
Chapter 30 First strike

As I walked into the room where Peggy Carter was resting I was struck by how… frail she looked. Intellectually I knew of course that she was a really old lady by now, but it was still jarring to see the woman who I knew once flattened a marine with a single punch lying in her bed, her head slowly turning in my direction with a confused glance, her hair long turned silver and her face wrinkled with age.

The nurse (who had offered some feeble protests as I basically just invited myself inside) came up next to me, her hands on her hips and a stormy expression on her face.

"Sir! I must ask you to leave, Mrs. Carter is not receiving visitors at the moment, she needs her rest-"

"It's all right Lucy. Let him in. I'll call you if I need anything sweetie." Carter interrupted from her bed, a gnarled hand giving a weak half-wave as she gave a gentle smile towards her caretaker.

The nurse's eyes flitted from Carter to me and back again, before she let out a huff, walking around me and over towards the bed. Fluffing up the pillows, allowing Peggy to straighten up somewhat, Lucy poured the old woman a glass of water, before giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"If you start to feel tired, or if anything hurts at all…"

"Oh, I'll be fine Margaret. You run along now dear." Peggy said with a generous chuckle as she patted her caretaker's hand, missing the flash of sadness that crossed the nurse's face.

'Her emotional reaction implies positive feelings towards Carter, meaning a decreasing likelihood of her being loyal to Hydra. Not going to rule it out just yet, but it's promising at least.'

Giving a soft smile at the confused old lady, Lucy (or Margaret. Or neither) straightened and made to leave the room, giving me a stern look that clearly said that I had better not push Peggy too much, or else. Laying an enormous paw on her shoulder as she was about to walk past me, I turned to look at her, my expression open and honest.

"Don't worry, I won't push her too hard. If I may ask, could you contact one of her relatives for me please? A niece, her name is Sharon. I have some matters to discuss with Mrs. Carter for which I believe it would be only prudent to have a member of her family in attendance."

'There Fury, I just gave you an easy in. Are you going to take it, or will you realize that I want you to send Sharon and throw me off by sending someone else as a test? We'll see. Better not disappoint Nick. The game has only yet begun.'

The nurse gave me a narrowed-eyed look, before giving a curt nod, making her way further into the house, presumably towards a phone instead of, say, a silenced pistol or something (not that it would really do much to me, but it would surely put a damper on negotiations).

Turning back towards Peggy, I gave her my most convincing smile as I slowly take a seat next to her bed, careful not to crush the wood underneath my weight.

"My, you're a big one, aren't you?" Peggy says with a chuckle, and there's this small spark, hidden in her eyes as she says it, some remains of the legendary spy coming back to the surface as she tries to analyse me.

"I suppose I just ate my vegetables as kid, ma'am." I reply with a friendly smile, chuckling somewhat as the ninety year old woman somehow manages to pull off a half-decent 'are you shitting me right now?' look.

"All right, all right! I have a friend, who got into an… accident, which left him really smart. I was a reed-thin, sickly young man, and I allowed my super smart friend to perform an experimental procedure on me. And I transformed from a tiny little guy into the hunk I am today."

The lie clearly sparks something in the murky mists of her remaining memory (just as it was supposed to do) as I see a light shine in her eyes as she struggles to sit up a little straighter in her bed.

"Steve…" she whispers in a heartbroken tone, and I can't quite stop myself from feeling pretty bad for both her and Steve right now.

"No Peggy, I'm not Steve. I'm… I'm like Steve, do you understand?"

"You're… not Steve?"

"No Peggy, I'm not."

"Then… why are you here?"

The hopelessness in her voice almost makes me reconsider my actions, before I harden my resolve. I need Agent Carter fully back into the saddle in order to raise hell against Hydra before they find out I antagonized the Hand into waging war on them as I do not fancy a two-front war. Besides, I'm doing her a favour. A life like this… was it really worth living?

Shaking myself from my dark thoughts, I lean in a little closer, a smile still firmly plastered on my face.

"Well, I want to help you, Agent Carter. An old enemy has returned, and I- no, the world needs you right now. So, what do you say? Do you want to get better again and save the world with me?"

Sitting up a little straighter, she focuses her gaze on me with great effort, some clarity coming back into her eyes as my message slowly starts to sink in with her.

"You can make me better again? So I won't… so I won't forget all the time?" she asks me, clearly trying to insert her old fire into her voice, but it still comes out weak and feeble and despite my best efforts to remain stoic, it still succeeds in tugging at my heartstrings.

"Yeah. I can keep you from forgetting Peggy. If you help me against our old nemesis, then I promise you that you'll be all better again."

For a moment, she mulls over my offer, her eyes slowly sliding away from my face as they start to droop a little, before the old lady somehow manages to pull on a hidden reserve of willpower as she stares me straight in my softly glowing eyes.

"Who's the enemy?"


The sight of her fury is a thing to behold.

I'm lying on the couch in the living room of the retirement home, my legs from the knees down dangling over one armrest, while my head is lolling over the other one. I'm idly tapping away on the holographic buttons projected by the sheet of transparent glass clutched in my hand.

One of the smaller projected screens in the top right corner showed a small map with a glowing dot moving along the streets. It showcased Jessica's position, as I had sent her out this morning in order to acquire Radcliffe, giving her Oliver to use.

In order to guarantee her safety while we waited for the Hand's inevitable opening move, I had her wear a (rather stylish) leather duster which was enhanced with the Burstein-treatment, though Potter had ended up calling it the Amber Armor, which had caught on with my other employees.

Of course, being the paranoid bastard that I was (what? You would be one too if you knew half the universe would end within the decade) I hadn't been content with just a piece of armour, so I had sent my chief of security along as well, an old army vet by the name of Jim Harper.

Harper was sent my way by Adrian Toomes when he figured out I was for real when I said I wanted to heal any cripples he wanted to recommend, and that I was actually capable of fulfilling that promise as well. Harper came back from a tour in Vietnam after the war ended, without his legs and pretty messed up in the head, and the cold shoulder he got when he got back home really didn't help matters any. In order to deal with it all, he resorted to drinking.

A lot.

Eventually, old, washed-up and broke, Harper realized that he needed to turn his life around before it was too late and he started attending counselling sessions led by Curtis Hoyle of all people. With a monumental amount of effort, Harper managed to clean up his act, but found it nearly impossible to get a job, since nobody wanted to hire an old man with a history of alcoholism and vagrancy, who was confined to a wheelchair.

Toomes did what he could for Harper (Toomes' dad grew up in the same neighbourhood as Harper or something, neither man really wanted to talk about it so I wasn't entirely sure), but life was still a daily struggle for the crippled veteran.

Until he met me.

The look he gave me when I gave him back his legs told me everything I ever needed to know about the man: from this moment until the day he died, I had his absolute loyalty. As such, Harper was one of the very few people that I employed that had received multiple enhancements (before I had everybody Brain Boosted yesterday evening, that is).

He had been enhanced with the Brain Booster, the Rejuvenation serum and the reverse-engineered Erskine formula, before I healed his legs with Extremis and gave him Amber Armour skin.

The combination of multiple enhancements and his amount of experience meant that he was one of the most capable and dangerous people under my control. The only way Jessica would be any safer other than with him would be if I personally went along with her, but I had too much to deal with here in New York, which meant that I couldn't just run off in order to recruit more mad scientists to my think tank.

Accompanying Jessica and Harper, was Sterns.


Well, in the words of my friend: "You're mad if you think I will ever let someone else drive Oliver! Completely mad!"

So yeah, Sterns went off to find Radcliffe as well. I worried for his safety, since the fact that he had raw gamma energy coursing through his body (because for some reason, he was the only person alive who didn't need a primer in order to be enhanced by the radiation) meant that he was stuck with a similar problem as Jessica, so he couldn't be enhanced with either Extremis or Amber Armour either for now.

Still, Sterns assured me that between the upgrades he had given Oliver, and the careful changes he had made to his own genetic structure (he revealed to me that one of the changes he had made had ended up fusing his ribcage, so that instead of individual ribs, he now had segmented plates covering his vital organs), he would be fine for a few days at least, promising to return in time for the New Year's party which Jessica had forced me to promise I would throw for the employees of Titan Solutions.

Unfortunately, Sterns going off on what was essentially a side-quest meant that there was a delay on the Pym Particle research, but considering it was only by a few days to a week at best, it should still be concluded fast enough to keep Cross from giving me any trouble (meaning that it was unlikely that the somewhat unstable man would get impatient enough to pull his goo gun on me, which was one of the very few things in this universe that could one-shot me).

A bigger screen which took up the bottom half of the holographic projection showed a newsfeed with Stark shaking hands with a downright giddy looking spokesman from Nasa, right after the brilliant inventor revealed that he would be working with the space agency by using his repulsor technology, which would revolutionize spacefaring as we knew it.

As a response to the news I was watching, a smaller screen in the top left showed the email I was writing to Elon Musk (who I already knew existed in this universe, because I remembered seeing him in Iron Man 2 talking to Tony), with an offer to start up SpaceX a few years earlier than he originally would have.

Tony's move to use his repulsor technology for space craft was absolutely brilliant on his part (and I didn't mind giving out that praise, since it had been my plan as well. Stark just beat me to it), but I had an even bigger ace up my sleeve.

Sure, sending stuff up cheaper and easier was like finding the golden egg of spacefaring, but sending up an entire base shrunk to the size of a Lego set in just a single go was the golden goose instead.

Thanks Pym Particles!

Right as I hit send, I could hear the front door open, hurried footsteps storming inside.

'Single person, walking in high heels. Judging by the time between the clicks of her heels and thus the distance she covers which each step, a woman of small build. Has a key. Meaning that it's probably-'

Right at that moment a young woman storms into the room, her blonde hair swirling around her head in her haste, and I feel a grin coming to my face as I leisurely sit up on the couch, placing my glass phone into the pocket of my suit jacket.

"Hello there Sharon."

"Mr. McCole. Might I ask what you are doing here? I don't remember someone making an appointment to see my Aunt. She doesn't really take any visitors at the moment you see." Sharon said, her voice hard and straining within the limits of what can be considered polite, worry for her family member clearly visible in her expression.

'It's been four minutes since I asked the nurse to call Sharon, meaning that she was either already in the vicinity, or was transported here by alternative means other than public transportation or by car, something fast, like a quinjet or something. It's probably not the latter though, I think I would've heard that, which means that she certainly didn't come after the nurse called her, it would've taken her longer to get here if that was the case. Flushed cheeks and slight sweat on her forehead means that she exerted herself, but not for long. So, were you already around here somewhere, keeping an eye on your Aunt, or did Fury have you transported here the moment he realized I was making my way towards Carter? Slightly hoarse voice, indicating a shouting match held very recently. Ah, I see now. You were probably already in the neighbourhood as part of the surveillance on your Aunt, and the moment that the nurse called, saying that I asked for you, Fury wanted to send someone else in order to test me. You disagreed and managed to argue until he conceded, which brings us to the here and now. But now for the million dollar question: are you wearing a wire or not?'

It took maybe all of half a second for me to deduce that, my smile still firmly on my face as I fully straighten, chuckling at the wariness that enters Sharon's form without her even knowing it as she realized just how big I am compared to her.

"Ah yes. That's because I haven't made an appointment, Miss Carter. I was simply in the neighbourhood and decided that, considering my vast amount of rather impressive abilities, it was only appropriate that I show some respect to one of our nation's greatest heroes." I say enthusiastically as I cross the living room with three great strides, placing my arm around her shoulders, which earns me an uneasy glare which I promptly ignore.

I can tell that she knows that what I'm saying is a load of bull, but she can't exactly call me out on it without pissing of a billionaire businessman and one of the more dangerous people on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s watch list.

So she grits her teeth and gives me a strained smile as I lead her towards Peggy's room. It's clear by her posture that she tries to hang back a bit, trying to delay me, but I hardly even notice her efforts as I just keep on walking, making sure that the harmless smile stays firmly plastered on my face.

"And just how exactly were you planning on showing my Aunt respect, Mr. McCole?" Sharon asks with a firm voice, which is somewhat undermined as at this point I'm basically just shoving her forwards without any effort at all, still portraying a genial air of innocence.

"Oh, well nothing much really. Just something small, you know, nothing really extravagant. So I was thinking about simply healing her Alzheimer's and reversing her age to restore her to the prime of her life."

That makes Sharon stumble, her eyes widening as she stares at me with a gaping mouth, and I can't keep myself form chuckling, a deep rumbling sound that's more reminiscent of a rockslide than a laugh.

'Oh, that expression is priceless. I'm almost hoping that you actually are wearing a wire, Sharon. God, the look on Fury's face when he finds out that I consider healing Alzheimer's or reversing age as something small. No doubt it'll make him wonder just what I consider something big then.' I think to myself with a snort, before I school my expression again as we arrive at Peggy's room.

Sharon's eyes go from the still from of her Aunt to me with an accusing glare, but I assuage her worries as I gently push her into the big armchair next to the bed.

"She's just resting, Miss Carter. When I told her what I wanted to do for her, she got overwhelmed and requested that she was given some peace and quiet. I, of course, acquiesced and removed myself to the living room, where you found me."

The truth was that she got in such a fit when I told her that Hydra was still alive she tired herself out in her anger and just sort of… dozed off mid-rant. Of course, I wasn't going to tell Sharon that I basically upset her Aunt to the point that she lost consciousness, so this little white lie would do.

Especially since it seemed to work, as Sharon took one of Peggy's hands into her own, looking at the frail old woman with a soft, genuine smile on her face. Not taking her eyes off the aged founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sharon began talking to me, stroking the wrinkled skin of Peggy's hand with gentle movements of her thumb.

"Is it true? Can you really… can you really heal her? Keep her from forgetting all the time?"

By the tone she uses, and the look she has in her eyes, I can tell that it's not the spy in her that's asking about my abilities, but just a niece that wants the best for her favourite aunt. This was the reason that I asked for Sharon: I could've just gone ahead and made Peggy swole as fuck, but there would be all kinds of legal loopholes concerning consent that Fury would immediately throw at me in order to try and get me under his thumb (or at the very least somewhat indebted to S.H.I.E.L.D.) that it was easier to just do it this way.

If Peggy consented to trying experimental healing, and Sharon gave me permission to perform the "procedure" (for as much as sticking someone with a needle can be considered a procedure), then it would be a lot harder for Fury to leverage this into something he could use against me.

"Yes, I can really heal her. There are numerous people in my employ that have recovered from spinal injuries, head trauma and even lost limbs. My friend, Dr. Sterns, has in combination with a prestigious think tank created a serum that will counter the effects of Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, due to the aggressive deterioration as well as the delicate structure of the brain, Sterns was forced to work very carefully, and as such we have not yet been able to create a permanent cure. If I administer this, then it's very likely that your Aunt will eventually start suffering from the effects of Alzheimer's again. Luckily, another dose of the serum will reverse those symptoms as well."

"So she'll need shots for the rest of her life?"

" Unfortunately yes. At least, until Sterns manages to create a permanent cure, but at the moment, we're not really sure how long that would take."

"I see. These shots… how often would she need to take them and how expensive are they?"

"Well, once a decade, though that's somewhat conservative. And free of charge."

At that, Sharon's head whips around to me, her eyes wide while her mouth is agape, causing me to chuckle once again. Then Sharon's eyes narrow suspiciously and I can tell that the concerned niece is gone, replaced by the S.H.I.E.L.D. spy.

"Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you offering to heal her, and for free at that? What is it that you're trying to get out of this?"

I raise my hands in a placating gesture, trying to subtly retake control of the conversation. I don't really need Sharon's approval, but things will go so much smoother if she does, so I'll play along.

For now.

"Like I said, I feel that in recognition of what we as a society all owe her, this is just something I should do, not only as an upstanding citizen, but as a decent human being as well. And considering both my capabilities and my resources, healing one woman is something that I'm perfectly capable of doing without needing to be compensated for it." I say softly, forcing my tone to remain calm and confident.

I can see Sharon's conviction's waver, her personal love for her family warring with her professional attitude as a spy who's clearly uncomfortable with letting someone on S.H.I.E.L.D.S.' watch list have their way with someone so closely tied to the very roots of their organization. I just need to give her a little push in order to get her over the tipping point, and then I'll basically have my own Hydra-hunting dog.

Leaning forwards a bit, folding my hands as I dim the glow in my eyes to the lowest they'll go, I gaze at Sharon with all the sincerity I can fake (which, considering I followed an acting workshop online on a lazy Sunday only a few weeks back, is a lot of sincerity).

"Look, Sharon. I'm going to be honest with you here. I meant what I said: the whole world owes Peggy Carter a debt. That's not just something I'm saying in order for you to trust me, it's something I believe from the bottom of my heart. It's not just her personally, it's also her legacy, how even now we feel the effects of her great deeds. Who knows what the world would look like without S.H.I.E.L.D.? And yet, all that she's given in recognition of that fact is a single paragraph in the Smithsonian. She deserves better than this Sharon, Peggy deserves more than just being forgotten, all the while forgetting everything herself. Don't you want her to look at you with clarity again? To have her hold you in her arms, and to remember what you told her the week before? To walk and dance and laugh as if she's in the prime of her life again, instead of lying in bed all day? Don't you want your Aunt to liveagain Sharon?"

Tears are flowing down the spy's cheeks as she keeps on staring at the sleeping face of her Aunt during my passionate speech, before she slowly turns to look at me. I can practically see the last shreds of her guard fall away, as she makes her decision.

"Please. Please Mr. McCole. Heal her."

Reaching over the bed, I place my enormous hand on top of Sharon's and Peggy's intertwined ones, giving a gentle squeeze as I allow a reassuring grin to grow on my face.

"I will."

And with that, I reach in the inner pockets of my suit jacket, retrieving three syringes. One is filled with a watered down Rejuvenation serum, focused more on just strengthening the body, while the second has the full-strength Rejuvenation serum, focused entirely on repairing the body to the healthiest state it can be or ever has been. A component extracted from the Extremis virus, for Killian this had meant the curing of his deformities.

For Peggy, it would mean the "curing" of the wear and tear of her aged body.

The reason I would use the watered down version first, was solely because I needed Peggy as strong as she could currently be, if she wanted to survive the stress the second serum would apply to her frail body. Yes, the end result of the serum would leave her in the prime of her life, but such a massive change had to start from somewhere, and I couldn't risk the stress of such an extensive transformation killing her.

The third serum was the Alzheimer Cure, which I would apply right before injecting Peggy with the second serum, since I didn't quite know yet what the Extremis-derived cure would do with the elderly woman's damaged brain (I mean, we had theories, but it isn't like we really had any empirical data we could use to back those theories up), and just how it would try to fix it. Better to just have it healed before that even had a chance of becoming an issue altogether.

Sharon's eyes light up with interest the moment she spots the syringes, but she remains silent, having made her decision and sticking with it, apprehension and curiosity warring on her face.

"Peggy? Peggy, wake up please. I'm going to heal you now. I'm going to stop you from forgetting all the time."

Slowly, the old woman opens her eyes, her eyelids remaining droopy as she slowly looks from me to Sharon. Upon seeing her niece, her expression softens, a tired smile growing on her face.

"Oh Amanda, how nice of you to finally visit!"

I shoot Sharon a confused look, and with pain in her eyes, she mouths 'my mother' to me. Giving an understanding nod, I back off a bit as Sharon leans closer to her Great Aunt, giving a reassuring smile as she softly brushes Peggy's silver hair.

"No Peggy, it's me, Sharon."

Peggy's brows furrow for just a second in confusion, before her expression lightens up, a small laugh coming from the elderly woman.

"Sharon my dear! How lovely to see you again! Lovely! And… who is he?" Carter asks with a loud whisper as she points in my direction, getting amused snorts from both me and Sharon.

"That's Mr. McCole, Auntie. He's here to make you better again."


"Yes Auntie, really. It's just that… his cures are still very experimental. I've given my permission for him to try them anyway, but I'd still like for you to give your consent if you want. Or not, of course. If you don't want it then that's fine too."

Peggy gives a thoughtful frown, before she peers closely at me again. It's only because I'm paying such close attention to her that I can spot the spark that suddenly fires up in the old woman's eyes, before it's quickly hidden again by a vacant stare, her expression having not twitched so much as muscle.

Still, it's enough for me to know what's going on, and I try my hardest to keep my grin hidden from Sharon.

Because I'm fairly certain that Peggy has just remembered me and the conversation we had not so long ago. And she caught on quickly enough to keep it hidden from Sharon, who works for S.H.I.E.L.D., the agency which I told her was compromised by Hydra itself, without even betraying a sliver of emotion.

Say what you want about Peggy Carter, but even at age ninety, the frail superspy still had it.

"All right dear. If it can keep me from forgetting all the time, then I'm even willing to try this… weed, that's all the rage these days. I'm quite curious actually. It sounds like fun!"

Sharon can barely keep her laugh contained, even as I let out a booming chuckle of my own, before getting down to business. I can almost taste Hydra's panic as I prepare to bring back one of their greatest enemies back out of retirement.

"Right Mrs. Carter, let's get started right away, shall we? I will first apply this serum to you, it is just something basic that boosts your health so that you are as healthy as you can possibly be at the moment. This is just a matter of precaution, a stepping stone for the more powerful serums, if you like to think about it that way. Ready? Here we go!" and in one fluid movement I take the cap off the syringe, place the needle against the vein in Peggy's arm, and administer the first serum so fast it leaves Sharon and her Aunt blinking in surprise.

Sharon opens her mouth, but my supernaturally smooth movements are ahead of her, already in motion as I take the second syringe and remove the cap, while on the bed, Peggy is visibly growing healthier by the second, her cheeks which were sunken in now full and healthy, her feeble arms filled with some muscle again.

In the stunned silence that follows as both women look on as the ninety year old lady proceeds to look better and better, I start the prep work for the second injection, removing the now empty syringe from Peggy's arm (now with far less wrinkles and with some meat on those bones for the first time in decades), placing the needle of the second one against the back of her neck, gently moving her head a bit to the side in order to reach her spine.

"Now then, Mrs. Carter, this one will sting a bit as I need to administer this serum directly to your nervous system. The serum will use the connection between the nerves and the brain to directly affect both the hindbrain as well as the pair of cortex. These shall then start the process of reversing the effects of the Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, while the remaining tissue will be revitalized, parts of your brain shall have to be remade from scratch and as such, they shall lack the ingrained paths of your original synapses. Some gaps in your memories are to be expected, but there's a high chance that your muscle memory shall remain unaffected, which means that you might keep all of your previous skills, though of course they'll be somewhat rusty. And done!" I keep on talking in a steady murmur in order to keep both women calm, much like a paediatrician keeps talking to kids in order to distract them from the scary needle that he's simultaneously jabbing into their arm.

Peggy gives a startled blink at the piercing feeling of the needle, but as expected of the badass lady, she doesn't give a peep, even as Sharon gives her a worried look, which only increases as her Aunt suddenly winces, squeezing her eyes shut as if suffering from an enormous headache.

"Auntie! Are you all right?!"

"I'm f-fine dear… i-it just… h-hurts a bit…" Peggy says through gritted teeth, causing her niece to whirl around to face me with a stormy expression, but I cut her off before she can really get started as I take the last syringe.

"Not to worry ladies, this is simply a side-effect of the revitalization of Mrs. Carter brain. During the process itself, you might feel as if you are suffering from a migraine, and after the process has been completed, you'll probably have a mild to severe headache for a day or two. I must urge you to not take any meds against the discomfort, no matter how overbearing it gets. Your brain is one of the most delicate organs in your body, and is currently undergoing a massive transformation, any medication has a chance of negatively affecting this change."

The only reason why I was administrating these serums here and now was because I knew that Peggy currently wasn't on any meds, just a few fluids that were very unlikely to have any effect whatsoever. I was fairly sure that most drugs at this point wouldn't really have that much of an effect either since most of the changes were made to her DNA, but that didn't mean that what I said wasn't true. The brain is extremelydelicate, and there's always a chance of things going wrong, so I'm not taking any risks.

"Right then, with those two serums in place and coming along nicely, it's time for the last one. This one goes into the bloodstream, so Mrs. Carter, if you would give me your arm please, thank you. And there we go, this serum will restore you to your body's prime condition, meaning that you will appear as you were at the age that you were at your physical peak, with the physique to match. Of course, from then on you'll age normally again, but the results should be very impressive nonetheless."

And as I retract the needle, my words prove true, going by the shocked gasp of Sharon, who flies out of her chair in moments, her back slamming into the opposite wall as she stares at her Aunt, who herself is staring at her hands in wonder.

Remember that scene in the second Lord of the Rings movie, where Gandalf drives Saruman from Théoden of Rohan? You know, the one where he goes from ancient, decrepit looking corpse to a healthy middle-aged guy in the span of seconds.

Yeah, try to take that image and then apply it to the old lady you saw talking to Steve in the movie.