
Chapter 18: JOURNAL

There are stories of humans entering other worlds just as other worldly creatures coming to the human world.

Rumors has it that those who journeyed into such dungeons never made it back alive on the thought that they were killed over there or the gate portal closing up.

Some say back in the days of creation, there have been few cases where one or two people returned, but no one would ever believed their stories as they were considered stories from people who became insane after arrival and preaching the end of the world in streets around every other cities.

Some believe only those that are stronger are capable of being invited and as such they are the only ones able to see the portal that leads to other worlds.

People still hold the history of the WORLD TREE at hand, but what dey do not know is that unlike humans who disobeyed God and was left to the hands of the WORLD TREE for judgement, other worldly race also had identical history.


The ELF RACE ate the fruit of the world tree after 9 years of creation, those born off of the family of those that ate the fruit gained the ability to use magic, they didn't just gain the ability to use magic, they also underwent physical changes such as long ears and never aging bodies. But they mostly die due to a certain sickness caused by the WORLD TREE.

So in other to escape this sickness they created a tradition were all ELF must share half of their MANA with the WORLD TREE during a festival that is usually held ones every 9 years.

But they soon realized the WORLD TREE was just using them as soon as they discovered that some of their people were being used and sent of to another world unknown.

The ELF werent the only habitats in their world, their were dryads, Fairies, goblins and as well hobgoblins which ones in a while have dispute over territories but soon came together to fight back.


The DRAGON RACE were prideful and as well believed everything in their world should be theirs even though they share the same world with other flying creature like the WYVERN, etc. Their pride let them ate from the fruit after 9 month of creation, they felt it was the normal thing to do but had no idea what they had actually done.

Eating from the fruit after 9 month made them sleep for decades and after waking up they realise the changes in their body, they realise sleeping gives them extraordinary knowledge of the universe as they understood clearly of what is to come.

Although they cultivated enough mana and became stronger after sleeping for decades, they were also capable of transforming into human like figure and as of which they were mostly feared by the WYVERN alongside other creatures when they where awake.

But one day after few of the WYVERNS and other creatures went missing, they decided to fight back but not because they have seen deep into the future of the war the WORLD TREE was about to bring but because after years of silent and just watching, it was almost time for the war and needed to make a stand.


The WITCHES were humans, though unlike a normal human they strife for answers and need to know why the TREE existed. Unlike every other tree they wanted to taste the fruit of the WORLD TREE, on the 9th day of creation, few witches made for THE WORLD TREE and shared it fruit among each other.

After eating from it they underwent various changes, some became giant with undeniable and impossible strength, few became short and gained incredible crafting skills while the rest retained their human like features but gain extraordinary ability to wield magic.

Soon those that became shot claimed another name and were referred to as DWARF, those that became tall and strong were referred to as GIANTS while those that remained humans where referred to as WITCHES

This three faction claimed the world and never went beyond their borders unless it was a friendly visit, while the DWARF made amazing city to leave in, the WITCHES also made amazing city and as well went in search for more knowledge, they performed experiments, gained magic words, learn magic spells and each spells or magic words learned were written in books which was later known among them as GRIMOIRE.

The giant who lived in caves beyond the mountains lived peacefully until war was brought to them due to a misunderstanding.

The WITCHES, DWARF and GIANT waged war for years until they realise it was the WORLD TREE behind their misunderstanding and decided that the WORLD TREE must pay for what had been done.


SNOW who had sat for hours reading the journal left behind by his father which was sent to him by his Aunt had sighed. Standing up from his chair and making his way out of the room the door instantly came open with IRIS by the door with a tray in her hand and four canned drinks along sides cookies stood with surprise all over her

SNOW smiled and walked back giving way for her to come in and locking the door after her, in haste he went to adjust his laptop on the table giving enough space for the tray to lay on.

'What are you doing?

'I was reading the journal my father left behind, i was hoping it would help us know what we will be up against in the SSS DUNGEON'

IRIS soon walked backwards to sit on the bed, it was noon and the weather was hot than usual, the building was quite than usual since it was just the two of them home for the day.

IRIS was putting on a black bra and pant with flying white shirt although she cared less of what could happen but she still trusted SNOW enough to be casual as anyone could be.

'Care if i joined you?'

She requested

'Sure, but are you sure its okay to dress like that? I wouldn't want others to have weird ideas'

IRIS giggled in other to make fun of SNOW, she didnt care if things ended that way but she never knew SNOW was the sensitive type.

'W-what? Did i perhaps say something wrong?'

'No not at all, but just so you know, nobody would actually care if you end up having your way with me, in short it would be a blissful moment in my life'

She said and stared

'Besides no one is home and all had gone for raids and will be back tomorrow'

'Even if you say so, i wouldn't dare lay my hands on you...'

'Even if i make you?'

SNOW flustered upon her words, he became tense as he knew he was weak to opposite sex when he gets too friendly

'T-that would be something different '

'I see, then that means there is a chance i could have you take my chastity then'

'C'mon, dont make me start think of you like that'

SNOW said as he didn't want to think of her as someone he could have an affair with, he made for the chair and sat down, the noise made by a pack of cookies snapping apart could be heard among them both.

SNOW stare at IRIS and shook his head gently before offering the cookies to IRIS to take a piece or two.

'Dont talk like that, we have barely spoken ever since the day you got injured in that dungeon and became who you are today'

She said and aimed for a cookie which met it demise in between her pure white set of Teeth

'You barely know how i feel, you barely even have time for everyone in the house, i do understand you had to work hard...'

She stared and said at snow as if pouring out her feelings on a plate

' and keep almost everything in your life a secret, but at least not everyone look up to you as a brother, i am sure NATASHA admires you in her own way and other girls as well...'

SNOW who sat and paid attention to what she had been saying picked up a can drink and pass it to her

'But you have been too busy to even look our way and try to even know us better, i like you but I understand very well there is no way I'd ever get my chance, i am very sure i am not the type of girl you would ever want to be with'

'Am so sorry,'

IRIS got surprised by snow sudden apology, it was the second time SNOW had apologized to her and had felt awkward to her.

'Why are you apologizing'

She asked feeling confused, SNOW had felt sad for some reason he had stared at the laptop for some seconds before having the courage to stare at IRIS.

'I had no idea, i have thought of everyone precious to me that i must protect, such feelings or thought never came to mind, and i never knew you thought of me that way'

SNOW said before picking up the laptop from the table.

'You see I usually dont get close to people in the past, but since i never told anyone my past they tend to believe i am one of those people who gets prideful for looking special or something '

He placed the screen towards IRIS while holding the laptop and using his lap as a support

'You are beautiful, smart and caring, you got a nice figure and match the style of girl i would like to have beside me in the future'

As if wanting to discuss more IRIS took the laptop and placed it on the bed beside her


SNOW smiled and stared at IRIS who felt eager to know the reason

'But the only time i have to do what ever i want is till the time i am no longer with you guys'

'You said something similar when LIN and RIN just joined the family, but why?'

IRIS asked feeling a bit of curiosity

'Well I'd either be dead by then or i will be at ORLEANS, which is why i have been making sure everyone became stronger'

'I see, then that means?'

She said as if knowing fully well she would make her way with SNOW tonight if needs be

'I know what you are thinking, but before i tell you everything and have you make your decision, would you mind joining me to finish the journal?'

She smiled and climbed the bed while moving forward and placing the laptop at the center in front of the pillows.

SNOW had smiled and joined her while feeling happy as he was able to speak with IRIS for a long time.

'So what is the journal about'

'Well so far it about the monsters we usually encounter in the dungeons, apparently they are from different world similar to ours and somewhat have identical history to ours'

SNOW said while trying to explain in short and stare at the screen with IRIS.


unlike every other race, the BEAST RACE were human like, but had special traits to their physical appearance, some had different tails and ears, one could have a dog like ear and as well have a dog tail while others could have fangs, some could have fluffy ears like a wolf and tails like a wolf, but on the 9th week of creation they had fallen under the TREE's temptation and ate from it fruit.

Those born after the fruit had been eaten began showing traits of beast transformation and as well held strength times ten of a regular beast and could as well transform into one. While others began having trait of being able to live on blood.

Those with fangs were soon called VAMPIRES and were feared for their ferocious appetite on feeding on other creatures, on the other hand those able to transform into beast form where feared.

They were the only set of creatures that volunteered mostly to side with the WORLD TREE.


Hours went by and night came like a thief, snow had stood and placed the laptop back on the table before sitting back to analyze all he had read.

'All this creatures came to know the secret of THE WORLD TREE because of the ASODEUS RACE who sent the announcement of the child capable of putting an end to everything '

'Well i do understand why the RACE with wings would want to fight back'

IRIS said after understanding the secret behind the monsters in the dungeon while she took off her shirt to lay on the bed and having the moon cast it rays on her.

'You mean the ANGELS? Well, true but what worries me most is the DEMON RACE, their world was totally dominated by the WORLD TREE and it has been using them to influence other race'

SNOW who had said had turned back to stare at IRIS and felt surprised by his sight

'Well yea, the undead were also one of them...'

'By the way, what are you doing?'

IRIS who had began taking off her pant and had stared at SNOW who was surprised

'Oh, forgive me but i wanted to try sleeping in your room if just this ones'

'Well i am not against it, but why are you naked?'

SNOW feeling nervous and trying not to think about it had stood up and aimed for the tray

'Hahaha, sorry to startle you this is how I usually sleep, i cant have a goodnight sleep without going naked'

'Fine, do as you please, i will be back, let me drop...'

His back was instantly hugged he felt nervous by the sudden softness of cleavage pressing against his back.

'IRIS, what are you doing?'

'Am just trying to make sure i know how it feels if eventually i end up dead someday'

She said, SNOW became quiet for few minutes before letting the tray lay back on the table.

'Before you make the wrong decision with me let me tell you something '

SNOW had turned and stood facing Iris whose figure was quite lovely as she leaned on SNOW as if to hide her breast.

'I am engaged'

'I know, sis already told me about your past, so there shouldn't be any reason for you to refuse having your way with me'

She said with few drop of tears hanging in her eyes and would fall if she made a blink.

Her eyes widened as if it would pop out upon the sudden kiss she had received, it was her first but she felt happy, closing her eyes the tears finally dropped.

After few minutes of sloppy kiss that felt like french kiss their lips and tongues parted ways leaving IRIS face in an embarrassed state.

'I am not doing this out of pity, nor out of being forced through temptation, i am doing this because i want you to understand how important you are to me'

SNOW said and instantly pushed IRIS to the bed which coughed at her fallen on it and bouncing twice with a soft bouncy noise.

SNOW took of his top that looks like singlet but was not and bend forward to join IRIS while being on top of her

IRIS began to move backwards to lay properly while SNOW made sure she wasnt going to change her mind and dragged her by the waist even closer with force.

Being dragged by surprised made IRIS let out a silly girly noise, her face was red but still feel she had prepared her mind, accepting SNOWS kiss the second time she held his face with passion.

Knowing fully well she was new to such a thing made her believe it was natural to let SNOW lead the way.

Minutes wentby as they both had ecstasy feeling due to the foreplay that set them in the mood.

SNOW kissed her by the lips in other to make sure her mind was occupied before slamming his waist to hers with force and speed.

She felt a sudden pain that made her eyes widened as if to pop out but her voice could not be heard since it was currently been occupied with SNOWS kiss. She moan in pain for few minutes and soon had a pleasant expression afterwards.

She made sure SNOW never exceeded a certain meter with her leg lock pinning him closer than usual with fleeting moans escaping from her mouth as she bit her lips every now and then which made her look sexier.

Though it was her first, but snow tried to make sure she had to her fill as every strike of his d*ck to her Vaginal counted. It was slow and romantic but each strike were deeper than the last.

She stared at SNOW and drew his head closer before whispering


Her words had rang bells down SNOWS ears, he knew IRIS had gotten a hang of it but he needed to make sure this moment should be remembered by her if not him.

Snow smiled and kissed her by the neck, chest and down to her belly button.

He held her by the waist and increased his pase which took IRIS by surprise as the first strike sent jolt to her brain.

Her eyes went all white as she was overwhelmed with ecstasy of unrestrained pleasure. Her breast bounced on her chest vigorously from the countless penetration that sent her mind into oblivion.

Snow who had used protection beforehand strike deeper than ever as at the time his body gave in to its max. He felt blissful as he was taken by pleasure, letting out everything he had made him ejaculated with forces.

IRIS soon fainted from intense pleasure and had slept off as well leaving SNOW with a smile and breathless.

Minutes came by SNOW had began dressing up, he had instantly changed the matras as she laid using his shadow abilities before placing her properly on the bed and covering her up with the duvet.

As if feeling strange about something snow vanished.


SNOW had arrived at the president office and to his sight he was surprised, President was been attacked by five people who were like assassin hunters, and at his arrival it was as if time had stopped.

The president and her Assistant MICHELLE  were both at dead ends with swords few inches closer to their chest.

SNOW who came in time had created two shadows identical to the president and MICHELLE as he replaced them both in a blink of an eye as his movement felt like teleportation.

SNOW had vanished alongside the original president and MICHELLE but had left a trap in the shadows he had created which exploded the instant they were killed leaving no one alive.

He had made sure to leave back trails of both MICHELLE and the president that indicate their death but left no trace of his present there.

SNOW who had saved the president and MICHELLE had brought them to the house and let them sit on the couch in the living room while they both had been naked.

He vanished and reappeared after bringing two matras for them to cover up in before he went to the kitchen and made coffee for them both to calm them down from the experience.

'Am glad you two are safe'

Snow said before offering it to them

'Thank you snow'

'Well, it is the least i can do, by the way my sister had gone into DUNGEONS with the GUILD members, they will arrive by tomorrow'

He said trying to ease their mind of the quietness.

'I will go get you two some clothes, then maybe tomorrow i will have my sister do shopping for you two'

He said and vanished again but soon arrived after few minutes of been absent with four package.

He placed two each in front of them before walking away.

'I will go prepare a room for you two to lay in, so please feel comfortable at your stay'

He said and walked away leaving MICHELLE in awe as she could not believe her eyes of how everything had happened in such away.

She stare at the president and tears fell down her face. She knew she would have been dead if snow hadnt arrived and was thankful but questions were built up in her.

The president who was quiet all along could barely move as her gaze were fixed to the coffee which imprinted her appearance above it surface and soon distorted by her sudden outburst of shivers.




i hope you enjoy each chapters and thanks for reading...


LAKESHIREcreators' thoughts
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