if they did, things will go awry."

Victor explained everything.

Raliz and her team lowered their guards. These Vampires are good guys.

" Follow us. The Den are close. You could find shelter there."

The Vampires move.

" Wait. What do you mean Den?" Raliz asked.

Victor smiled at her and move his head close to Raliz's face.

" I mean Werewolves Den, My lady."

Raliz blushed and was attracted by Victor but she could handle it.

An announcement rang in Raliz's head.

" (Charm effect) ineffective."

Raliz was shocked. Victor used Charm at her but it didn't work. It means that Raliz has a strong willpower.

Raliz wondered did it gave an announcement. Last time when Aldrin did charmed her, there was no announcement.

She remembered something.

' Maybe this was one of the [Upgrade].' She thought.

Aldrin saw what happened and he coldly stared at Victor. As a Vampire, Victor had a very powerful Perception, he immediately realized Aldrin's very cold stare.

Victor just smirked at Aldrin and move away from Raliz.

" Come on. This way."

Raliz and her team followed them deeper into the woods. There were six Vampires and two of them were Victor and Michael.

Raliz thought they were brothers because their appearances were so close to each other.

In a distance, they saw smoke.

They sped their pace.

Up a ahead, between the trees is a very small camp. There was a cave close to the camp.

Raliz saw many Creatures and Halflings there, especially, the Halflings who rules this forest. Werewolves.

They were big muscular and hairy man with sharp fangs.

They were not that frightening to see, in fact their very charming. They look gentle, too.

The group indulged their eyes from the scenery.

Raliz turned around and was about to thank the Vampires, but in the moment she turned her head around, they were gone.

There was no trace of them that they left. It's like they were not there at all.

They looked confused and shivered. None of them noticed the Vampires leave.

They entered the Den of the Werewolves.

As they entered, Four Werewolves came towards them.

" Greetings! Welcome to our Den. I am Garry. The Alpha of the Werewolves. What brings you here, friends?"

A White Werewolf greeted Raliz's team and introduced himself.

" Hi, I'm Raliz, this is my team. I'm the team's leader. It is so nice to meet you and thank you for welcoming us to your Den. We were accompanied by a group of Vampires and led us towards here."

Raliz told the Alpha of what happened and Garry's expression turned into a serious one.

" Group of Vampires?!"

"Can I talk to you? Privately?"

Garry requested.

" Uhmmm... Yeah, sure." Raliz agreed.

Garry took them inside the cave. He gave them a tour in the cave.

You could totally say that a saying " Don't judge the book by its cover" is very true. When you look outside, the cave was practically normal. But on the inside, it's mind-blowing!

It's like there's a underground city. It was so beautiful. Raliz and the others were mesmerized.

They arrived at the office of the Alpha. The Alpha only wanted to talk to Raliz. So, Raliz told everyone to wander around the cave.


Alpha's Office.

" You may sit here, Miss Raliz."

He told Raliz to sit on a chair in front of him.

" Miss Raliz, You said earlier about the Vampires lately, could you explain more about it." The Alpha opened up the topic.

Raliz wondered why would the Alpha want to know about the Vampires that helped them. The answer will be revealed soon enough.

Raliz spilled everything about what happened with the Vampires and them without hiding anything.

Alpha's expression became grave while listening to Raliz's story.

" Thank you for your honest words, Miss Raliz. I am grateful you told me everything. And now in exchange, I'm going to tell you the reason why I wanted to know about the Vampires you saw earlier."

The Alpha stood up and looked outside the window.

" The Vampires you saw earlier were possibly spirits."

Raliz was shocked but not afraid.

She wasn't expecting that. But she felt that the Vampires were real from her eyes. But only for her eyes.

Actually, Raliz felt something about the Vampires. She felt cold and dead. She thought that it was normal but now she felt a creepy feeling.

The Alpha continued.

" That Victor earlier was the 2nd Prince of the entire Vampire race. And the Five are his brothers. They were ordered by the Leader of the Halflings to kill the Dark and Corrupted Vampires."

" But something bad happened. Among those Dark and Corrupted Vampires was an Alpha that had the strength of a Legend. Then in one swoop, they were all killed."

" What?!" Raliz was surprised. She couldn't believe it. Such power could kill six Vampires in a one swoop of an attack.

Not to mention, the Vampires level were at Master Level but their strength isn't ordinary. As Royalties or Princes, their power are comparable to a Grandmaster Level.

" Yes, in just a simple attack, they were gone. The Vampires were at loss right now. Six of their powerful Elites were killed. But Miss Raliz, please promise that you should keep this a secret. No one should know about the Dark and Corrupted Vampires. If everyone knew, a huge crisis would probably happen."

" I will not tell a soul about this. But why would Dark and Corrupted Vampires showed up?" Raliz promised and asked.

" We don't know the reason why yet. But we hired some powerful investigators to solve the case. And some powerful Halflings are on the move to take down those Dark and Corrupted Vampires."

Raliz was in a deep thought. There was something amiss in the situation.

After they finished talking, Garry invited Raliz and her team to a best inn to stopped by for the day.

Raliz has no time to sit around but for the safety of her team, they should let this day pass.

Raliz went to her room. Each of them has its own room. Garry said that they don't need to pay for the rooms and everything. Its all in the house. Garry said that this is just how he shows his appreciation in Raliz's help.

Raliz lay down on her bed. The bed was so soft that she could sleep immediately.

Serpent appeared.

" Raliz, something was amiss. Those Vampires were not Spirits." Serpent said.

Raliz face was calm as ever, it's like she knew it coming.

" I know. Serpent, I have a question. How do you kill a Vampire?"

Serpent looked at Raliz.

" Using Silvers. Why?"

" I'm going to kill one." Raliz said it and closed her eyes.


Six silhouettes were wandering around the forest, stealthily.

" Victor, Is it really alright that we led those Adventurers there?" Michael asked Victor.

" Why? Don't you trust me? Anyway, they had that Holy Light Knight by their protection. No dogs could harm them." Victor said calmly.

Raphael stepped forward and said, " I could feel some Werewolves nearby."

" Everyone, get to position!" Samuel, the oldest of the group, said.

" Alright. Let's hunt some dogs!" Gabriel said excitedly.

" First to kill three, wins!" Daniel said and instantly disappeared.


Raliz was outside the Den.

Then, she entered the Forest.

" Are you sure about this? I mean it's very dangerous." Serpent warned Raliz. Raliz just smiled at Serpent which made it twitch.

" You're stepping towards your death."

As Raliz gone deeper to the forest, it darkens. Raliz felt Dark Energies around. She could feel the Corrupted and the Dark Vampires nearby.

Raliz found a tree and made it her hiding spot.

She climbed it. She camouflage herself on its leaves.

Raliz spied the area.

Movements could be seen on the nearby bushes.

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