
Life 12: Battle Training Begins Part 1

He had no weakness... as Aizawa thought of this his lesson ended...


As lunch had ended Bardock headed back to class as Bakugo tagged along with him and not far behind was Todoroki who looked like he was stalking Bardock.

Hiding behind the corners and pillars as he wondered where that power came from- it made no sense he was broken.

And a small smile formed on Bardock's face as he heard the whisper Todoroki made.

'This guy is a little too shy...'

Sitting down soon after- Bakugo and I waited for the break to end as we both began playing Pokemon together- battling each as his Charizard used smokescreen against my Blastoise- my accuracy was lowered causing my hydro pump to miss.

'He's been practising for sure look at that grin...'

Thought Bardock as he looked at Bakugo's subtle grin and the realisation that washed over his eyes, it was obvious Bakugo thought he'd get steamrolled, but his training actually worked.

Bardock was stuck his team was gone as he had only Blastoise left- Bakugo had strategised and he knew he was done for aimlessly using water pulse and swords dance.

Until his luck had worked taking out his Bakugo's Charizard finally- but this was not the way.

'Hahaha... He's fallen for my trap- now it's only a matter of time to take Bardock out finally a victory.'

Switching to his last Pokemon Bakugo summoned out an Alolan Raichu and used Thunderbolt on my barely standing Blastoise taking him out completely.

Unable to stand it Bardock stood up and sighed as he looked down at Bakugo's face- he had never seen his friend smile so much- since his childhood- he'd never seen a smile brighter.


As class had ended- and free period was in effect, the door was shoved open as a swole figure walked through- it was none other than All-Might as his signature antennae poked through the door - walking in as he announced in a loud voice resonating even to the back of the classroom.

"I Have Come Through- HAHAHAHHAA... Today is Battle training... Now Put on the costumes you mentioned on your registration forms!!"

Hearing this the classroom erupted as the sounds of chairs clattering sprung up into the air as everyone headed towards the changing rooms.

And seeing this All-Might smirked at Bardock he had seen what he wanted as his costume alright.

'Dammnit Sensei's seen it- he knows what I want my armour to be.'

Heading to the changing room with eagerness in his eyes as his hair continued defying gravity glowing golden as his eyes looked like the blue ocean- he ran to the room and took his costume out from his prepared locker.

And there a material even he knew nothing about was revealed black in its entirety with a very nice suave redlining up the entire costume and white for his boots and forearms.

Anyone with basic world knowledge knew what this was.

The beginning of the Symbol of Peace- the man, the myth, the legend-

Bronze Age All-Might's first costume- with a deep red cape going to his ankles flowing around him.

Bardock had been going through the hero archives for a while when he'd stumbled upon his Sensei's exploits taking down All For One, as well as his various eras and encounters through his 40 years of serving the world's justice.

And the one costume that resonated with that of Young Shimura was that of his Sensei's Bronze Age- he had proven his worth and his career began.

And as his successor, Bardock felt an innate connection to this very costume.

A wide smile appeared on his face as he indulged in happiness as he immediately put it on revealing his incredibly toned and muscular physique- that was as large as his idols at his bronze age.

With a signature grin, and well-fitting physique he resembled his mentor in both temperament and strength.

Overshadowing his peers with his imposing figure he went out as his fellow classmates cheesed themselves seeing his figure- his golden hair in the hair never coming down with his ocean blue eyes and imposing figure his red cape fluttered about as his black costume clung onto him fittingly.


These costumes were all created to strengthen the wearer and remove drawbacks of their quirks and before entering we had to submit our specifications on what we wanted on our costumes and mine was done meticulously so that it had things Bronze Age All-Might didn't have like pockets for my phone, a cool v-shaped red belt with small compartments in for antidotes and painkillers.

As well as a little gravity weighing system in the suit controlled by the belt that would allow me to increase my force of gravity and impose a higher one like that of my home Vegeta.

As well as go up to at least 50 times earth gravity.

Once we all were ready Sensei appeared as he had his Silver Age suit with him slightly sweating as he glanced at me 'Dammnit Young Shimura's making this too obvious...'

Turning back to the young heroes All-Might then began his lecture.

"Shall we begin then... MY WARDS?!!"

"It's time for - TRAINING!!!"

However before All-Might continued Deku- asked a question.

"Sensei- isn't this the same place as the entrance exam?"

Nodding All-Might continued- "Yes it is and this time we won't be doing any outdoor as usually the most heinous and notorious villains appear in city malls, town halls and inside buildings.

In this hero-filled society of ours, villains have learned everything is easier through back door deals and so the most successful villains lurk indoors, among you within your organisations and slip past everyone's noses, you wouldn't even blink an eye if a villain passed you in the streets or in the city.

This is why you all will now be SPLIT - into Villains and Heroes- and then face off in ultimate battles across the area- and here you won't be fighting disposal robots anymore- not flesh and blood you will see- you will fight one another to scout and see who is the best at their respective field- stealth, tank, strategist and jack of all trade.

Now then the mission you'll have is that Villains are hiding weapons of mass destruction in their particular region in the building and the ones designated as heroes will have to go in and take care of it all.

And the Villains must either capture the heroes or protect their WMD until the time is up-and your partners will be found through drawing lots in this box I got from donkihote.

Slowly the lots were drawn as Deku got paired up with Brown hair and Bakugo with Vroom Vroom guy- finally, I got paired up with Yaoyorozu Momo-

She seemed pretty confident as if nothing could faze her yet also polite and at the same time confident in herself- as she gave me a nod returning it with a nod of my own and an imitation of All-Mights smile to lighten up the atmosphere-

But all it did was cause her to crease up as she seemed to laugh a little- distracted by her melodic outburst Bardock looked a little confused as he looked at her laughing for no reason-

Though it didn't take long to understand why.

"You- your smile is too funny, can you not smile or what- it's like a marble statue had a smile carved in by someone other than the creator- you really are one of a kind..."

Hearing this Bardock pointed to himself and got on the defensive trying to perfect his smile again this time she laughed so much she made? tissues out of nowhere and wiped her tears of laughter.

Getting a little embarrassed he closed his mouth as he turned away causing the girl to bloom into spring with a wide smile that reminded Bardock only of Gine who could so easily smile and express her joy and kindness that oozed from her.


I and Momo were against Todoroki and Mezo, the icy dude and the tank from the sea beneath.

Honestly, the only one I was interested in was Mezo- his quirk allowed him to use his 6 appendages at once and use his 4 limbs to be any part of his body as well as elongate them like a hook shot as well as use his appendages as sensory abilities as well as enhance his strength, speed and stamina.

Just the fact that he could do all this reminded me of that particular race I had only heard of in folklore back on Vegeta- 'Namekians... They possessed incredibly sensory abilities and could manipulate their limbs wildly whilst also being calm and far more wise than most people.'

Smiling slightly at Mezo I walked up to the guy and introduced myself as we waited for the other matches to end stretching my hand out I got a handshake from him as he nodded amicably particularly startled to find that this person wasn't scared of him and he had no judgement in his eyes.

This was the first time someone was not apprehensive of him- he remembered even back home he was shunned by the other kids due to the outward expansion of his quirk.

"Yo- your name's Mezo right! My name's Bardock Shimura- nice to meet you!"

Visibly stunned the calm composure he had a while ago disappeared as even Todoroki noticed that the person he was annoyed to be in a group with was surprisingly nice-

'Guess appearances are just that... Superficial looks on a person..'

"Ah- yes Bardock-san nice to meet you..."

However Bardock stopped him there as he patted his shoulder with a smile- "Nah Mezo just calls me Bardock forget the formalities- and also what do you think of Izuku and Bakugo- them as Villains against Ida and Uraraka the heroes."

Hearing that Mezo seemed to have gotten comfortable as he nodded while he and Bardock began to chat about the match going on.

"The pair of Bakugo and Izuku is rather formidable- with Izuku's tremendous strength and surprising agility- and Bakugo's velocity and destructive power.

However the fault in all that is that Izuku has a stamina deficiency, his gas tank is low compared to Ida and Uraraka."

Agreeing to this Momo chimed in behind Bardock as the two turned to her, "And Bakugo's problem is that though his destructive power is great his sensory skills are low in that a sneak attack can take him out especially a diversion tactic from Uraraka and Ida rushing in behind him tackling him full speed.

And then- through this scuffle Uraraka can take out their WMD."

Hearing this Bardock nodding along like a bobblehead- these two were surprising great at analysing what was around them and analysing others.


In the end, Uraraka had tied down Izuku by using her quirk and making him go off balance- and tripping quite far before Ida rammed into him slamming him against a wall-

Bakugo retaliated with a blast that was sent straight for Ida- who did an insane drift avoiding it but with flames through half his combat suit as he jumped in the air and delivered a flying kick to the smug Bakugo sending him flying.

By this point Ida had done- he had done his job as a distraction and the WMD was taken out by Uraraka.

The heroes had won-

And soon it was our time- as All-Might looked at Izuku disappointedly-

The two were too overconfident in just strength and used no tactics to counter Ida's speed and ambushes as well as Uraraka's quirk causing them to slip up around the arena like lost kittens.

Now it was us.

We left to our respective sides me and Mezo fist-bumped each other before heading to our areas in the building ready to hunt them villains down.

Next chapter