
The Espada

After arriving within Hueco Mundo Shen along with the others stood there for a moment observing the area. Although Las Noches looked fairly case, it was still quite a distance away from their current position and would take a while to reach. And this steams into another reason Shen wanted Kamui would be its ability to travel. Unlike the Flying Thunder God Technique Kamui was a little more versatile in this sense.

Using Flying Thunder God Shen had to place a mark physically, and it allows instant teleportation but Kamui was different. It was difficult for Shen to understand right away, but the more he thought about, the more he understood. Placing a mental mark in his mind, Shen could enter the Kamui dimension and exit wherever he wished.

Of course, since he had never been to Hueco Mundo before he still needed Urahara's assistance. But now that Las Noches was in view any restriction when it came to movement completely disappeared. 'Alright then let's give this a try-' Before Shen could even finish speaking the ground beneath them began to shake.

Sand began to gather in front of them, forming giant mound sand as it slowly began to take a more humanoid shape. "Are you the intruders?" A deep voice echoed through the sand. Soon a Hollow wearing a mask that looked similar to a sandcastle formed in front of them. The massive Hollow that was taller than a five-story building stood tall Shen and the others as it blocked their view of Las Noches.

Looking down at them, the Runuganga spoke. "Are you to intruders Las Noches warned about?" Looking over the three of them, Runuganga waited for a moment without receiving an answer from any of them "I'll take your silence as yes." Without waiting another moment, Runuganga raised its right arm into the air, preparing to attack them.

Watching his movements this Urahara and Rukia immediately prepared to draw their Zanpakuto to retaliate however they froze the moment they noticed Shen had disappeared without them noticing. Loosening the grip on their Zanpakuto, they began to look for Shen along with Runuganga who noticed his disappearance. "Where did he go?" It was only after a few moments had passed that had seen where he had gone.

Standing at the base of Runuganga Shen could be seen gripping a cluster of sand. The next moment fire exploded out from Shen's hand spreading across the entire Hollows body. The flames grew more and more intense until the figure of the Hollow was completely blocked out by a wall of fire until finally, Shen released his grip as he spoke to himself. "You messed up my thought process."

Turning around, Shen began to walk back to Urahara and Rukia as the torrent of fire surrounding Runuganga disappeared, resulting in the two of their eyes widening. Standing there, the Hollow known as Runuganga had been turned into a statue of glass. From that burst of fire, Shen had managed to turn a Hollow into a glass statue.

Walking over to the two of them, Shen ignored their gazes as he spoke. "Alright, you two don't move." Telling Rukia and Urahara not to move, Shen didn't hesitate as he activated Kamui as the space around them began to twirl and twist as they disappeared from where they were standing.

Ignoring the few seconds it took to go in and out of the Kamui dimension the next moment Shen and the others could be seen appearing outside of the walls of Las Naches. Up close Shen was shocked by the sheer magnitude of the structure standing in front of him. 'No one but Aizen would have the patience to build something like this.' All in all, Shen could definitely say this fortress of a structure was bigger than every section of Katakura Town put together.

Looking at the structure in front of him, Urahara looked towards Shen who was standing in front of the two of them and asked. "Master Shen, what is this place?" Aizen had kept what he had been doing a secret including Las Noches. Hearing Urahara's question, Shen stared at Las Noches and said. "This is where Aizen's been hiding since my second invasion of the Soul Society. As well as the place he's been hiding while studying his Hogyoku."

Listening to Shen Urahara along with Rukia both got the basic understanding of what Aizen was doing here and why they were here as well. Having his questions answered Urahara's attitude turned slightly more serious as he thought about his last encounter with Aizen. 'Now then If I remember correctly, Aizen should be near the top.'

At the very top of Las Noches, there were five towers. From Shen's memory, Aizen should be in one of those towers. As Shen began recalling what he knew something else was happening within one of the towers within Las Noches. Footsteps echoed throughout a dark room with a long table in the centre along with eleven chairs.

Walking towards their individual seats, these Hollows were Arrancar that had been directly summoned under Aizen's commands. "I wonder whats going on? We were all summoned here, so it must be important." Speaking in a carefree yet interested tone, a short pink-haired Espada proceeded to seat down with the rest of them.

"Hopefully its something interesting it has been so dull around here lately." Chuckling a Hollow wearing a white eye patch and black eye patch with smooth black hair had a smile on his face. "Well, whatever the case is, it must be important to summon us all here." Speaking with a rough tone, a dark-skinned older man sat down his chair.

The remaining Espada sat down and remained silent as the last person to join the Espada's walked into the room. "Thank you all for coming." Sitting down in the final empty chair, Aizen had a smile on his face as he looked at all the Espada who had gathered. Activating the projector in the centre of the table an image appeared revealing Shen, Rukia, and Urahara. "These are the intruders who have invaded Hueco Mundo." As all of the Espada looked towards the projection, the scene of Shen Runuganga to a statue of glass was shown along with the scene of them using Kamui to teleport straight to the walls of Las Noches.

"Well isn't that interesting." Seeing an ability that seemed almost like teleportation the pink-haired Espada known as Szayel couldn't help but has his interest peaked. "So what they look like a bunch of weaklings to me. I don't see any threat." Looking at the projection, the blue-haired Espada known as Grimmjow spoke.

Some of the other Espada also shared their opinion before Aizen spoke. "These three are not to be underestimated. Each of them is extremely dangerous, and it would be wise to take head my words." Listening to Aizen, the Espada began to listen carefully despite there individual attitudes. Zooming in on Shen Aizen started to discuss him.

"The first one's name is unknown, so are his origins and his motives. From what knows his powers do no stem from Reiatsu like our own instead, he seems to be a unique type of being. However, despite being stranger to this world, he is extremely knowledgeable it should not come to a surprise if he knows about all of you as well."

Shen didn't hide his knowledge about the captains their names their ability and based on the fact Shen even took Rukia from the Soul Society Aizen could only guess he knew what he was planning as well. "Although we do not have the full scope of his abilities, he is the one you should look out for the most." Finishing his introduction of Shen Aizen decided to move over to Urahara as the hologram changed its focus one again.

"This one is named Kisuke Urahara. He's a Soul Reaper exiled by the Soul Society to the human world. He currently seems to be serving under our previous subject. Power-wise he is equal to a captain level Shinigami. He is extremely well versed in Kido, and his intelligence is equal if not above my own. All of these things combined he is dangerous just like the other one." Speaking briefly about Urahara the hologram panned over to Rukia.

It was after the change did dark skin toned older man known as Barragan speak up. "The other two do seem to be threats, but this one looks like a child. Is she really a threat?" With Barragan speaking a bald man with dark skin and spikes orderly protruding out of the top of his skull spoke as well. "Indeed, that does seem to be the case; however, Lord Aizen said all of them are not to be underestimated."

Hearing the two of them, Aizen continued. "Indeed Rukia Kuchiki may seem to be less threatening than the others but as I stated none of them should be underestimated. Although she is well versed in Kido that is not her main strength. What I am about to tell you should explain why I have summoned you all here. The first subject along with this one Rukia Kuchiki single-handedly destroyed the Seireitei and defeated the Gotei 13."

This single sentence caused tension to dawn down onto the Espada. They all knew who the Soul Reapers were and who the Gotei 13 were. "Are you serious?" The Espada in the room who seemed the least interested known as Stark spoke. Looking at all of them, Aizen continued. "I hope this has shown you all the severity of this situation. All of you are to stop these intruders from advancing any further into Las Noches. If all possible I would like all of them captured alive, however, if not then of all of them do not kill Rukia Kuchiki under any circumstances. This meeting is dismissed."

Standing up from his chair Aizen walked out of the room where he was met with both Gin and Tousen. "Well that was quite a shock wasn't Lord Aizen. I wouldn't have imagined the two of them alone managed to destroy the Gotei 13."

Smiling at Aizen, Gin walked alongside him as they spoke. "Indeed I was also not expecting for Urahara to be here. However, this will only make our jobs easier although im more surprised you're not angry after all its most likely Rangiku is dead after all." Glancing at Gin Aizen continued to walk as Gin replied with a fake smile. "Of course not. Im a snake Lord Aizen I make sure not to get attached to anyone."

Meanwhile outside Las Noches Shen had come out of his thoughts as Urahara spoke to him. "Master Shen it seems someone is observing us. Would you like me to block them?" Looking towards Shen Urahara was ready to block the view of Aizen, and the Espada's the moment Shen agreed, but Shen shook his head. "It's fine to let them watch well be meeting with them soon enough. Instead, I have a job for you Urahara."

Listening to Shen Urahara looked confused as Shen continued. "I want you to search around the desert for a little girl with green hair and a cracked Hollow mask. If you can't find her then its fine and if you can then return as well." The person Shen was talking about was Nel. She was currently not a member of the Espada. She should still be out playing in the desert somewhere. The Espada are not at all weak and Shen wouldn't mind having all of them under his control at least for the time being.

Hearing Shen Urahara paused for a moment before nodding his head. "As you wish." Without any delay, Urahara rushed off and began searching the deserts of Hueco Mundo. Turning his attention to Rukia, Shen warned her again. "Youll be Aizen's main target however you'll also be a good lure to draw him and the Hogyoku out once we're done dealing with the Espada. They won't kill you if your caught however that doesn't mean to let your guard down."

Hearing Shen, Rukia nodded and responded. "I understand I'll be careful Master Shen." After making sure Rukia understood, Shen looked towards Las Noches and smirked. 'Alright, Aizen I'm here let's see who prepared themselves best.'

Shen has arrived at Las Noches and is ready to face down the Espada and Aizen. With Aizen also being prepared for Shen's attack this will determine who will obtain the Hogyoku!

This is the last chapter of the arc, meaning the next arc will be a little long, but it will be the end. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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