
Chapter 15: HUNT or HUNTED

Everyone understood what it meant to be a hunter but no one knew what it meant to be hunted by monsters of all shapes, size and race. As predicted, the city of ROSE had lost it beauty with explosions and crumbling buildings here and there.

It was a sunny day before the dungeons spawns and let loose monsters that could make any man pee on themselves from just one glance. Civilians who had saw monsters had began to run here and there, fleeing possibly far from them while having hunters come to their rescue.

To their surprise it was The PORTER X guild members that were first at the scene, those who were hunters but arent combat ones and humans had been evacuated by two of PORTER X team base on WHITE instructions.

White had walked forward towards the horde of monsters that consists of both bosses and minions of the dungeons that spawned nearby.

'Leave this area to me, i want you to cover other areas till the rest of the guilds show up'

As instructed the six hunters behind her which consists of 4 SS-RANK hunter and S-RANK hunter had dispersed to various sections of the city as instructed in a light speed leaving behind gentle gust of wind.

'Kill every humans, along side the child of prophecy '

One of the monster had said, he was in a dark robe and had a crown above his head, his feature where like that of an elder.

(ELDER are the highest rank of an undead monster with skeletal features, they are like sorcerers and most had crowns and red glowing eyes, those who had faced their kind in dungeons knew how powerful they were and since they like dominating they tend to act superior and with every minions that serve under it feared no such thing as death with him at bay, aside from their dark robe which is immune to all magic attacks, they always wielded staff that allows them to cast any spell, be it dark or light magic spell).

Upon staring at the tinny human before them who had gotten their attention by her sudden bloodlust aura, the ELDER was forced to let every monster and boss monster stay with him as he had intended to start his parade with the human before him.

'An ELDER, huh, but for some reason you are quite stronger and different than every other elder, and also stronger than everyone here'

White had said and stood staring at the bunch few meters away from her, she had knew it will be a pain in the ass to deal with this bunch one by one since she needed to cover more areas as fast as possible to reduce the damage made to the city

'Are you perhaps the leader of this team? If so forgive me but i am ending this shortly'

'Of course i am, and for a rude way of introduction how about i show you manners'

The ELDER had said and instantly began to chant some spells which soon got interrupted by the sight of the gigantic yellow ball that felt like the sun itself hovering above them.

As if bidding farewells WHITE walked away with an explosion impact that that came after, with white liquid substance that had protected it surroundings from getting damaged which acted as an explosion absorber.

'Sorry i dont need your tutoring,'

She said and to her surprise NAOMI and five other hunters had arrived at the scene as they all hoped down from the building nearby, apparently they had hurried here to suppress what was occurring since they had seen an explosion which gave them the more reason to have hurried.

White had stood while being approached by NAOMI and five hunters who had felt awe by the scene, behind WHITE were pile of crisp burnt monster left over that are waiting to be blown away by wind if they dont disperse in to particles soon, as well as the 5 nearby dungeon that had disappeared like they were never there.

'White what are you doing here? I thought you were out of city with your brother?'

'I dont have any reasons to answer that you know'

White had said knowing fully well NAOMI had long since lost the trust of gaining information from her nor her brother.

'Well that aside, did you take care of things here all by yourself?'

'Well yes, and i was about leaving to join one of my guild member at section D who should also be done soon'

'There is no need for that, SHELLEY had gone to section D as well, we should probably visit the others ...'

As if YGGDRASIL had let them drop their guard new dungeons began to spawn with monsters at it wake, NAOMI and the rest of her members had stood in shock to their surprise of newly spawned dungeons consists in 5 numbers vomiting numerous monsters.

'Help me out here WHITE, let take care of this mess first'

'I can take care of this myself, but since PORTER X members are only here to train i shall handle this swiftly so as to reduce the risk of damages'

White had said as she had long since walked passed NAOMI who was just getting prepared for battle.

White liquid soon flooded the entire area giving few minutes of disruption to the monster as they were surprised to have seen a flood of white liquid which they believed was use to have slowed them down.


White had stood stretching her hand forward as if giving orders to the liquid flood, and soon the white substance had began to eat up on them  with shapes of hands and human pulling the monsters deep into the liquid


as if completing an attack she had squeezed her fist as the last scream of monsters vanish deep within the liquid, in that instant the substance had taken the shape of a human with no mouth and nose but red eyes that glowed like ruby gem, it had no hair but had gold wrist bracelet, ankle bracelet and neck bracelet  while wearing a white coat and white trouser  made from it liquid self.

Walking towards WHITE the male shape human had bowed at his arrival and as if paying respect to WHITE.

'Thank you, how about returning for now'

Upon WHITE words the male character had dispersed leaving flickering of light at it wake

'It seems we should prepare for the worst, i better check on the rest of my guild member since this area had spawned dungeon twice'

She said as if talking to herself but had made the rest hear her as she gave a smile and walked away leaving them bathing in awe at her accomplishment

'Oh make one of your guild member stay behind and monitor the surroundings so as to inform you should there be a respawn again.

WHITE had said before her appearance where no where to be found with NAOMI just standing and deducting the ability she had just displayed.

On the other hand the city had gone from good to bad, buildings collapse here and there, vehicles explodes at each slight contact made by monsters, hunters body liter3ing the city floor here and there.

Those who made it in time were either having a good time hunting monster or Vice Versa. NATASHA had gone to her appointed area as schedule, luckily for her the area was swamped with monsters that had gotten out from the nearby 8 dungeons, she stood and smirk as she had finally gotten the chance to get experience point with this many monsters littering the area.

The monster variety consisted of undead, orcs, and goblins as the size of this group were overwhelming, NATASHA is an SS-RANK HUNTER  and with this many monsters around it would be a piece of cake ranking as she was the 5th strongest in PORTER X aside from SNOW AND WHITE.

NATASHA had had walked few steps after her arrival and had stood to stare at the creepy looks of the monsters with glowing red eyes and a lava like colour that glowed from within their chest in place of their heart.

NATASHA knew these monsters were quite different from the regular monster you would find in the dungeon with just the glowing heart and glowing eyes as such thing wasnt found in regular dungeons she had haunted.

Gust of wind blew as if in rage, NATASHA who had stood had soon had a book with flame like features as back cover that often has little lightning spikes here and there hovering in front of her while being spread open. Her eyes had glowed with a smug on her face as if to say she had seen a full plate of delicious meal.

As if defying gravity NATASHA leg had said short good bye to the floor as it began to levitate forward, as she moved the monsters began to get slaughtered here and there leaving blood splash at it awake with a gigantic explosion that occurs in an instant that sent the orcs and some of the goblins into oblivion.

As if enjoying her self NATASHA had lost her cool and her face had become excited just by seeing how easy the monsters were dieing easily.

Feeling as if she was attain pleasure from this spectacle moment a slight noise that felt like a moan could be heard few times as she lick her lips every time it happens.

As if to climax from a great pleasure of satisfaction she sent down rains of lightning that stroke the rest of what was left over of the undead monsters in vapour state leaving nothing behind.

Her feet met the floor majestically and she smiled with an ecstasy feeling of an amaze accomplishment and satisfaction, anyone seeing her would believe she was insane, but from the looks of her sudden change of behaviour she could be described as a perfect sadist.

As if she was done with her task and was about to leave she felt an overwhelming present lurking in the shadows not far from her

'Show yourself already'

She said in disappointment and turned to gaze at the direction she had felt the present which was above a nearby building.

'O-oh? And i thought i was doing a good job hiding?'

A male voice spoke while revealing himself, he hopped down from the building but before landing with force to the ground his legs were slowed down by wind.

'For a younger person you look quite strong, if i may ask, what is your Name?'

The male who had landed and stood in a carefree man had asked. He was in a black coat, grey inner shirt with designs on it, a crazy jean and a combat boot, each side of him had various set of short knife and daggers, and some set of throwing knife with a pouch at it side while having what was at his back hidden with his coat.

'I dont see any reason to tell a stranger.'

'Then the emblem on you shirt, what guild is it from?'

As if being asked a foolish question NATASHA sigh and returned her Grimoire which usually hang by her waist. She knew this person was dangerous and was probably one of those SNOW and WHITE had spoken about.

She decided to play along and stare at her emblem which was an X with a star behind it, while done checking the emblem on her GUILD coat she turned to stare at the so called stranger only to realise he had cut short the gap in between them.

Escaping by the tooth NATASHA had dodge an attack to the neck while giving a back flip and using her legs to send waves of wind strike which sent the stranger gliding backwards with force as he blocked the wind.

'That's pretty impressive, i had thought you were a mage hunter?'

'For an Assassin class hunter you sure are lacking behind'

NATASHA  had retorted, she still felt even if this stranger was to fight her, she would at least buy time till one of her teammate joins her.

'Forgive me, very well then how about i properly introduce my self'

He stood and smiled and at the same time returning his daggers back into its scabbard.

'My name is NOAH, NOAH BILLOL, I am an ASSASSIN, well i am an SS-RANK Hunter, with a mission to Kill any PORTER X MEMBER i come across'

'Too bad, and here i was thinking you werent an idiot'

NATASHA words had hit home hard, pulling the demon out of the so called assassin as his face darkened all of a sudden as if he was ready to pounce on NATASHA any moment from now.

'No body calls me an idiot'

'Really? Then i guess giving you a heads up will be too late as well'

NATASHA who had long since set magic traps on the floor where he had stood had instantly activated it magic which encased him in a triangular barrier after a magic circle shined below and above him.

'I was hoping if you didnt fall for my seal trap then i would have to go all the way to buy time till a backup arrive, but since this magic has been activated..'

NATASHA walked forward, and by the second the barrier shrank gradually till it became as portable as a tube, she stood and used magic pull the tube off of the the ground and it fell on her palm.

'Well not like you can hear me now anyways'

NATASHA said feeling disappointed, as if getting no pleasure or excitement, she stared at the barrier which had solidified and hard as a crystal leaving the assassin inside in a frozen state. Feeling disappointed she created a mini black hole and she tossed it into it before walking away, the black hole instantly vanished like it was never there in the first place.

Walking few distance a girl walked up to her from the distant, she was on black trouser, green turtleneck long sleeve shirt, black leather combat shoe, her eyes were red, and had a red pendant necklace with her side of hair braided in white while the other side of her hair was pinned with a red hair pin.

'I cant believe such a strong woman existed in this city, forgive me for arriving now, i saw what had transpired'

SHELLEY had said as she got closer to NATASHA, NATASHA who was over cautious had stood and made sure her guards wasnt down for this would be the second hunter to had showed her self after the first.

'I came here as quickly as possible but I decided to stay behind after i saw that man intrude on you'

SHELLEY said as if she would have intruded if she had known the male was an ASSASSIN CLASS HUNTER.

'My name is SHELLEY GREENGARDEN, and i am here to support'

She said stretching her hand for a hand shake but NATASHA had only ignored her handshake and ignored her all the same.

'Your emblem, it is the same as the hunter named SNOW and that of his sister WHITE...'

As if recognizing the emblem she had said aloud in surprise.

'W-wait could it be that you are a member of PORTER X? Am so sorry i heard porter x only had two hunters i never knew they had members'

'I see, you must be friends with big brother, by the way, i am NATASHA, NATASHA WEINSTEIN'

She said and walked pass SHELLEY

'So where are you going?'

SHELLEY asked while following her, SHELLEY felt it would be nice if she followed this girl as she admired her power as a mage, if it was in her guild, she would probably be in her squad.

'I am heading to section B, we are to rendezvous there and head home'

'But the city is in chaos, arent you going to fight till it over?'

'Just so you know, our guild only came here to take out the strongest monsters, and leave behind the rest to the hunters around here but since i have accomplished my side of the task, i am to join up with the rest of my guild member'

NATASHA had said and stamp her feet twice to the ground after a short stop and in that instant she had levitate.

'If you want to follow then keep up otherwise, go to other location and help them suppress the dungeons spawning there'

NATASHA had instantly flew away leaving behind SHELLEY who had wished to follow her but she knew at this rate this city will fall so she headed towards section E.

She had thought about what she had seen, her head kept wondering why a hunter was hunting another instead of helping defeat the monsters littering the city.

She had decided to ask her guild master if the crisis somewhat pass over them as she dash forward in full force using flames as a rocket booster.


The so called sky had gone crimson, every hunters had done their best fighting the monsters, the last of the dungeon were 2 in numbers.

White had joined up with the rest, but realized two of them had been missing.

At her arrival she walked towards the building where NATASHA and the rest were taking shelter, she opened the door and just four hunters were present.

'Where is HINA and KRIO?'

'They are dead'

A girl had responded, she had a short straight hair dyed in pink, she wore pink armless shirt, pink short skirt with frills, waist belt that had pouch attached to it, twin blade hanging at her waist, combat boot and tigh-high socks of white and pink stribes, anyone seeing her for the first time would assume she was an idol you woukd see on any stage

'What do you mean dead?'

'Aside from the monsters, we were attacked by some shady people claiming they worked for YGGDRASIL'

She had said to white who felt sad and surprised but the word YGGDRASIL caught her more than she hadnt expected.

'We are leaving and now'

She said and in that instant only a flash of light could been seen from the window of the building  with the street as quiet as an abandoned alley.




sorry if the chapters isnt coming as expected but lately, i have been kinda lacking motivation and had decided to let it be, but it wouldnt be fair.

So i will be forceful and push myself to finish it.

thank you

~ ̄▽ ̄~

LAKESHIREcreators' thoughts
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