
Chapter 26: ORLEANS

4 hours after jumping of the cliff, SNOW and AURORA had been washed offshore while embracing one another. Loud noises could be heard by a hovering vehicle which was scientifically modified with ORES, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY as it had a good design for a body.

Two people jumped down from it and picked them both up with the bracelet on snows hand which had been beeping in red.

And as if they were never there the vehicle flew into the distance in a hyper sonic speed which left the surroundings in disorder by the sudden shockwave

Arriving at their destination SNOW and AURORA were rushed into a chamber which settings were similar to that of a clinic but with high grade changes that made it felt like somewhat lab and somewhat a mechanical engineering room.

Placing both SNOW and AURORA on separate tables came along a lady in haste who had rushed in to attend to AURORA first and realised she wasn't in danger and wasn't injured the slightest bit, letting out a sigh of relief she could see SNOW at the other side on Another table, not knowing what to say or act she could only get scared at the severe injuries all over SNOW'S body, a deep blade wound around his chest, few burnt marks and holes mark left behind by dart and daggers.

Shivering a bit she finally summoned the courage to haste herself to SNOW.

'Take AURORA into the healing Chamber, and send words out that SNOW has returned in a worst condition'

Upon her words the chamber was instantly deserted leaving just her and SNOW in it, not believing her eyes and could barely feel any pulse her eyes went dam on her while unleashing unstoppable tears, having a mature feature her face was a long and slim one, beautiful blue Iris, dark long hair down to her waist, burst size which was perfect for her curvy 8 figure.

Although it was her first time to be this emotional but she held a great deal for SNOW as he was the one that actually made her who she was till now, aside from both being related she had loved snow and white more than she could have thought even though she put up a strong wall that made everyone and anyone believe she is strict and all.

Finally able to understand her current situation she began her treatment, she only knew few ways to treat an AMODEUS, and that is infusing them with a lot of MANA or having them sleep in a chamber that is equivalent to a dungeon. Having stored lots of MANA for a long time she instantly unleashed them all during her treatment.

Hours went by and she was finally done, exhausting all her MANA stored made her pale and weak as she wasn't expecting to consume that much which made her lose control over her body as she went numb on her feet and almost fell before being held with care from behind by VERA.

To her surprise it wasn't just VERA that was present, but along with her came the rest of the SINS wilder know in the kingdom. Being assisted to take a rest on the chair at the wall end she could only sit and stare.

VERA had approached snow and felt disdainful against whoever had harmed their king, not letting anyone get closer she unleashed an aura that made few of the SINS wilder tremble, before she decided to encase the entire room with MANA that began to heal snows wound making his flesh look like there wasn't any injuries to begin with.

Feeling surprised was KIRIN who had just stood in a perplex reaction as she had no idea VERA was such a strong figure, she had only thought of her as someone being recommended to take up the PRIDE SIN.

Those who were present were restricted by VERA's aura that was aso aggressive and malicious, it was filled with rage and that of sadness, although she needed to supply him with the necessary MANA for his healing but she still felt angry towards herself for not being there to help.

Using up quantum amount of her stored MANA she was finally able to heal SNOW but for some reason he had cut off his mind from reality as he fell deep into slumber in which case could be considered a COMA

Feeling the worst to come everyone had hoped for SNOW to wake up someday as he was transferred to his chamber made specially for him which was equivalent to a dungeon as it was field with non ending mana supply while being presented with various gift from the CITIZENS of ORLEANS with wishes of speed recovery. AURORA on the other hand had awaken after the second day of the incident as she was to take over the palace in SNOWS place as the queen to be.

Accepting her role was an easy task as she had already regained all of her so called lost memories after the incident, although it was at denial at first as she found it hard to put the SINS in place as she was half unaccepted by them, they felt she wasn't qualified to become their queen and would likely not even listen to her.

FYRE and ICE were finally able to meet one another and and was glad they had met both SNOW and AURORA who were the ones behind their reunion and in returned they both fully signed a contract with AURORA making her the queen of DRAGONS as she was the only one capable of having two dragons inside of her and as well was also able to use their element which was both ice and fire, with time AURORA became the most powerful queen to be in ORLEANS.

AURORA who had finally reunited with her friend LOMAN MABEL had found a peace of mind as she was able to meet someone she knew other than RIVET and was friendly with her, she was happy and at the same time got worried at her lack of ability to put the SINS to good use as all she could do was to protect ORLEANS from other monsters from dungeons outbreaks which had became constant.

Walking with LOMAN MABEL by her side as she excused herself from the throne chamber she began to walk along a curved hallway that felt like walking in circle, to her surprise she walked passed VERA who had just bowed her head in respect and walked away.


AURORA said as she had halted her movement and turned to stare at the now paused VERA who had just stood to stare at AURORA in her Royal attire made with silk with golden liners which brought out the beauty of the white Royal gown which swept the floor behind her.

'Y...You are VERA right?'

AURORA had spoken with nervousness as she wasn't even sure why she had halted her movement in the first place, she approached VERA and was quite nervous on what to say next but to her surprise she realise VERA was a little bit different from the other SINS even though she was yet to take upon the appointed weapon assigned to her.

'Yes, how may i help you?'

VERA questioned, she knew even though she was the queen to be, as long as no one has the right to boss her around she is safe unless SNOW who was her King says otherwise.

'Forgive me if i suddenly called to your attention but i have wondered what your relationship is with SNOW'

AURORA who had asked had felt embarrassed by her question, she felt embarrassed and hope VERA hadn't transcript her question in weird way.

'oh, w...What have i said, please forgive me, i didn't mean it in a weird way, it is just that i have seen you visit him constantly and not his sister'

she said and try to justify her words properly and stood quietly for few seconds before VERA had smiled.

'Are my visit bothering you?'

VERA had asked as she felt the queen to be wasn't appreciative of her present and wouldn't want anything to get onto her bad side

'N...Not at all, i just realise you feel a little sad each time you leave his chamber'

'Oh, am sorry, i just have it hard to believe he was just with me and others few month ago, he was so happy and cheerful the last we spoke and now i cant even speak to him, it feels lonely with him not around to speak with'

VERA had said with a forceful smile as she tried her best not to show her weakside to anyone, knowing fully well how VERA must have been feeling AURORA felt surprised, she felt speechless and somewhat wanted to make VERA feel comfortable here.

'If i may ask, could you join me later in my chambers? i would like to hear the stories of how you met Snow'

AURORA had smiled at her and VERA had felt a little bit relieved, she had finally gotten time to speak with someone other than YONA and QUEEN HENRIETTA

'As you wish...'

'Call me AURORA'

'Very well'

She smiled and bid her farewell to AURORA before heading her way, smiling her fill she gave a pump-fist in her mind for finally been an acquaintance to the CANDIDATES OF PRIDE SIN as she walked majestically towards her aim with MABEL LOMAN who had stood and kept quite all along.


ORLEANS was one of those place you should never mention, they say people who went there had their share of horror to experience, humans were given strict rules to abide by and was made to live like an outcast, the monsters who had lived among them had consist of various forms, size and shapes, only those who had felt it was necessary to side with the child of prophecy had joined and formed the renowned kingdom know as ORLEANS.

The queen who had given birth to snow had brought him to ORLEANS alongside her husband as they felt he was mature enough to meet with everyone even at the age of one. The queen was proud of having SNOW as her child as she made sure those in support of her course had been introduced to him properly.

Not only did she not introduce him to everyone in ORLEANS but as well introduced those worthy to be candidates of the 7 DEADLY SINS WEAPONS. At age 2 SNOW had already learned all there was to be thought, from martial art to magic art, from magic art to MANA attribute and down to how to use the SEVEN DEADLY SINS WEAPONS.

But at some point he felt those his mother had appointed were no more than charade, he felt disgusted as how he was been clench to just to be favoured by his mother, he had realised it was just mere pretends as they weren't even here because they want to but because he was made the child of prophecy.

At that age his powers had manifest and he had soon called out the so called candidates and dismissed them right after making contact with them and knowing what their future holds. He became an important figure in just two years after his arrival to ORLEANS but by this time his mother was expecting another child.

SNOW wanting to understand why he was scared to loose his figure became jealous and ran from the palace one faithful day. Arriving at a cave far from the kingdom he met group of kids which where quite older than him.

One was a male human, one had wings that had sprouted from her back, one had tinny horns on his forehead and a tail behind him, one had a long ear with fox like pet sleeping on her shoulder, one had a witch like hat that she had shyly pulled down to hide her face.

Apparently he had found them living in this cave, they got frightened at his arrival and almost threatened to kill him but luckily for him he was skilled and was capable of defending himself before he apologize for his intrusion.

He finally understood the uneasiness lurking in ORLEANS at his encounter with this five, so he befriended them and became one they had cherished. things went sideways when WHITE was born and had clocked a year.

And since then everyone had began to hide a secret or two even down to sealing away his memories as he wasn't going to be pleased by the reality that could have presented itself in the past.

ORLEANS may be a place created as an Headquarters for the upcoming battles but it originally became a home over the years, so was what he had thought until he took a break from his writing and just stare at the kid in front of him who had offered him a board of chess with it piece already placed at their proper position.

'How about we take a break and have a little fun'

'Well if you insist'

He responded to the kid with the book floating to the side in suspense as he drew closer his chair for the chess game to begin.

Although he was having a good time in this secluded world located deep within his subconsciousness but he had no idea in real time months had gone by like an hour movie being streamed on Netflix


Having been almost a year with nothing been done nor said a conclave was held as to decide on what to do and what not to do with the queen as the head of this so called CONCLAVE.

Everyone who were present were the SIX SINS Wielders or rather the 5 that were present alongside VERA who was merely a candidate by name, AURORA and RIVET all had just sat round a long table with four edges corners as they prepared to begin for the topic at hand

'so what is it we are been called here for?'

A girl who had a fox like animal on her shoulder had questioned, she wasn't happy by the fact that she was called here by the queen at a time like this as she was busy fighting at the kingdom borders which had been a point of constant wars between Orleans and monsters spawning from constant gates that kept popping out with no ending.

'I am aware of the constant dungeon outbreak and i am grateful for everyone doing their best protecting the KINGDOM, but i think there is something we need to discuss regarding the SINS and what we should be doing...'

'Mind if i say something?'

Karin spoke as she had cut off the queen from her words

'I do realise the King is quite in deep slumber and someone needed to take action to move ORLEANS forward, but even as we speak his Left hand who was supposed to take the lead has also fallen into sleeping state, without those assigned to be his right hand or left hand, i would actually say this meeting is totally nonsense'

she had gotten pissed by this uncivilized emergency CONCLAVE been held as she had regretted being present, as if announcing her departure her chair squeak heavily with anger followed by a refine echoed footsteps.

'i am better off defending the city till SNOW awakes, right now i am out of here'

she had said while at her way out, she exited leaving the rest behind as to what was to happen next wasn't much of her concern

'KIRIN has been one of the hot headed person i have known, i hope you don't hold it against her?'

Says the girl with a Horn on her forehead and a Scarlet iris with a smile upon her spotless long shape face as she had thought there should be a reason for such a meeting to be held

'Oh, forgive me, i just believe there is a reason behind this conclave and would like to know the main reason why we are been summoned here at such a time?'

She said in other to clear the misunderstanding of her being protective of KIRIN as she knew such behavior

'Yes you are right, but the fact we can't really come to the open means someone among the 7 SINS is a mole and as well few among those in the ranks'

RIVET had said with surprising reaction from everyone aside from VERA who actually had just been quiet all along

'Are you accusing us of betraying SNOW?'

The male among them had spoken as to his sense of calmness had been teased with such revolting words which pissed him off, slamming the table with force had sent fear down AURORA spines as she wasn't accustomed to sudden outburst of yell

'You could say so, after all, none of you hear can actually be trusted and since i currently have power over the sins until SNOW himself or his sister awakes then i will have to put you all to test and see who fails it'

RIVET had said and stood up, feeling the meeting was over she smiled at the male character with open shirt as he felt angered by her smirk

'as of this moment, the five of you are given just the rest of the year to look for the mole amongst yourself and after that...i shall force myself to do what i had no intention of doing'

she said the last time with a serious expression before escorting AURORA out of the room with VERA behind her. although the meeting came to a conclusion but the rest of the SINS had just felt perplex by the outcome and felt concerned on who would dare betray SNOW.

having being said that the rest of them had just sat and stare at each other before exiting the room one after the other. meanwhile, VERA who had left with RIVET and AURORA had left to her kings chamber to speak to him as usual.

Walking straight towards the bed placed at the center of this so gigantic room that felt so spacious even with the wardrobes and other furnitures placed at their respective location, VERA had just walked close to the chair beside the bed, smiling at how handsome he was as he slept in a golden barrier gave her a sense of relieve that her king was actually out of danger and just needed time for his awakening. sitting upon the chair she felt a bitter relaxed while leaning forward on the bed.

'Your highness, i am here again today, sorry i came late than usual, it was hectic and everyone is worried as usual, i am scared at this rate ORLEANS will fall if no actions are taken.'

She said as she stare at Snow who was fast asleep, feeling unhappy about everything she smiled forcefully.

'I honestly don't know what to do, with IRIS and others not here i feel pushed to the wall with no solution to this unending problems'

She felt sad even more as she tried her best to avoid the ugly side of what is happening in orleans

'The queen is in a dilemma as to not understanding how to put in good use of the SINS WIELDERS, and since i am yet to be acknowledge by anyone i can't claim to be a SIN wielder since you haven't granted the right for me to access the armory chamber...'

She kept on speaking her mind knowing fully well that he could be hearing all she was saying, but she needed to say it anyway as she felt her king was the only one who could actually listen to what she is saying

'I wish there is a way i can assist the queen, b...'

Her words came to a halt from what she had experienced, she was surprised and amazed by the sudden aggressiveness of the mana in her surroundings as if reminding her of something. Although she had almost forgotten but she had instantly remembered that she actually doesn't need to become a SIN WIELDER to prove her worth.

'Forgive me your highness, my inferiority complex and insecurities had made me forget what i am and i will make things right'

She said and smiled, lifting up snows left hand she had kissed his backpalm before laying it back with care and standing up her seat and walking up the door with a majestic figure as if having found a new purpose which actually was the case.

She had let go of the promise to be one of the SINS wielder as she focus more on her role to serve her king in a properway, a way befitting her title, LLARIANAOLA.


To be continued


i know i havent been consistent, so i will try my hardest from next month...hope you all forgive me for this...by the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS.


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