
Better Than You

"It's my first day and I already messed it up…" Sitting at the end of a large table Midoriya had his head resting against the table's surface. Sitting around the table stiffly were the same people who had met up with Shen a few days earlier. Looking up, Midoriya's voice came off slightly childish.

"I'm sure you're aware but Lord Shen is going to be leaving soon and I promised him that I would have everything under control by then." Everyone in the room froze up before the official in charge of the police force stood up from his chair before lowering his head. "Please apologize to him on our behalf. We have tried to stop them but they are too strong. Every officer and her-"

Curving his words from the hero he continued. "I mean every person we have sent has been hospitalized by the two of them and some are seriously injured." Midoriya's expression did not change other than him sighing to himself. "When Lord Shen made me representative I was planning on removing both heroes and villains along with the police force including all of you.

However, he said it was a lot easier to let you all control the Populus instead of doing it ourselves."

Looking back up at them all Midoriya put on a more serious face. "No matter what everything has to be perfect for Lord Shen when he leaves. Since you all can't handle it I'll just deal with it myself. But when this is over I will be reporting this."

This was the mentality Midoriya picked up from Shen. You can act how you like but if someone steps out of line or doesn't follow orders then there is no use in keeping them around.

Meanwhile. back in his room, Shen had finally finished shopping. A smirk was plastered on his face with no signs of exhaustion. Though the fact he was spending all the SP he had ground over for so long hurt him emotionally, it was still fun. 'With all these, I should be able to survive no matter what universe I go to.'

"Now w-" Just as Shen was about to speak he sensed something. Around a mile, away from two people Shen recognized were moving closer to his location or to be more exact the place he wanted to build his base in this universe. Feeling out the situation a little more, Shen also located Midoriya. "Oh, I see."

Inspecting the two people coming closer Shen soon figured out their identities. "I can't believe All Might chose him over Mirio." Shrugging his shoulders Shen decided not to question it. In the end, he didn't really care about One For All or All For One as powers. Quirk's were strong in their own regard but they couldn't come close to some of the powers he already had.

Of course, he still planned to watch even if it is just for fun. With Shen observing them from afar Bakugo and Tomura made their way to the construction area of the base. The walls were almost fully built and that also included the main entrance which was a large gate. However, thanks to the fact the walls were not complete that meant anyone with enough strength could jump over the wall without being stopped by a barrier.

Looking at the large walls Tomura spoke in a low voice. "The person in charge should be inside from what we've heard." Not responding Bakugo placed both arms behind his back before smirking. "Like some dumb wall is going to stop me!" Like a rocket, he used the explosion from both of his palms to rocket himself into the air and over the wall.

Following suit Tomura activated All For One before using a quirk that gave him the ability to fly. The moment the two's vision cleared the height of the wall they were greeted with a legion of Void Warriors. These were the ones Shen had appointed to guarding this base just in case something unforeseen happened once he left.

Standing in the center of them all was a familiar which Bakugo didn't recognize right away. Landing in the center of the Void Warrior's Bakugo looked towards the person standing there. "So are you the one who-" In the midst of his talking Bakugo stopped. Looking straight ahead he was surprised by the face he saw.

"Deku?" Midoriya looked towards Bakugo with a shocked expression as well. "So it was you who was causing so many problems…" The cold stare and the look of complete hate were evident at proving Midoriya's mood after seeing Bakugo. "Deku what the hell are you doing here?"

Yelling this time, Midoriya's eyes locked onto Bakugo without responding.

"Bakudo #73 Tozansho." Pointing two of his fingers at the ground below him a blue ember appeared at a singular point. A moment later that ember split into four beams of light that began to form the shape of a large inverted pyramid.

"This again…" Remembering exactly how he lost to Midoriya before due to his weird abilities Bakugo was wary as he and Tomura were caught inside the large barrier. "Lord Shen said I might have to kill someone one day. Since you're already in the way it might as well be you right Kachan?" Hearing the way Midoriya was speaking to him Bakugo clenched his fist.

"I was wondering how a quirkless loser like you got so powerful so quickly but now it makes sense. In the end, you couldn't become a hero just like I said." Midoriya simply stared at Bakugo as he spoke before he smiled. "You were right I did not become a hero, I'm something even better. And once im did here I'll make it so the word hero doesn't even exist."

Staring at Midoriya, Bakugo's temper had reached its peak. "Tomura you stay out of this. I was hoping I would get a chance to fight you again anyway!" Lowering his stance, Bakugo charged forward leaving a trail of explosions in his wake greatly increasing his speed. Debris and rubble flew everywhere inside of the barrier but it did not break.

Appearing in front of Midoriya, Bakugo stretched his right arm. "Die!" Almost point blank a massive explosion erupted in front of Bakugo. Watching from afar on top of the wall as the explosion engulfed Midoriya whole, Shen had gotten closer to the action than he was before. Keeping himself from being noticed he looked towards Bakugo.

'Still can't believe he chose Bakugo of all people to inherit One For All, though I did take one of his best candidates he still had Mirio.' Glancing down one more time Shen decided to sit back and enjoy the show. "I'll take this as my last bit of relaxation before I'm thrown back into the thick of it."

Back inside of the barrier, Midoriya created Bakugo's explosion and created a large cloud of dust in front of him. Just as he was preparing to back away to get a better view of the situation as a hand stretched from the cloud of dust. Grabbing onto Bakugo's collar, Midoriya's face appeared out of the cloud of dust.

"How did you-" Seeing Midoriya was almost entirely unharmed. He didn't have a chance to speak before he saw Midoriya's fist flying from the right side of his face. Before he could raise any defense Bakugo felt his body sway as he landed headfirst into the ground. Seeing this Shen could tell there was a lot of anger behind that punch.

As Bakugo's body bounced off the ground Midoriya followed up by raising his leg. Creating the sound of flesh being hit Bakugo's eyes bulged as he was kicked in the stomach mid-air. He was immediately sent flying forward towards Tomura. Holding out one of his arms Tomura let loose a gust of air stopping Bakugo's mid fling before letting his body fall to the ground.

Looking down at Bakugo, Tomura spoke to him. "You underestimated him because of your history. We were trained to work together." Both All Might and All For One taught them how to use their quirks, but truly they thought their successors could only beat Shen if they focused on training them together and not separately. As Bakugo struggled to stand on his feet he looked at Tomura before replying. "Tch, whatever." Taking that as yes, Tomura looked towards Midoriya.

"I'll tell you now that I won't hold back just cause he's a friend of yours. If we're doing this then we're going to have to put him down permanently." Hearing that Bakugo's gaze focused on Midoriya once again. "You don't have to tell me that." The two of them nodded at one another before the real fight began.

Standing there for a brief moment Tomura and Bakugo were the first to launch an attack. Placing both of his palms together, a large amount of sweat built up in his palms before igniting all at once. In combination, Tomura aimed his attack at Shen firing a burst of compressed air forward through Bakugo's explosion.

Twirling around the pressurized air blast, it created an attack stronger than normal. Facing this, Midoriya actually felt threatened as he cast Danku in front of him. Appearing out of thin air the pressurized air mixed with fire clashed and ground against the wall of spiritual energy. Even Shen was surprised to see this and he didn't mean the attack in general.

Despite their opposite natures All For One And One For All, they worked together quite well. Seeing Midoriya was held in place for a moment the two of them continued their attack. Taking powerful leaps using their quirks they appeared at both of his sides. "Ha!" Explosive sparks shot out of Bakugo's hands as Tomura activated a quirk from All For One's reservoir.

In a split instance, Midoriya was forced to use Danku two more times on both sides as he was hit with a combination of pure destructive force and an insane amount of pressurized water. Holding three fronts like that, Midoriya was forced to attack their sources. Manipulating the two Danku shields he had up, Midoriya combined them with a different Bakudo spell.

Shooting out of the corners of the rectangular barrier were ropes made of Reishi. Navigating their way around both Tomura's and Bakugo's attacks, these eight ropes split up into groups wrapping their limbs like snakes. Seeing they were caught Midoriya brought his attention back to the attack in front of him.

Raising one of his legs he kicked the Danku barrier with all of his might. Flying forward with high velocity the barrier blasted through the attack the two of them had launched in sync with one another before crashing into the main barrier he placed around the area and dispersing.

Swinging his view to Bakugo, Midoriya yanked at the air causing the ropes to pull Bakugo into the air before slamming him downwards in front of his feet. "All that boastful talk and all of those insults yet in the end you still can't beat me just like last time we fought." Looking up at Midoriya as he heard him speak Bakugo's eyes seemed to shine red.

Ignoring the fact he was in the blast radius of his own attack he activated his quirk. Midoriya quickly backed away as an explosion rang out from Bakugo's position. Staring at the cloud of dust left in the explosions wake Midoriya's face looked unsettled. Appearing from the dust was Bakugo covered in burn marks with blood dripping from his head down to his face.

He managed to escape Midoriya's bakudo despite hurting himself in the process. "Yet despite all that I'm still the person All Might chose to be his successor." Hearing the mention of All Might, Midoriya narrowed his eyes while staring at Bakugo. "What?" Bakugo laughed as he continued. "Of course even a nerd like you wouldn't know about All Might's quirk or the fact that it can be passed on."

"But that's impo... " Almost calling it impossible Midoriya thought about it for a moment and it made sense. It explained how Bakugo got so strong so quickly despite him being able to defeat him before. "He chose you of all people?" Looking at Bakugo, Midoriya had a look mixed with hate, anger, and confusion.

Despite blood dripping over his face Bakugo smiled at Midoriya. "In the end Deku Im still better than you even after you gave up your stupid dream of ever becoming a Hero." After Bakugo spoke there was a minute of pure silence in the area. From on top of the wall, Shen quickly stood up and took a step back. "Well, that's not going to bode well for construction."

While he couldn't hear what was happening he could see it and he could also feel the amount of Spiritual Energy being built up inside of Midroiya's body. "I already told you before, didn't I." Raising one of his hands into the air, a dark fog began to appear around Midoriya's feet. Standing in proximity to this fog caused both Bakugo and Tomura to feel strange.

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