

It was a debating matter between SNOW and his mind, pondering over and over his thoughts he wondered if there was anyway to clear such a dungeon and not to mention how he became the king or rather the BOSS of such a sophisticated dungeon.

It was morning with everyone sitting round a table, QUEEN HENRIETTA had joined them for the first time and had clench to SNOW as if being in love or something similar.

Although RIN and LIN doesn't appreciate this gesture but IRIS fury could be felt by everyone in the dinner table leaving snow at an awry state of mind as he force a smile throughout the.

The door slammed open with gentle footsteps approaching, it was non other than YONA who had brought along with her IONA AND her elder sister who had looked more refined over the past few month of training, with a single glance even VERA would be considered an SS MONSTER in a regular dungeon as she was blessed with enormous AURA over the past few month of training.

'Sorry to intrude on thy meal your highness, but thou has been a bit of an issue'

'I hope it isn't about the spawning of gates?'

SNOW said feeling nonchalantly about it has he already gain all the information needed thanks to ESMIL

'it is and for the past few month...'

'They have drastically increase, yes i know, and the number of spawning had increased ever since i sat on the throne'

Feeling a little bit of a surprise YONA stopped her advancement before taking a peak at ESMIL who had sat not so far from her group with just BLADE AND MICHAEL Sandwiching her in their midst.

YONA had realized ESMIL had beaten her to her information gathering, although she wasn't late but she felt sort of inferior towards ESMIL and sometimes question her capability but she failed to put in account that this set of people are humans and are 10 times ahead of their plans or knowledge.

'Besides i see you came in with IONA and VERA'

'Well , i saw them on their way to thou THRONE chamber so I took a decision to bring them here instead '

SNOW had asked feeling a bit of a surprise even though he requested VERA presence since he needed to see what she was capable of personally after few months of training.

VERA and IONA had made a stop few inches before the dinning table where snow and others where seated as they dare not disrespect any one by acting casually even though the man they look up to approves their actions to act normal or casual.

'Well, now that reminds me, i did ask VERA to come over'

The screech of a heavy chair scrubbing the floor could be heard next alerting everyone of SNOW standing up with HENRIETTA not hesitating as well.

SNOW had gestured to FYRE and VERA, and smiled at RIN and LIN as if to tell them both to play with IONA while they are done.

SNOW had walked away and was escorted by HENRIETTA, YONA, VERA AND FYRE, unlike FYRE and VERA who had decided to walk behind SNOW, YONA and HENRIETTA  had walked beside him.

'Oh that reminds me, i got words from SYXTHINA, apparently she wanted to know if she had offended thy Highness in any way and wishes to atone for any wrongdoings'

HENRIETTA spoke while staring at SNOW, although she knew SNOW had a reasons For not meddling with the ELITE WARRIORS but she question if it was the right thing to do and would want to know why.

'SYXTHINA, huh?'

Snow said as if in thought only to smile at HENRIETTA

'Well, i guess it is okay if i speak with them just this once, how about you let them know they are free to meet me whenever they wish'

'I am sure she would be delighted to hear this news, by the way, why are we heading to the field outside of the ISLAND?'

HENRIETTA questioned as they arrived at a chamber with lots of opening that made it have the feeling of an aircraft dock room but instead it was a magical dock room where the ELITE WARRIORS use in other to travel the distance.

'Wait till you get there'

SNOW smiled mischievously like a child about to play pranks on an adult.

Minutes went by and they all arrived at the desert, all though AMODEUS may look mostly like a desert but in reality, aside from the ISLAND KINGDOM, there are 5 more islands that holds its own beauty.

SNOW had took a position and had asked VERA to take hers which were miles away as she was scared of even getting closer.

Abiding by the instructions VERA had frighteningly stood with a glowing sword held tightly in her grasp while quivering none stop like a jelly been tapped on with a spoon.

HENRIETTA, YONA AND FYRE had just stood above to watch what would unfold.

'VERA, today is your final training and i want you to come at me as you would to an invading MONSTER'

VERA froze upon hearing SNOWS order, her mind fought ferociously with her body as she ached all over with overwhelming thoughts. She would never raise her BLADE to her king and would never disrespect him, neither would she dare even think about such a blasphemy thoughts.

'thou realize it is natural for an AMODEUS to never turn their blade against thou KING OR QUEEN, asking her to do so is like telling her to self destruct'

After understanding what YONA was saying SNOW had held his chin as if in thought, and in a short moment he had closed the gap between him and VERA while instantly touching her as well.

In that brief moment SNOWS neck was almost chopped off with him barely dodging her sudden outburst of attack which left HENRIETTA and YONA speechless as to see an AMODEUS actually attempting to kill their king.

SNOW had gestured to YONA and HENRIETTA  to halt their approach as to just stay back and see how it goes, although this was normal and approved by SNOW but YONA and HENRIETTA  felt there was a need to punish VERA for turning her blade against their king.

Staring at the heated battle FYRE could just smile, she knew SNOW had implanted a memory into VERA which triggered her sudden change of action from his contact with VERA.

'I have...3 years... here with him..he doesn't bore me... is this... means to.... serve under...child of prophecy... HIGH PRIESTESS OF TIME, YONA'

FYRE had spoken in a bit of a riddle as if to ask YONA why she had announced the awareness of the child of prophecy in the past

'he is a bit handful and resourceful, smart and kind, at least he shows he isn't soft on the inside when needed be'

'I agree...he promised...reunited...with ICY'

FYRE smiled, while reminiscing on the memories SNOW shared with her three years ago which had traces of ICY whereabouts in a girl she knows nothing about.

'So what art thy thought towards VERA?'

HENRIETTA asked as she couldn't believe her eyes, she wouldn't believe the girl of few month ago could be this strong.

'King...easy with her...king...playing'

FYRE spoke in a mockery manner knowing fully well that SNOW wasn't even using his royal powers which requires him to burn up the MANA in his surroundings as his hair was still as black as coal  could get.

'True, although she has improved drastically but i wonder, why thy king has taken a liking to her and not the DEMUS WARRIORS '

'He calls them the ELITE WARRIORS '

HENRIETTA replied YONA with mockery laughter as if to belittle the DEMUS WARRIORS who SNOW had no interest on.

They both joined HENRIETTA to laugh as well with a loud explosion noise that ruined their moments which occurred inches away from them.

It was VERA, who had crashed to the floor and was about getting up. Using all her courage and might, she could barely stand on her two feet as she knelt down while using her sword as a support.

Her clothe had left her as they had perished by SNOW attack that left her naked, her breast were visible her slender shape could be said to be attractive and tempting as she was with no fat whatsoever.

SNOW instantly closed the gap and touched her once more which made her regain her sense before fainting from exhaustion and shock. SNOW who had just stood and stare at HENRIETTA  and the others with a smile was left unscathed with his clothes all torned here and there.

SNOW smiled and took a stare one more time at VERA laying unconsciously on the sand so defenseless as he shook his head from any naughty thought and requested YONA to come carry her.

SNOW had finally understood what must be done and what was necessary in other to clear this so called SSS DUNGEON Which had felt impossible for the past four years.

Accepting the fact he had become a king made things worse, he began to trust and believe in those around him which in his right mind he wouldn't.

Although he had plan to make use of them from the start but eventually began to think differently, this was triggered by his frequent Visit to the MEMODIUM CHAMBER, a room with variety of statue of the LATE KING and QUEEN of AMODEUS made with pure MANA

he visited because he felt a sense of peace and security just staring at the image of his mother in various poses. He had believed to found an anchor which held him through his four years since his sister wasn't around to act that position, since acting brave and strong was what he could do to remain sane.

As predicted at YONA it finally came, a gate linking to DEMIGARD was born and finally gave SNOW the sense of satisfaction, after all, all he needed to do in order to clear the dungeon was to act his role as a king and keep his people safe from danger.

4 years and 6 month was all it took to clear AMODEUS but in his world was just a month or less, but he postponed leaving for an extra month so he could use that moment to set out the differences.

sitting upon the THRONE he relaxed with his cheek leaning upon his punch while staring at the ELITE WARRIORS who had aligned themselves accordingly in front of him as they bow.

'so this is the third time you have presented thyself in such a manner'

'Forgive us your highness, but it is as if we are been neglected, we don't mean to question your decisions but we can't do without understanding the reasons'

The ELITE WARRIOR'S Team leader spoke with her face staring at the red tile in front of her.

'I believe to have said it twice now, you and your team are practically right where you should be'

SNOW said feeling tired of this conversation as he wasn't interested in what they were saying or pleading for.

'You are right, but i feel guilty, i understand, but  i had raised my blade against you, and i feel my team is being punished for my mistake'

SNOW got a little pissed by her words, he had respected them and feel he wasn't worthy to have them serve him which is why he had ignored their existence, but it seems they had gotten the wrong idea.

'SYXTHINA come forward '

SNOW ordered and she felt a little bit of pressure from it as she knew she had somewhat angered her king.

Obeying SNOWS command she could find herself shivering while standing upright, feeling a little bit brave her feet moved forward even when she knew something she had said wasn't right. Not finding it easy to make eye contact her face could do nothing but to embrace the red and black coloured tiles which reflected her image upon it glossy surface.

'What am i to you?'

SNOW asked in hopes of knowing how they view him, or what they think of him, he wanted to understand if he had the right to place the ELITE WARRIORS under his command.


SYXTHINA froze upon the moment she was about to answer, she had stopped in her words for she was scared not to anger her king any further.

After few minutes of silent with no reply SNOW felt disappointed, but he felt she had something to say so he teased her.

'Very well, i see i am not a king you envisioned, i shall take your silence as the answer i had thought'

SNOW said nonchalantly while staring at her, she had raised her head and almost her voice to oppose SNOWS acclaim but got frozen up again.

'Thou do realize thy failure to reply thy king would incur severe punishment upon thy self and that of thy squad, do thou not?'

YONA spoke to remind her of her current position.

'I do, but i...i do not want to incur his wrath as well, i wish to speak but i do not know how to phrase it'

She finally broke the ice, YONA who had heard her answers felt disappointed at a mere AMODEUS thinking of incurring SNOWS wrath.

SNOW on the other hand had felt astonished, he never knew the ELITE WARRIORS were this scared of him, although he had admire their brilliance gesture and bright outlook but never did he for ones think they would be scared of him.

SNOW had sat properly while feeling dumbfounded by everything and soon laughed gently to his fill from such a spectacle of reasoning.

He sealed up his aura and royal form as he looked normal, his black hair, and white royal attire had made him look even more handsome as he tried to gain his sense of reasoning after a short heartfelt laughter.

He stood up and walked down the stairs while leaving HENRIETTA AND YONA behind.

'Honestly this is a first, i had no idea i was that scary to you guys, perhaps we could change that'

SNOW had said with a happy expression all over his face which made SYXTHINA even more scared, she had walked few steps backwards upon snows approach.

'So tell me, what in me scares you?'

SNOW said after standing at the final floor before the stairs, he had felt a bit unpleasant by her actions of retreat.

'N...n...i dare not speak my mind your highness '

SYXTHINA said feeling scared as she still couldn't dare make eye contact.

'Very well, MICHAEL? '

SNOW called upon MICHAEL who had been staring at her for quite sometimes and had wished to beat her black and blue.

'Yes, brother?'

He responded to SNOW as if knowing what would be requested of him

'What do you think i should do to make SYXTHINA and her squad member to see that i am not my mother'

SNOW said staring at SYXTHINA and her squad member who were all kneeling and bowing their heads.

'Brother, i would suggest you let me teach them a lesson or two, perhaps they would understand the difference.'

He spoke with a grin, he had always wanted to fight SYXTHINA but he had hope today could be the day.

'Brother, please do not pay heed to big Brother MICHEAL, he only wish to spar with SYXTHINA..."

'But i believe VERA should do the Sparing, after all she serves under you'

MICHAEL who had felt displeased by RIN words had drawn her cheek and VERA had starred in surprise to LIN words upon the mention of her name.

'Thanks sis'

SNOW smiled and thanked LIN before deciding to seat upon the few stairs behind him. He stared at SYXTHINA AND HER SQUAD with a smile, as if being called VERA had walked towards SNOW.

'Vera, would you like to teach SYXTHINA the difference between i and my mother?'

'Well if your highness wishes so, but before that, how are you faring your highness'

VERA had been worried over the past month with the dwell against her king. Snow who had understood her question had raised his right hand and roll his sleeves up which revealed his bandages.

'I am still healing if that is what you are worried about, besides you sure shouldn't worry about me'

Everyone had gotten surprised as to how SNOW got his hand in bandages for he had been hiding it all along in his long sleeves attire.

VERA smiled and bowed her head before standing in front of SYXTHINA. SNOW had instantly snapped his hands  and a huge gold transparent like cube had enclosed VERA and SYXTHINA only while forcefully kicking her squad out.

SNOW had just sat with a smile to see the outcome. He wished to see what they are both capable of and he had just waved while seated signaling the go ahead or rather approving of the spar to commence.

It took few seconds before a sword noise of it being unsheathed from it scabbard could be heard, SYXTHINA had stood in her pose with a well forged blade with golden handle and figure.

VERA had just stood with no concerns whatsoever and just stared back with a smirk before embracing the incoming impact of a sword that had slash at her rear end while chipping her a little by the waist.

Retain her distance was SYXTHINA smiling with satisfaction of having her first strike point which drew the first blood.

'Is that all you've got?'

VERA spoke to provoke knowing fully well she wasn't going to drag this fight for long. Staring at SYXTHINA  her fingers flicked together taunting her to come and give her best short with a smug upon her matured long face.

SYXTHINA felt disgusted by VERA overconfident and had wanted to pluck off those wings she's so proud off as she dashed towards VERA with a finishing move with consecutive 6 slashes that took a single swing in a blink of an eye.

As if VERA wasn't unharmed she walked away feeling satisfied, her victory was explicit and confusing as to what had actually happened. Although she had received a clean blow but what no one understood was how she switched places in such a moment.

Waking everyone from their dumbfounded expressions and thinking a clap could be head, a clap made by two tiny hands, apparently RIN and LIN who actually saw what happened aside from SNOW and TEAM SNOW were pleased by her choice of move.

SYXTHINA who had received the full stack of her own attack had knelt in defeat with blood splattering to the tiles. Her head tried to phantom what had happened but could barely think straight with the unbearable pains that kept reminding her she had been injured.

To her surprise her bleeding had been halted and her wounds had began to heal. Trying to know what was happening her face were raised up and had stopped while her eyes made contact with SNOW.

'If this is the team my mother set up, then i must say i am utterly disappointed, i do admit you are strong, but the fact remains you are weak'

SNOW words were like a spraying bullets that killed her emotionally over and over again as she query her capabilities.

'I know my mother, she is strict when she want to be, but that doesn't give you the right to twist her actions to your own believe'

He kept on saying things as he pleases with no regards whatsoever.

'You see i had high hopes on you and your squad, i even felt i wasn't worthy of you guys yet'

SYXTHINA who had head what snow had said had felt surprised, her eyes widened as she had understood her greatest mistake.

She knew there was no way she would be able to get her king trust ever again now that she had lost.

'But for you to lose against VERA means i can't possibly trust AMODEUS safety to you while am away'

SNOW glared down on her like she wasn't even worth the stress.

'Your highness, if i may say something '

SNOWS attention had instantly been called upon by VERA who had stood in front of him all along

'What is it, VERA?'

'Well i think you shouldn't just discard them, HIGH WARRIOR SYXTHINA is strong, she rely to much on her sword and very well as much discard the use of her DIVINE powers, i think all you needs is a little tuning to the music box and see how beautiful she plays at the end'

SNOW had just sat perplexed by VERA suggestion, although he had thought of it but never did he knew VERA would share similar ideas.

Staring back at SYXTHINA who was surprised by VERA suggestion he found a little bit of amusement and let out a profound laughter.

Those around felt surprised by his serious laughter, they wondered what had made him laugh so seriously and soon became worried.

'Oh, please forgive my lack of modesty'

He said and apologize after few giggles that later ended with a smile

'So do you think you can put them through?'

SNOW said staring at VERA with clothes that revealed more of her flesh even though her feminine and masculine feature sorts of made her look like a Valkyrie some of the time.

'It would be an honour to, but that is up to HIGH WARRIOR SYXTHINA to decide'

VERA had turned to stare at SYXTHINA who was still on her knees feeling a bit lost in all of the moment

'There is nothing to decide, i am giving you the authority to straighten them up and you have a week till our departure'

SNOW said with command, he stare at SYXTHINA one last time before standing up from where he had seated and approached his throne.

'that reminds me, i would like to see your parent this evening, there is something needed to discuss'

'as you wish my king'

VERA had said and addressed snow in a manner she found pleasing even though she had spoken in a weird manner as she called Snow "MY KING" which stunned everyone but everyone felt it was just a misuse of word as they ignore it all the same

SNOW had felt a little bit at ease as he had finally gotten the DEMUS WARRIOR under his control and made VERA even stronger as his plans had proceeded accordingly

walking by was a gigantic wind that said it hello before departing on it way which came along with sand storms that battled with the city barrier, wishing it would rain SNOW had walked passed the balcony which from his current location could see the sand tornadoes from afar.

ignoring it as it was a normal thing to do he head towards a chamber were he had already had guest waiting his arrival, apparently they were VERA parent and kid sister who had been summoned by him

sitting on the futon presented before him he had sat and stare at VERA and her family who were with SNOW in a huge chamber allocated to him whenever he needed to rest or discuss something important

'sorry to had kept you waiting, i had other matter to attend to and rushed her while i was done'

he said as he apologized after having his sit, staring at the maids he gestured for them to leave as they did and let the room all to just 5 of them, feeling a bit nervous VERA parent had just sat and flustered by his apologies

'please there isn't a need to apologize to us'

'very well, how about i get straight to the point but before i say the reason i summoned you here i would like to know what you wish of your daughter, VERA'

SNOW words had made their heart skipped a beat as they both turned to stare at VERA before returning their face to SNOW, both took a huge gulp of saliva before actually listening to what next snow had to say

'your daughter has a lot of potentials and as such i had decided to know what you wish for her future'

SNOW had said as he held the urge to keep himself from saying he wanted VERA to follow him back to his world and have her say at his side

'Forgive me your highness, has my daughter done anything to wrong you?'

VERA mother spoke in concern and worries for the sudden question her king had asked knowing fully well how her daughter spoke of her fighting with the king

'if this is regarding the incident where my daughter had turned her blade against you my king, i shall join to atone for her unreprimanded action'

VERA father spoke as he was worried and ready for whatever punishment would be deemed for him and his daughter

'You two amuse me but that isn't really why i asked you here, i am sure you've heard that your daughter is currently in charge of training the DEMUS WARRIOR, it is of that reason i had asked you two here'

SNOW said with a smile upon his face as if having a filling of their silliness, he soon grace the pillow beside him with his elbow as he relaxed with one of his leg standing.

'i will return to ORLEAN in about a week, and within that week i want your daughter to be in charge of the DEMUS WARRIOR and i also wish to know what you two as her parent would want for her'

SNOW said while refraining his urge from saying what he wanted, staring at each other VERA parent felt a huge sense of relief as they sat with a rest of mind and stare at VERA who was constantly staring at SNOW without a flick of an eye.

'i seriously do not know how to answer to this question your highness, but i can see clearly that My daughter admire you a lot and speaks highly of your good grace upon her, if anything i would like to see her serve under you your highness'

VERA mother said after finally seeing the bright features VERA had all day on her face, although she knew it just admiration and just wanted it to be so so she felt it was a good thing for her daughter to finally make her dreams come through.

'i agree with her mother, there is nothing more that will make me more happy to see that she is forever at your side, your Highness'

The father said while ignoring their daughter's opinion, although SNOW was happy but he really doesn't want to act selfish at this point in time

'i wish that would be possible, but in all honesty, until i find a way to link this world to ours there won't be away for VERA to stay by my side not to even speak of Serving under me should i leave next week'

SNOW said as he actually spoke the obvious fact even though he wanted to know what VERA parent had in mind for their daughter.

'i hope you don't see this as taking an advantage of your kindness, it would be a great pleasure and a honour for someone of my family to be your right hand, and we wouldn't mind if our daughter go along with you whenever and wherever'

the father spoke and her mother shook her head as if she also had such thoughts in mind with a bow that came after as if being worshiped by worshippers of some sort. Gingling with happiness SNOW tried to hide his feelings as if haven't won a jackpot lottery and want in to keep it to himself as he gave them the impression of them being silly.

'you aren't taking advantage of anything, i only just wished to know what you two as her parent would want for her, now that i have heard what you wish for her, how about i hear what your daughter has to say'

SNOW said while facing VERA this time and wanting to know her own reasons or choice as he wouldn't want to drag her along out of her own free will.

'speak VERA, i am listening'

 he said trying to ease the tension she was feeling over the sudden topic at hand

'i hope you forgive me your highness but i believe there isn't much to say, although my parent wants me to be by your side, i also want that, but aside from wanting to be at least a member of the DEMUS WARRIORS i also want to be someone who would stand beside you at all times'

she said with all her might and will as she knew even though she had said all of this there wouldn't be any space for her, not to even mention the the Squad SNOW controls

'b...but even though i say all of this, i am well aware that there are no space for such a position for me'

SNOW who had just sat felt surprised, he never knew VERA wishes to be a part of anything, although he had wanted her to just be someone who would wield the SIN weapon known as PRIDE but he never knew she would want to have a special spot of her own.

he was amused and speechless at everything she had said so far and just sat with a smile after she was done speaking, feeling a bit of promise in her he sat properly 

'it is true there isn't any special spot left for you which is why i would ask you, How would you like to become my right hand?'

SNOW spoke as he offered his right hand position to her, the only position left in all of the KINGDOM OF ORLEANS and AMODEUS. VERA eyes had widened in surprise as if to pop out of it socket after hearing her kings proposal

'a...are....y...you telling me, VERA t...to become y...your right hand?'

she flustered on her words a little bit before finally realising what she had said and instantly felt embarrassed

'yes, i am, but you will undergo hard training should you decide to follow me to my world'

'i will forever be yours your highness should you grace me with such favour'

VERA had said in haste and not letting SNOW even end his statement at the appropriate moment, which mad SNOW understood how happy she was, staring at her parent they all bowed in worship as they felt pleased and happy for their daughter, VERA who had said all she wanted had closed her eyes in dejection.

'if you are happy about it then you should also prepare to join us when we depart in a week time and as well make sure the DEMUS WARRIORS are prepared before then'

as if receiving words of encouragement VERA eyes had widened with excitement and joy, although it would had been a bliss if she had jump up and rush to hug her king for such a blessing she had be bestowed, she did her possible best to hide her excitement but snow gave her the permission to show her gratitude as she instantly ran to hug Snow from behind.

SNOW had let her have her fill, he knew in time he would get to be more friendly with her, she allowed her selfish wish and let her embrace him, he felt happy a little that he had achieved what he had wanted without using his authorities whatsoever.

as expected from VERA she had finally trained the DEMUS WARRIORS in just a week, and their AURA were fare beyond what even SNOW had expected as he just sat upon his throne and staring at VERA with a good job done stare as they all presented themself before their king who had prepared to leave the next day.

staring at the DEMUS WARRIORS, SNOW smiled with a sense of achievement as he gestured for SYXTHINA to come forward

arriving to the Stairs was both SYXTHINA and VERA, all though VERA had no idea why she was going to join SYXTHINA but she did anyway as she was more than willing to do anything for SNOW.

both had stood at the front of the stairs, SNOW soon gestured ones more for them to walk up the stairs which stunned their mind as they were surprised by such sudden gesture.

They knew only those with high rank or status are given the right to, yet they wondered why their KING had asked them to even though their rank is yet to rise to a ZHIPORA RANK. both felt it was improper not to disobey their KING and did as he ordered, both walking up the stairs finally saw RIN and LIN who had stood with a pillow like shape upon their hand with YONA and HENRIETTA behind them.

ending the stairs they both let out a sigh they never knew they would as they had thought something bad was about to happen and instantly went on their kneel with a bow which called upon Snows attention as he stood up and approach them before making a stop in between RIN and LIN.

'i have always had a feeling that you two were blessed with great potentials and i am glad to witness the growth of you two and that is why i find it reasonable to see you worthy to protect all that i own'

listening to SNOW made SYXTHINA heart beat faster as she was happy she had finally been acknowledge by her king, and was happy she was finally given the right to safeguard the KINGDOM 

'and as of this moment you two have become my blade and my shield, and as well given you the right to do as you please with my name'

SNOW further said and was offered the content on the pillow atop of RIN's hands

'with the power vested in me, i dubbed the SCARLET X'

picking up the the crown like hair pin which had a shape of a sword attached to it side, snow had place it upon SYXTHINA's head, in that short instant SYXTHINA could feel an overwhelming surge of power flowing through her veins at the moment she was given a title SCARLET X, although she was happy and excited but she still felt a little bit of confusion mixed in her suppressed emotion

'SYXTHINA, i am granting you the RANK of a STARLIGHT, Aside from being a DEMUS WARRIOR, i am appointing a different role, in my absence you shall build an army and protect AMODEUS till the day i return, and just as your rank states, you are superior to everyone but YONA, QUEEN HENRIETTA and I'

SNOW set out the rules and make sure there isn't any time in the future she would get drunk over her powers.

'you serve and obey me but you also answer to QUEEN HENRIETTA, your RANK may be Superior but you may be demoted with a proper vote from the council and aside from that, only queen HENRIETTA, YONA and I have the power over you, well i hope you remember this when you decided to stand up to accept this proposal'

SNOW said with a smile after making sure he clearly made sure she doesn't get the wrong ideas but to his surprise SYXTHINA had stood up and bowed her before turning to star at the crowd summoned to the palace to witness the ranking ceremony.

staring at the crowd SYXTHINA felt a sense of achievement as she smiled and raised her right hand to the sky which made the rest of the DEMUS WARRIOR yelled with praise but kept it to the minimum

SNOW had now walked over to VERA who was still bowing her head while on her knee, approaching him was LIN who had offered the content on her pillow to SNOW who picked it up, gracing his hand was an INSIGNIA shape like a right hand holding a sword

'with the power vested in me, i dubbed the LLARIANAOLA'

he said before laying it upon her chest without caring if he was going to touch her breast as he carefully pinned it to her cloth

'from this day henceforth you shall be my right hand, My pride and as well my blade, you serve no one one but me, no one has authority over you except me..'

SNOW kept on and went ahead to announce her rank

'not even your Queen to be nor my sister shall have any right over you, Your rank shall be MYTHIC for you serve no one but me, you are one of those that serves just me.'

SNOW had announced her, it was a rank that surpassed that of STARLIGHT which was the highest rank an AMODEUS could attain, SYXTHINA was proud of VERA and was happy for her and there wasn't any slight feeling of jealousy as she also felt surprised by the mention of a MYTHIC RANK which far surpassed that of STARLIGHT RANK, knowing very well the huge gap between herself and VERA she took VERA as a role model and became more proud to have made friend with someone trusted by the king.

VERA who was both happy and excited soon burst into tears, finding it hard to stand she collapse ones more while RIN and LIN decided to help her before she was finally able to stand on her two feet.

seeing such gestures of emotions from VERA, SNOW finally understood that VERA should be taken care of and he would ensure to give her the proper caring she deserved as he just smiled and drank from the glass wine he had held in his hand while in deep thoughts.

both stood equally even though VERA rank far surpassed that of SYXTHINA as she had finally found someone she could call a friend.

just as they thought it was over SNOW had clapped his hands and in that instant the giant door was opened with various amount of long tables and been hauled in as each was filled with all sort of foods, deserts and wine or drinks only considered the finest in AMODEUS.

at the sight of it, they all could find smiles upon their faces and the chamber became quite noisy from such bliss while having some ballad songs blending in the moment with SNOW taking upon his seat while he just stare at everyone and everything presented before his sight.

the day ended with a bliss, if exaggerated everyone would have been considered to have drunk to stupor, Snow had left to his chamber and had began preparing for his departure the next who soon had IRIS at his doorstep as she had intended to spend the night over at his chambers but to be surprised to see RIN and LIN already occupying SNOWS Bed while they slept peacefully with no interruption.  

IRIS had just decided to join SNOW at the Cushion while they both bask in the night light which sources were from just the two Hung Up moon in the sky.

'So tomorrow is finally the day'

She said as she sat beside SNOW who had just sat and stare at her, he smiled as if reminiscing on her past self as she had look a lot mature and prettier than the last time he actually got the time to take a look at her.

Feeling a little bit of embarrassment by SNOW staring she finally thought there could be something on her face for Snow to be so caught up in it.

'w...what is it brother? is there something on my face?

she said while flustering a little

'not at all, it is just that i have finally gotten the time to see how pretty and mature you've become over the years'

SNOW said as if realising something new, his words which had just been a compliment soon made IRIS blush as she felt happy and shy at the sudden words heard by her.

'Took you long enough to notice'

She responded as if she had wanted to hide the fact she wasn't surprised by SNOWS sudden words as she smiled naughtily afterward.

'Well forgive me and i am glad you took your time to join me'

'you have gotten serious all of a sudden, could there be anything bothering you?'

she said and questioned as she felt a little worried but still felt a little relaxed by SNOWS cute smile towards her.

'As the eldest member of the GUILD POTTER X, i am handing over the right to manage the guild at my absence, MICHAEL shall be your blade to protect the guild and the family'

'You are speaking like tomorrow is the day things will go sideways'

She said as she felt worried by SNOWS words, she knew the only time SNOW speaks ahead of time means she should be prepared for what's to come. finally understanding SNOWS words she calmed her nerves and decided to listen attentively

'I am sure you already know everything, it is true my mother is from this dimension but to be honest i myself had no idea about it until i came here, and now that i finally understood everything, i think it will be short but the moment i leave POTTER X to your care, i would like you to meet with LILIANA, she will give you something that will guide you'

He said as he stare at the night sky, feeling peaceful he smiled and stare back at her.

'And lastly, i shall come look for you and everyone in the GUILD when i finally stabilize the current situation in ORLEANS'

'and how long would that take?'

'You will know when the time comes, i shall send someone you know'


'if you feel at ease with her then so be it, but until then could you please tell everyone this for me?'

he said and as if not wanting anyone to hear, his lips moved with no sound from it, and upon IRIS hearing all what he had said her eyes widened as if to pop out of it's socket, with tears that came after.

'I want you to take over PORTER X should anything happen from tomorrow henceforth, the proof to lead PORTER X has been with you ever since i met you and BLADE, and i am sure you understand what to do after I return to ORLEANS with my sister, and until then i would be happy if you send messages every month to know how you and everyone has been doing

'but...but you shouldn't bear all this burden all by yourself, you know you could ask for help'

she spoke while being worried and caring over everything, she knew there wasn't much she could say to change his mind as she just sat and stare at SNOW who had just smugged it off

'a king to be shouldn't ask for help, besides, everyone already has high hopes on me and i just don't know how to meet up to their expectation, which is why this is the only way for me to lessen the burden without directly asking for help'

finally understanding what SNOW was trying to make her understand her face lit up a little as she was finally able to smile after a long serious discussion, she felt a lot happier knowing that SNOW was relying on her for something for the first time in a long time

Dashing over SNOW they both found themselves laying on the so called cushion which had now acted the place of a bed, IRIS had felt it would be okay if she did this for one last time as she lay her head on SNOWS chest as if being cuddled by him while both embracing the moonlight.

The next day came with everyone packing their bags to leave and bid their farewell before being escorted by the DEMUS WARRIOR to the portal or rather GATE when they suddenly got a chill in the air before realising a gigantic GATE had been open above them which took them offguard as monsters of various Kinds began to flush out of it.

it took the entire day before they were successfully able in annihilating everyone of them with zero casualties and injuries. SNOW had felt impressed by the outcome and, he was proudful of SYXTHINA and VERA who were both the MVP of the battle as they unleash various skills and moves that shook the entire field, on the other hand MICHAEL was not excluded as he was the strongest among the PORTER X team and was the shining star among the team that came with him.

successfully arriving at the GATE they all looked messed up with worn out clothes and all and just stood with a smile and smugs of various face expression before bidding their farewell to the DEMUS WARRIORS and walking into the GATE


To be Continued...


i am so sorry it took this long to publish this chapter...i have been more focused on getting a new well made cover art page for this book but yet to find anyone who could take an art commission based on sci-fi and fantasy base style of character

i also made this chapter worth it as it contains content of two chapters and hopefully you enjoy it along the way and try not to think of it as a rip off or some identical to a book or graphic light novel you've read somewhere.



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