
Chapter 7: Realization

It was an early day for work with the rush hour been a tight one, sun casting on the build as they let out all sorts of geometrical shadows upon other buildings covering the roads with cool shades.

Vehicle horns could be head miles away as they reverberated the street with the unbearable noise, the hotel had been swamped with press leaving the entrance barely viewable.

Vehicles parked with the Guild Master of Grimmsaw, Naomi, Sasha, and two other hunters dashing into the hotels leaving the body guards to do their jobs as they suppress the press from getting any closer.

Being a VIP they were every workers that knew them bowed their head respectively in honour and respect to their Boss who was the guild Master.

As promised it was the actual meeting day as this 5 walked up the stairs that leads to the restaurant which was prepared mainly for this meeting.

They say money makes the world spin round, well true in this saying, the so called restaurant that should have been occupied had now welcomed this 5 people with just empty tables and chair.

Close to the window was SHELLEY AND SIRI who had been sitting and waiting in a calm manner which had soon been interrupted by the guild master present.

'Sorry we are late!'

'Well you bunch sure did took your time'

Siri had said staring at the the guild master who had allowed Naomi to take the seat to the glass wall and now sat at the last seat just as she did.

'For a kid you are quite rude'

Naomi said staring at SIRI as he smiled and picked up the glass of soft drink from the table

'It is funny when a bitch says it'

His lungs gulp the tinny amount of liquid his mouth could accommodate as his words rang bells down Naomi's head.

'Excuse me'

She said in anger and was cut off soon by the guild master

'Naomi enough, don't get rational'

He said trying to persuade Naomi as she annoyingly turned her gaze away towards the city scape beyond the glass wall.

'Yea whatever '

She had said with lack of interest, the guild master had turned to face SHELLEY and SIRI who had now focus on the task in front of them.

'I am willing to assist in your investigation and that is why i had every resources in my disposal to secure all information we could come across'

Upon his statement Sasha had passed a file in brown cover to the guild master who had reciprocated by receiving it and placing it in front of this two as it scrub noise made by the file and table caught SHELLEY attention.

'You say this are every information you have on the two hunters in question?'

SHELLEY tone of words made Mr Thomas question himself as he sat in confusion staring at the girl flipping the pages after pages.

'To be precise yes, everything here are all what we could get our hands on even the association have refused to release any details regarding them'

Mr Thomas said as he was caught short by SIRI

'So the ASSOCIATION is the only place we have to go get information'

'That wont be necessary as long as we have a picture of them then the rest will be easy'

SHELLEY had said, having been done with the file it noise of it been shut close awaken the attention of Naomi who was half heartedly listening to the conversation.

'Sorry to disappoint you two, but even if you have their pictures, the possibility of you guys meeting to speak is Zero'

Naomi words were the deal but no one would actually listen to someone who is the main key to getting what they want.

'Well you are the one person closest to them, isnt it possible to arrange a meeting for our sake?'

SHELLEY said with a persuasive tone leaving Naomi in a blind spot.

'Atleast give this two a reason not to think of them as a threat '

Mr Thomas who had stared at Naomi in other to persuade her said in hopes of her reasoning to the worse case scenario.

After a short while of thinking she had finally decided to give it a try as she had brought out her phone from her jacket pocket and just like it was waiting for a call it rang out of the blue with a surprise on Naomi's face.

It was an unknown number, she had felt this similar sensation before as she reluctantly placed the phone to her right ear after staring at Mr. THOMAS in a split second.

'It is funny how you decided to call me, i thought you were mad at me?'

She had said without letting the voice on the otherside say anything at the moment she had picked.

'Thats hilarious, sure i will, so why the sudden call?'

Her eyes have now faced SHELLEY as she was surprised that snow had decided to come

'Are you serious? Do you really want to risk it?"

She said as she tried persuading over the phone

'Fine, if you insist '

Upon her end of conversation she had now stared at SHELLEY.

'For him to want to meet you in person then you are either important or you have caught his attention '

SHELLEY sat in curiosity as she ponder within herself of who could want to meet her after hearing Naomi words but her lips had moved on its own.

'Who? '

'Porter X guild leader'

Naomi had said as she sat and stared at the empty space in the restaurant

'When has he agreed to meet?'


Like a last word of spell been said by Naomi the entire restaurant got chilled by a gust of calm wind that blew them by only to Have Snow and White at the scene afterwards

Snow was on all out white, an armless white hoodie shirt, short white pant, and white combat sneakers, his tattooed all covered up with bandages that made him looks like a boxer, on the other hand white had pure black long sleeve shirt, black thigh pant with black kneel socks and black combat shoes.

'It been a while Naomi'

white said as she smiled and stood beside snow

Naomi had responded with a smile and a little wave by her right hand

'It been a while Mr. THOMAS, i hope you haven't done something stupid yet'

Snow had said with a deadly glared

'I wouldn't dare'

'C'mon snow am fine, it isnt the mans fault'

'Well if you say so'

Snow had smiled as his attention was now been caught by SIRI AND SHELLEY, His presence had sent chills down SHELLEY and SIRI spine as they knew this people standing before them aren't people under the rank of SS and E-Rank.

'How long has it been, AURORA GREENGARDEN?'

Snow had smiled staring at the now speechless SHELLEY AND SIRI

'I think you have gotten the name wrong, i am SHELLEY GREENGARDEN'

SHELLEY had retaliated as she hated having people mistake her for someone else.

'Well then, tell me where you got this from'

Upon picking the necklace pendant off of her chest snow had said as he stared at it with no emotions afterwards.

Hating the fact a total stranger is so close to her and touching her most cherished necklace pissed her off as she instantly knock the pendant off of snows hand.

'I won't tolerate any more casual approach from you and i cant have you play with what you have no right to touch in the first place'

SHELLEY had spiked as she had stood up from her seat in anger, her blood lust had sent shiver down the spine of everyone in the building with just smiles upon snow and whites face.

Like an electric shock passing through the veins of her entire body she had suddenly gotten confused as her forehead had been strike with force by snows right middle finger.

'I guess you are still as silly as ever'

SHELLEY who had Stood in surprise staring at snows who had just stroke her forehead sent a nostalgic feeling to her as flash of fragment of memories laid waste to her numb brain.


She had murmur only to what felt nostalgia to her with a watery eye and a flustered face

'Well i have confirmed what i needed to'

Snow said staring at the frozen SIRI who could barely speak but stare at the now silent SHELLEY who had now taken to her seat.

'Very well, i guess i shall leave this to you Naomi, am heading back to the guild for now'

Mr Thomas had said before lifting his weight off of the chair, he stare at snow and white and soon walked away after a short smile from snow.

Like soldiers matching away the rest of the guild members except Naomi escorted Mr Thomas out of the restaurant.

'By the way snow, why did you decide to meet with the hunters from the number 1 global ranking guild '

Snow had now taken Mr. Thomas place as he sat in his ex position and had white sit upon his laps.

'Do you remember the girl i told you had died due to the zephroid sickness?

'The one you said her parent died in the NECTAL INCIDENT '

'Well she is the one sitting right next to us, Aurora GREENGARDEN'

'But she seems to doesn't remember you'

Naomi and snow had gisted ignoring the two in front of them.

'You sure speak about SHELLEY like you know her even though we barely know anything about you two'

SIRI words had now gotten the attention of snow, white and Naomi who had been lost in the moment

'Oh that is right, I almost forgot about you, so what exactly do you two want from PORTER X'

'not like we will agree or accept to any invitation anyway'

White had said after his brother as they came not to negotiate but to share information.

Feeling pissed by their words SIRI's face darkened and shrouded in anger.

'O-oh, then i guess that leaves us in a binding state'

'We will observe the actions of you two for as long as we are given, until then try as much as possible not to make us hunt the both of you'

Upon hearing the conclusion made by SHELLEY, white and snow had now exited their chair. Both now standing and staring at SHELLEY.

'Well good luck with that'

SHELLEY could do nothing but stare back at this two who had now been joined by NAOMI.

'By the way Aurora, oh sorry, miss SHELLEY, am glad you are alive and still keeping to your promise'

Snow had smiled a bit and stared at her ones more, his face now all red and covered in embarrassments with an heavy thud that felt like a slap on a jacket as his attention was now attained by white.

'Come on sassy big bro, stop staring at her boobs'

White said while staring at the now embarrassed SHELLEY who has given a disdain glare, her face had gone red as she could hate someone just undressing her in their mind.

'I am not'

'I know, so let get to the main reason we came here'

A sudden surprise befell their awkward faces just by hearing the tones of words been uttered by whites mouth.

'Yes that is right, the main reason we actually agreed to meet was because we needed something from you Naomi'

Snow stared at her as she could only find it hard to mutter a word


Her flustering was cute but that in a sense got the attention of SIRI AND SHELLEY

'Hey are you saying, you never planned on meeting us in the first place?'

'You heard right, SIRI'

White had made his unclear state of mind more easier as her lips were hanging by each ends making her face smile brightly.

'We wish you luck on your report and observation'

White said and waved but a lingering of sadness was hung next to her beating heart as she could only try to be brave in front of his brother who she knew must have been in a terrible state of mind.

'Well i guess that concludes the meeting and i shall take my leave now, i will get back to you if anything comes up in the guild'

Like a drop of water on a still water, snow, white and Naomi had now been swallowed by a liquid form  shadow that had soon assimilate itself deep into the floor after satisfying itself with a mouth full of three hunters.

Ones again their presence were gone like it never existed with what could be heard of was a deep sigh of relief made by SHELLEY AND SIRI as if a huge burden had been lifted off of them.

Like a thief attracted to the jewelry at the other side of a jewelry store glass wall, SHELLEY eyes soon made contact with a small Black box with her name (AURORA) written on it in red letters.

'I cant believe those two alone could unleash that amount of AURA, it was choking and they both did not let down their guards'

Siri had spoken while being half heartedly listened to by SHELLEYA as she stretched to reach for the box without the awareness of SIRI.

upon recovery her hand with the box soon find it way into her jacket pocket as she now aimed for the drink in front of her.

'They weren't unleashing their AURA SIRI, they had suppressed it, I believe that was the limit to how far they could suppress it or perhaps they only released a little amount to let us feel wary of them'

Like it mouth yearning for a drink her lips kissed the cup as it gave way for cold drink to slide through only to have SIRI stare at her with excitement as each sip she took left a gulp sound.

After a great satisfaction, the table met it demise as it was struck by a cup being placed on it with care.

'Well i can't say, meeting them today has been a great step, and we have now understand a little of our situation'

'Yea, damn right'

SIRI Reply was satisfying as his waist were already alive and kicking from it numbness of being crushed on by the chair.

'I will be heading to the room now to think about everything so as to write a proper report later'

SHELLEY had given room for exit as she slide her legs out of the table for SIRI to find his way.

'What about you?'

He asked After a successful escape from the tight end spot around the corner of the table and chair as he stood for a reply

'I will stay here for a while, and head back to my room afterwards'

His legs moved forward after his ears had satisfied his mind with her reply as he waved

'Fine, try not to attract more Attention to yourself'

Siri had walked into the distance as his voice could be heard a bit louder


Naomi, White and Snow, had walked out of a boutique with new set of apparel different from the one they had wore earlier, snow was in a casual dress as usual, black turtle neck shirt, a pair of jean and a snicker, white had dressed like a tomboy as well with a tigh-pant, white inner wear, and a black jacket with a red scarf around her neck and a nice pair of white and black mixed colour stripe kneel socks and a combat shoe.

'You two habits haven't changed'

Naomi said with a satisfaction grinning on her face as she was in a dazzling pairs of high heel boots, tight jean, and a blouse

'Well you never can tell when you'd be bugged so yes, I believe this is safer if not perfect'

'Oh taking after your brother is it?'

Naomi smiled naughtily and mocked white as they both vanish in a blink of an eye leaving those around that saw this unnatural phenomenon dumbfounded and scared.

Hours came by like it was a movie on a fast forward mode, people dined quietly at the open space restaurant with a chinese style lit latern held around by wires, the restaurant was an open one on a rooftop as the city view came to sight and meddle with the peaceful moment as if they were one in harmony.

Naomi had sat opposite snow, it was a date in a manner of sense as White presence was absent from this romantic evening.

Snow sat while idolizing the beauty of the female in front of him, and just as it felt he could be lost in her beauty he was soon awaken back to reality.

'So aside from the regular discussion, does this means we are on a date?'

She asked, her short strawberry blonde hair was let loose as to feel the evening breeze, her nose held on tight to the glass sitting like a king upon it, her pink lips blend well with the lantern light that illuminated the restaurant.

'Well, aside from you living without a proper goodbye, there was never an end to our relationship, was there?'

Snow smiled afterwards, his hand aimed for the cocktail sitting calmly in front of Naomi, picking it up it offer Naomi as she sip from it without making use of her hand.

'Today is the day i had decided to clarify our standing'

Snow said with a cute smile upon his handsome face, he gently placed back the drink as he aimed for his sitting in front of his.

'You are strong enough to do as you wish, to be honest you are the only one capable of stopping i and my sis plan and that includes killing us if you wish'

'You have said so before, but that isnt the reason i left snow'

She said with a worry expression dancing beautifully upon her cute face as she made attempt to explain her reason and intention.

'I loved you, so i thought, but honestly i just needed protection, I didn't want to end up like my parent'

She said with a sad expression, snow who had sat to listen could be found emotionless.

'I figured, well i guess the feeling "love" was one sided after all'

Snow said as if to make her feel guilty

'It wasn't my intention...'

'You dont have to worry about it, i knew you were just too good for me'

Cutting her short he said. He smiled ones more staring at the closest building to the restaurant at the other side of the road.

'Besides, i have gotten clues about my father and reasons behind his death, apparently he was killed by your parent to be exact'

Snow said and upon hearing snow words Naomi heart skipped a beat, her face was filled with surprised, her eyes widened as if it was going to pop out of it socket.

'That is absurd, accusing my parent like that isnt going to justify the fact you are trying to...'

Snow stared at her, she had forgotten she was in a restaurant upon yelling in defense against snow acclaim.

Feeling remorseful about disturbing the peace of the restaurant she sat back calmly and quiet. Her attention was soon caught by a scrub noise made between a palm and a table as if an iron was been pass forwarded on a clothed table.

'That is everything regarding my father, i guess you will find something interesting '

He said as he sip on the last content in his cup

'Lastly, those two guest of yours arent here to investigate, they are here to kill'

Snow said as he let go of his empty cup with gentle care as it was placed on the round table covered in white material.

'Things will soon escalate, and hopefully it shouldn't come as soon as predicted'

Snow said staring at Naomi who was staring at the flash drive held by her right hand.

'So what do you intend to do?'

Naomi asked, her curiosity was now smiling on her face

'Well, dungeons of course, and the funds will go into supporting those who are having it hard ranking especially the E-D Rank hunters'

'I heard you are running an orphanage organization as well'

'Not exactly, it is more or less a bit different'

A gentle breeze blew by as if to give a short gap between their conversation, snow smiled as an idea came up his head.

'Would you like to come?'

Snow asked as he stared at Naomi

'I want to, but, what about your sister '

'White will be fine'

Snow said with a big grin on his face.

After a few moment of relaxation they both stood up and departed for their next destination.


It is late, it is past 8, everyone in the building had been wondering who would be at the door at this hour at the time the door bell rang notifying them of someone's present.

Like a child who had missed their father the door instantly opened and snows leg was hugged by two girls of the same age, looking at their appearance they were kids of age 8 both their hair were black and had two matching hair pins and clothes.

'Hey big bro snow, it been a while'

They both said as they stare up at snow as if they were waiting for a gift. Snow smiled cheerfully and pat each of them equally.

'Funny, i was here early this morning'

Snow laughed jokingly and tapped their forehead with his right middle finger trying to make them feel guilty for their teasing.


They said holding their forehead in synchronization.

'Well Naomi meet RIN AND LIN'

Snow said

'Hello RIN, HELLO LIN, i am NAOMI, nice to meet you'

NAOMI said trying to introduce herself

'Nice to meet you'

They responded shyly while hiding beside snow, after a short introduction they all walked in with the door shut behind them.

The building wasn't crowded but aside from snow, white and naomi, there are usually 14 occupants in the building but only about sis of them could be seen here and there.

'Hey snow, why are you here? I thought you would come pick white up early in the morning?'

A girl of Naomi Age said with a plate in her hand while standing outside of the demarcated room in place of a kitchen.

'Well i came to see how she is doing'

'I am fine so what do you want big bro and why are you here with NAOMI'

White said from the living room that was attached to the entrance hall as she had sat on a couch with a boy younger than her while playing video games.

She barely cared as she focused more on the game, aside from the girl who walked beside snow with a plate on her hand and an apron around her waist.

'Well i was hoping we could sleep over for the night'

Snow smiled while approaching white with Naomi and the girl at his side, rin and lin had dashed to sit beside white and the male beside white.

'I see, she has rub her soft spot on you'

'Dont be like that sis'

Snow smiled and upon getting to the couch backing him he pat white head with a kiss afterwards.

'Hey big bro, could you help me out? I keep losing to sis'

The boy had turned to stare at snow upon making eye contact to NAOMI

'EH!? I never knew you and the HIGHEST ranking Hunter in the city had a thing?'

The boy said with surprise as he instantly dropped the console and left the couch to approach Snow and Naomi.

'Say, introduce me already'

He said like a fan of some artists wanting an autograph or handshake and apparently he was a fan of hers.

'Very well, Naomi meet BLADE, he seems to be a big fan of yours by the way'

Snow said and upon his statement Blade instantly offered a hand shake which was reciprocated with NAOMI hand shake.

His face got all red as he could die from excessive happiness, he ran up the stairs located at the right side as he was overwhelmed.

'I am never washing thing this hand'

He acclaimed before his voice faded into the distance

'Oh and beside me is Iris, she handles everything here aside from the medical care which is taken care of by someone else'

Snow said as he stare at IRIS, her black hair was short and neatly pinned by the side with an hair pin, aside from the apron she was on a thick orange turtle neck shirt and a short skirt with black tigh high socks.

Apparently she had a crush on snow and would always stay by his side when ever he is around, well everyone in the house knows this and she practically doesnt care if snow had a girlfriend or an ex as long as she can stare at snow smile and HAPPY.

'Nice to meet you, miss Naomi Leniath'

Iris said with a smile

'Iris if you stare at big bro for that long you will burn the house down'

White had said as she could perceive the smell of a burning food with smoke leaking out from the kitchen, Iris dashed to the kitchen in worries.

Snow staring at white who was now facing Lin while leaning on the edge of the couch

'Arent you two going to tell him?'

White inquired from the two shy siblings with confusion on snow

'Tell me what?'

Snow asked, now with a smile on his face he pat their head gently

'I and sis, rank up to C'

Lin said as she stared at snow who was filled with brimming light of amazement.

'Congrat you two, so tell me, what is it you want?'

Snow said happily as he wanted to gift this two with something no matter the price

'They both want to inherit our family name'

White said staring at me with an approval look kinda mixed with happiness.

'Is that really what you want?'

Snow asked them both with a smile on his face, the twins responded with a yes head shake as they smiled as well

'Anything for you two'

Snow said patting their head, like a kid receiving an award they both hopped on snow with excitement. Being embraced all of a sudden made snow loose his balance as the thud noise of someone falling could be heard.

'Thank you big bro!'

They said and after a huge tight hug filled with appreciation they both left snow laying on the floor as they joined IRIS in the kitchen.

'By the way big bro, how long do you intend to keep your guest standing'

White said as she stare at Naomi

Footsteps approached the living room as if climbing down the stairs.

'Big bro snow, what are you doing laying on the floor'

A male said as he stood at the end of the stairs staring at the three, he had a blonde hair with an hoodie armless jacket and a short trouser with an indoor slippers and an headphone around his neck.


Snow said trying to get back to his feet

'That is weird, did you fall or something'

He inquire in confusion, he walked closer to snow ignoring Naomi while at it.

'Big bro has approved on everyone bearing the family name'

White said with a smile as snow was assisted on his feet by Michael

'I see'

Like not realizing it sooner his eye soon was filled with surprise

'F-for real?'

Michael asked, white noded her head with a smile, and in that short instant Michael gave a fist pump like he had won a jackpot and soon came with a hug.

After realizing there was someone he soon stoped hugging and stared at Naomi

'I see, we have a SSS-HUNTER as a guest'

He said with not so happy expression as everyone quite know her history with the guild.

'Naomi meet Michael, he may not look it but he is actually an A-Rank, Quite the strongest among the top 3 in the house'

'It is a pleasure'

Naomi responded with a smile as she could only do that in that awkward position.

'So where are the rest of everyone'

Snow asked

'Where else if not dungeon?'

White said and giggled before Michael decided to join white in resuming the game play

'Sis white bought five raid tickets, we have done ours in the morning, the rest are off for the day and will be back around noon'

Michael said upon picking up the console.

'Hey guys dinner is ready!'

IRIS yelled out from the dinning located in the next room beside the kitchen.

'Bad timing Iris!'

Michael said feeling reluctant to let go of the console, while being dragged along by white.

'Want to join in?'

Snow asked NAOMI she nodded her head as she declined

'Are you sure?'

Snow asked knowing she could change her mind

'I am not used to group eating snow'

She said as she acclaim

'Well, there is a first at everything'

Snow said while trying to lure her to the dinning while holding her by the hand.

Just like that they all sat and had their meal peacefully and cheerfully, the day went by like a normal family.

Hours came with a quiet solitude atmospheric moment as the entire building fell into deep slumber. Snow and white had still been awake after making sure everyone were properly made to go to bed.

Snow and Naomi walked into the room with bed and a reading table that has a desktop system on it present in the room with a center rug, thinking they would just sit and chat a little was merely snows idea, only to be ambushed by Naomi feelings with his lips clingy to a tender soft surface which was nothing but her lips, their tongue clench to one another like they had missed themselves in a longest period.

The light went out the instant fingers were snapped as if telling it to sleep.

Snow was surprised but he needed to let her have her moment after trying to persuade her to stop but insisted.

Taking over the heat moment clothe could be said to fly short distance as their demise was short from crashes made to the floor and Center Rog.

The room could only stay silent to this toggle of war from an emotional moment as they both made their way to the bed almost naked. Like announcing a goal the bed blew it whistle of what felt like a squeak.

Laying on the bed snow had dominated over her as she could clench him tight with her two arms and a leg.

Moans could be heard through the door but luckily everyone had been fast asleep, grabbing the bedsheets tight her indecent voice ran amok.

Both could be barely seen with clothes as Naomi had lost her sanity to pleasure, ramming her hard the bed could be confident of it durability, snow kissed her on her lips, neck, breast down to her bellybutton and later holding her tight by the waist as each violent strike from his waist to hers made loud noises only to be heard by just two of them.

Minutes flew by like it was nothing whilr running out on fuel they both gave out a satisfying moan of what felt to be an orgasm.

Snow laid beside her as she lay her head on his chest, both had cover up with the extra sheet as they were embracing the moment of silent for few minuts.

'That was intense than usual snow'

This sentence broke that silent and as if saying of course yes, the cloud had let way for the moon. As it light shined brightly through the opened window.

'Did you not like it?'

He asked while staring at her

'I enjoyed it to be honest'

'I see, so that was a parting gift'

Snow had said upon her words of regret

'Yes and that is why i need to make sure it is the last i enjoy'

Her words came after she had climbed upon Snow and now sitting over him.

'How about we do it till we cant take it anymore'

An just like that an indecent moan escaped from the gap between her lips, she moved up and down like a gymnastics doing squatting exercise as her sexy figure was been woo by the curtain blown apart by the breeze leaking in from the window.

'This is the only side of you nobody knows about'

Snow said as he sat and hugged her by her waist that came with an exchange of salivary kiss.

Hour went by like a nitghtwatcher for this two as their romantic morning could be said of Snow  cuddling the other while hiding their naked bodies in-between the bed and the bedsheets that left white dumbfounded for few minutes while about to come wake snow up.

Her sight could only be caught and jailed by the clothes littering the room and the unwrapped pack of contraceptives.

Feeling embarrassed by her sight she instantly shut the door and excused her self without disturbing the two sleeping heads.

'Those two was at it again'

She murmured as she walked downstairs.

Hours cameby during breakfast as everyone attention at the dinning was called by the footsteps walking down the stairs.

'Are you staying for breakfast?'

White asked upon their final step on the floor, snow and Naomi stood and stare at the dining table with everyone sitting and dinning.

'No, we will have breakfast outside, i will visit the guild building and see what is going on for the day and get some raid license for any dungeon that pop up"


'Do i need to join you'

White ask in worries as she was about to leave to join snow.

'No silly, take the day off and attend to everyone while am away, will come back when i get the chance to'

He said and smiled

'Bye everyone, bye white'

Naomi adjusted her glass before waving and soon their present had been erased from the room like they were never there in the first place.

Sun shined brighter like it was closer than it looked up to the sky for an early morning, buildings shadow cast upon the other giving a nice shade for the road.

Both stood at the top of GRIMMSAW guild building with a little gap between them.

'That was a nice setup you got there'

She had complimented snows new family as she smiled and tucked her front hair to the back of her ear.

'Well, they are the next people to take over the guild if things goes side ways'

'You keep saying that, why is that?'

'You will understand soon, well hoping it isnt too late for you'

'I see, it is something you cant say huh?'

Her words came with both sadness and understanding after a sudden decision not to pry deeper.

'Well i wish there could be more, but this is goodbye snow'

'Yes this is goodbye'

Snow responded with a smiled and soon vanished with no trace whatsoever. Naomi stood as the entrance to the rooftop slam open with few hunters rushing out from it.

'Hunter Naomi?'

One of them said as he tried approaching her with the rest surveying the roof for any hiding enemy

'Send word to guild master, let him know we have an advantage'

Naomi walked pass these hunters as she issued her orders, they all responded with respect and became an escort.


The End


i hope you keep along from here on out because things might feel way out of balance in the upcoming chapters, still dont fret as the next chapter will be a little in take of snow and white origin as i unvail few things in the past regarding SHELLEY .

i hope you enjoy what you read.



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