
Chapter 3: Changes (part 1)

Like a family on their kneels this two, snow and white for the first time after the dungeon incidents decided to keep praying and never for one day missed their morning prayers.

They stood up while done and smiled at each other, they were proud of their newly cultivated habit and like someone intruding on a conversation the elevator door had opened and in front of it was Naomi who had returned from the market with bags held by both her hands.

Well ever since they got their fortune, white had suggested they moved to a building that will be owned by them, so instead they bought one of the building in the main city.

They had plan to make it their guild in the future so they left the rest of the floors for that and occupied the highest floor of the building.

They also had a floor all to themselves for training purpose and as well had cash left that would take care of their hunter business.

It has been a week and this three have already started living peaceful lifes

'Morning guys!'

Her words didn't wait for a reply as she hastily walked to the kitchen around the corner to drop off what was in her hands

The kitchen was in the other side which was only demarcated by a transparent wall glass

'Morning, you woke up earlier today, any good news?'

White said as she decided to sit and fold her legs on the couch then munch on to the leftover of chocolate, meanwhile snow had gone to meet Naomi in the kitchen

'Well, the good news is i feel much lighter to be free from the association claws, and the bad news is we need to at least clear a dungeon in the next few days in other to validate our license'

Naomi voice could be heard from the kitchen

'Then how about you buy a raid licence, the three of us could clear a lower dungeon'

White suggested as she picked the remote and turned on the plasma tv embedded to the wall

'Well that is a good idea, but we could atleast need two fillers even if we were to raid a dungeons'

'Oh, true, i guess that is really a bad news'

Soon a naughty scream was heard from the kitchen, white figuring what could have occur ignored it all the same because she knew her silly brother was at it again.

Remember those romance movie where two couples would just feel like having a good time in the kitchen and at the same time prepare for what to eat? Yes, that moment could be told of this two.

Both lips locking on each other they soon hug tightly as snow was holding her from behind.

After a short kiss naomi smiled and picked up the chopping board

'I could get us a license, but we would need a name to form a raid party'

Snow said while hugging Naomi from behind

'What do you think about Porter?'

She suggested, snow giggled and tried to make fun of it in the process of asking his sister

'Hey sis, what name do we pick for our raid party?'


She replied his silly brother knowing fully well Ex was the name of her favourite movie show and upon thinking on it an interesting name came up snows head, he had decided to combine the two words

'Then what do you think about PORTER X?'

his feeling of getting rejected as he suggested the name was washed down the drain, white had given her approval as she gave a thumbs up to her brother while trying not to loose focus to the Tv show

'I think she liked it'

Snow whispered into Naomi ears then peck the top of her ears after words

'Porter x it is then'

Naomi replied and giggled naughty, her expression was now brighter, she was now more closer to Snow and both could understand each other better

After a short kiss one last time, snow decided to assist her in the kitchen and was beginning to wash the vegetables before picking up the kitchen knife to diced them equally

' that reminds me sis, i have ignored you because you are showing no sign of Zephroid, are you now fine? Or do you want me to order a new set of drugs for you'

'Ever since we woke up in the clinic, i have been feeling better, so now stop interrupting and let me concentrate '

She had bashed his annoying and over protective brother only to focus on the show. Snow hearing her laughed and smiled, he knew better not to interrupt his sister

'Sorry sis, my bad'

He nonchalantly said and kept at it after a long while everyone had gathered round the table for a dish and was about to eat to their fill, but Snow and White never forgot to give thanks ones again, and Naomi felt interested in this newly cultivated habit

'Why do you two do that almost all the time?'

Naomi asked in curiosity, her dazzling eyes said she was interested

'We call it prayer, it is what kept us alive in the dungeon and we intend to keep praying and giving thanks to father'

White said with a smile on her face, snow staring at Naomi knew she was interested

'It isnt that hard, would you like to learn it?

He asked and smiled at her, her reaction said yes but she felt embarrassed and shy, her hands on the table was soon held by snow and the other hand by white

'Just close your eyes and say after me'

Naomi was nervous but she needed to give it a try, her heart raced even more she was excited to be a part of what this two were doing and in a short moment she closed her eyes

'Father, we have come before you today, and as we pray to you, we wish for nothing but to thank you for the blessings and grace felt by us, and as we gather to eat we thank you for the provision, and as we make our plans today, father lord come and be a part of every of our activities today.'

And in that brief prayer, they all ended it in unison


Snow and white soon let go of each other hands as they prepared to eat, Naomi was dumbfounded, her expression was now different, she was delighted about the new event, snow stare at her while white had began eating

'All you now have to do is believe our prayers has been answered and have faith that his present is here with us'

Snow said assuring the lost but found Noami, she smiled and then laughed afterwards

'That was exciting, i guess i will give it more tries'

The siblings knew how she felt, after all it was a new experience for her, after few minutes of smiles they all began to eat, and like the day was awaiting for them they soon finished preparing for the day.

Naomi and white had been waiting for snow who had gone for the license and it has been two hours after the meal and preparation.

Like they had been waiting for the elevator bell they both stood up in their outfit

Naomi was in a long sleeve white shirt, black jean and a red shoe with her side hair neatly pinned with a simple red hair pin, her sword was not so heavy since she was a fighter class, the sword had a nice touch to its handle and laid perfectly well by her waist held by her waist belt, on the other hand, white was in a short pant, thigh high socks, black boots and red scarf around her neck with some hand gloves and long sleeve sweater shirt in red

In front of the opened door was snow waiting their arrival before the elevator descended down the floors, he was in black shoe, black pant trousers and a black hoodie shirt.

'I cant believe you two are actually going into a B-Rank dungeon with nothing but regular clothes'

Naomi said feeling worried while staring at snow

'You have trained us properly havent you, well think of this as an actual experience gained '

White said smiling at her

'You heard sis, why not cheer up a little'

Snow said while drawing her closer, to reciprocate she had leaned on snow and soon she heard the calmness of snow heartbeat as she lay her head on his chest.

'Then at least let me show you what i am capable of'

Her naughty act made white jealous, she pouted as she brought out the pack of stick candies from her pocket

'You have taken all my brothers time, he barely thinks about me but you'

'I smell jealousy '

Snow replied in mockery and pat her head

'Stop being sassy, you little monster of a sister'

The elevator arriving at the last floor signaled and opened after it mechanical tone, they all approached the vehicle parked in front of the building, it was a car but not so fancy and less expensive, it belongs to Naomi who would be driving, after exiting the building they went into the car, leaving the building defense system activated.

And soon the car drove off leaving behind the building into the far distant.

It has been half an hour since snow and his raid party had began their hunt, Naomi took the lead as she slay monsters there and here, the monsters in this dungeon were minotaurs they had thick skins that was hard to pierce through but Noami prove it easy, the way she held her sword was like a master in her field, her body moved smoothly with no restraint, staring at her movement was no different from staring at a flower petal dancing with the blowing wind.

Been amazed by her accomplishments she had successfully clear the entrance all by her self, and as they walked white picked the cores and placed them in a pouch.

Snow feeling impressed walked to her with a smile

'I guess you werent all talk after all'

He made fun of Naomi and was bashfully rejected by a push to his chest, Naomi felt embarrassed and soon walked closer again with snow having his fill of fun with her.

'Well how about i see what you are capable off, Mr man'

Naomi said with a mockery smile on her face staring at snows eyes and clingy on to him with naughty expressions.

'I am too shy to slay monsters'

Snow said and like everyone waiting for an interesting joke to be said white had busted out in a sudden laugh

'He claim to be shy to slay monster, what the hell are you brother, a little girl?'

She had laughed her fill in mockery with the aspect of forgetting they were in a dungeon in the first place.

Like the dungeon was angry huge thuds of footsteps approached them, they weren't much but perhaps few monsters, they had thought.

Like a kid surprised by their Christmas present this three were astonished by the sizes of this minotaur size, they were huge and thick like an average minotaurs

'Mino Warriors'

Naomi said with a smile as she pat snow in his back and pushed him gently to the front

'I guess it is your turn'

She gave a naughty smile leaving the dumbfounded snow behind and approached white, snow couldn't believe what she had done and was still confused.

Like an earthquake trembling the floor, the 6 mino warriors had slammed the floor in rage. And this tremors and roars of the angry go lucky mino warriors soon brought snow back to his senses.

Snow who would have been scared in the past stood like he was awaiting for something big to happen, and as he expected the angry mino warriors had dashed in full forces to trample upon this filthy tinny human before them.

Feeling the tremendous pressure snow had soon prepared for the worst as they all pounced on his previous standing position, meanwhile the so called calm snow who barely dogged could merely be seen as unhammed.

After giving his gap his leg had been bruised and he had realised how closed his escape was after been cut slightly by a straying debris from the shockwave made by the floor he had received earlier on.

He smiled and his so called heart had juggled up from excitement, he had never felt any thing like this before other than his past self been scared by his sight of monsters.

'That was a close call'

Naomi said and wanted to dash to assist but she was held back

'Dont bother, brother is only trying to get used to what it feels like to be an actual hunter, besides it will be boring for him if he had just destroyed them on the go other than dodging their flimsy attacks'

White had dissuade Naomi from her over caring actions as they stare at each other and instantly turned again to stare at Snow who was actually smiling as he punched this mino warriors here and there.

'He is actually having fun'

Naomi said with surprise at her sight, she then calmed her racing heart as she held her chest with her right arm and the other holding her right arm.

Like a bad news from a tv, snow who was taking the lead was now surrounded, the mino warriors who had been toyed with had gone insane, their eyes became red, their rage was now unstoppable,they roared and pounced on the floor continuously like bunch of kids bouncing on a trampoline but instead it was mino warriors making sure their current enemy dies in between this so called barrage of shockwave and reverberating ground tremor.

Their attacks continued for what seems to never end and snow who was caught in it had lost his balance and could be said to be left unharmed as his body bleed continuously from both eyes, nose, mouth ears and was been pushed around by the shockwave like tennis ball been tossed around here and there by some tennis players.

Snow feeling his life slipping from his body had found himself in a dizzy state and in that moment the mino warriors were satisfied by their attack they then lashed to give him a finishing blow

Naomi seeing this takes place couldnt stand it but ran to help but to her surprise white had blocked her path

'Brother is fine and we promise to tell you everything but for now i cant have you get caught up in what is about to happen"

White calmly said and smiled, she now felt the sincere worries of Naomi, her heart had now been stung by guilt for keeping Naomi so long in the dark.

Naomi who was still unable to calm her self from not being able to help someone she loved felt frustrated

'Please, dont let me loose him the way i lost him, i beg of you'

Naomi pleaded with tears rolling down her eyes, white knowing how she felt approached her and gave her a warm hug, and sat her down to the floor

White who has been able to ease Naomi tension a little soon yelled out

'It's Enough!'

Like being waiting for the signal snow eyes that were going blank had gained it light, his body had instantly regained it originally form after being instantly enveloped in dark shadow, the mino warriors that had jumped to give their final moment had frozen in the air and in that miliseconds their body had been cut or rather diced in a fashionable manner with countless shapeless blades.

Snow who had gained his feet to the ground soon walked towards the boss room leaving behind Naomi and White with a spectacular amount of bloodfall and uncountable mino warriors flesh that fell to the ground.

'I leave the rest to you white, am taking the boss'

Snow said and waved, white ignoring him with a smile soon sat beside Naomi who still couldn't believe her eyes.

'I hope you forgive my brother Naomi, i asked him to pretend to be powerless so as to know how you trully feel'

Naomi feeling speech less stares at snow walking deep to the boss room with huge doors

'You have done a lot for us, and i am happy that my brother has finally gotten the time for himself for the couple of days you had decided to have him in your life'

White said and crunching her legs tightly with her two hands as she sat while staring at the dungeons illuminated my crystals.

'My brother, snow, he ones had someone he loved before he met you again, but she died from zephroid and what came next was unspeakable, and this happened two year before you showed up'

Like two people sharing a story white smiled

'I can remember how he was, my brother could barely smile or even play with me, his eyes lost every bit of meaning of life not until you came again to visit after my dad had died'

Naomi stared at white

'How did he get over it'

She asked with curious eyes, and as a response white smiled


Naomi whos heart had skipped a beat was shocked, she instantly stare at the boss room as if she could see snow deep inside of the boss room

'Knowing he might loose the chance again of being happy i decided to push him, i told him if we ever got out of the dungeon alive he should ask you out'

'Are you referring to the SS-Rank Old dungeon incident?'

Naomi asked, she had now began to clean her wet eyes with her palm

'Yes, and i promise we will tell you what happened in that dungeon, but first i need to know i can trust you enough'

White smiled feeling she had archived her goal to make Naomi open up

'You keep using the term I and not WE, why is that'

Out of curiosity Naomi asked

'Yes, this is all my plan forced unto my brother'

White smiled, and stared at her

'And i guess you did love someone before letting my brother come into your life perhaps as a replacement motif'

White said and stood up, she had seen snow from afar walking towards them and in that instant she glowed in full bright light.

Like a bulb going of from it switch been turned off all the crystal on the dungeon wall had vanished leaving the dungeon into total darkness before it began to fade away.

Naomi who had covered her eyes had soon set her gaze for view with her hands clearing it way for her to see.

Standing before her was snow smiling and white staring at her, before them where full pouch of core, two bags of crystals and a chest of gold unfortunately there were no mana ore in B-Rank dungeons.

Snow smile now disappeared as he apologized

'Am deeply sorry'

Not knowing what to say next, he walked away

'Where are you going?'

White knew she had upset his brother still she doesn't know what his brother was up to now and curiosity made her ask

'I need to clear my head, i leave Naomi in your care, call me if anything happens and if not i will meet you guys in the apartment in few hours time'

Snow said and walked out of the restricted zone not so far from the abandoned region of the city due to the dungeon present.

He covered his head with the hood and walked far into the distant, hating himself and leaving even the speechless officials present behind as they stare at him.

'I will tell you everything you need to know but first how about we round this up'

Naomi sniffed and smiled with the officials escorting them to the vehicles and assisting with their property attained from the dungeon.

'Yes right, the association procedures'

They both smiled.


They say each time a dungeon appears it is because man had reproduced, but this is all a lie, isnt that right? Like the vice president asked, his deep thought was soon shattered by the electronic bell sound made by the elevator it had alerted him of his arrival to the top floor know as the president office.

Like he was waiting to be set free from the captive cage called elevator his foot had made ways towards the president table

'So those three had been able to successfully clear a B-Rank dungeon without the force of a full raid party'

The president said as she turned her chairs around to stare at VALE who was now standing at the desk to file his report

'It is as you said, their actions was to keep their licenced valid'

Vale said while passing the file to the president, liliana smiling and accepting the file lay it on the table, her back now fully relaxed on the cozy chair gave her the sense of satisfaction

'When i received the call i had thought it would be a good thing to know what their capabilities where, but this far exceed my expectations'

She said staring at the report with a comfort gaze, vale staring at her felt a bit of a weight lifted from his chest as he felt more relaxed now.

'Regarding the previous matter, we have successfully been able to clear the bounty placed on NAOMI LENIATH, but words had gotten out that she had now taken on the role of a hunter ones again'

Cold sweat broke from vales back spine as his mouth gave the sudden news, the president not happy about this felt angered.

'Find out who leaked that information and have them dealt with, make sure everyone aware of this are silenced no matter what'

She said in anger while glaring at vale in anger, vale seeing her action shivered in fear, his waist had given way as he had no idea how he had bowed in such a short time, in haste he left the room dashing towards the elevator


The city had now been drenched by the rain, building soaking wet, people walking here and there with various colours of umbrellas, cars drove left and right, light shined brightly from the billboard all over the place, all this was in the present of snow staring outside while leaning his hands before the glass wall, his bed wasnt far from it either, the curtains flew gently from the breeze blowing in slightly through the space between the glass that leads to the balcony.

The door had made way as it mechanical function was set to open when anyone was present before it if not locked. White had made way to the dark room only illuminated by the light of other buildings opposite theirs, she saw her brother just standing there staring at her.

'I came to talk to you brother'

She said

'I am not in the mood to talk sis, go away'

He replied as he turned his gaze back towards the city scape

'Then at least speak with Naomi'

Upon hearing his sister words he was devastated, he giggled and those words had now forced him to leave the walls and approached his sister

'What did you just say sis?'

Snow was angry, pissed, and confused of not knowing what to do next

'I said...'

'Shh, i know what you said, the question is how do i go about my daily life when you've made me feel miserable'

Snow said in anger, trying to persuade his angry brother white never knew what was coming

'I am trying my best not...'

Her faced had long since kissed the palm of snow as what was left was the noise made from a slap

'Enough sis! I get your point so please leave me be before something bad happens'

White now holding her face with her left hand to rub it buns was now speechless at her brother who was now in tears holding his right hand with his left

'Please sis, i beg you, not this time'

Feeling hesitant before white was now forced to leave after knowing her brother who had never lay a hand on her had far been damaged by her good intentions.

She never hated him because she knew her brother knew about her intentions but what she far doesn't know was that she never knew her action would make his brother loose his will to express his feelings

White had left and the door closed shut, snow now had the reason to go on his kneels, tears flowed down his face like a waterfall pouring down to a lake.

Feeling remorse of his actions he crawl backwards to lean on the bed, he cried his eyes out until his eyes took in to rest leaving his body to succumb to sleep.

The next day came with a smile filled with sunshine, it rays reflect through the glass wall down to the bed and onto his face, upon opening his eyes he instantly squeeze them with his hands instantly blocking the rays of light to his eyes, he sat on the other side of the bed with his hand together in prayer.

'Thank you for this day father, Amen!'

After few words of thanks in prayer he went on his position and did push ups.

After 5 minutes of indoor exercise he realised he wasnt on shirt as he was about to leave his room and in surprise his eyes scanned his surroundings only to find Naomi still asleep on the bed.

He walked back and smiled, seeing how beautiful she was while asleep he was forced to take a seat beside her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

'Sorry you had to go through all of this for my sake'

He said quietly as his guard was down and about to take his leave, in that moment his hands was held by Naomi who had been far awake and had been pretending.

'I know you are finding it hard, but at least talk to me'

Snow feeling surprised he stare at his hand and his eyes now set on Naomi who was smiling with her glasses no where to be found.

'You sly devil, you had been pretending to be asleep all along'

He said as his expression was a bit happy and disappointed to be caught off guard meanwhile Naomi was happy since snow wasnt putting on sign of resisting

Minutes later they had both sat on the bed, snow felt relaxed and smiled at Naomi who had leaned to rest on him

'A year after you left, it became lonely, there were no one to talk to and my kid sister was now the center of attention after birth, my dad tried his best to raise us like a good father would.'

He had started his story and his hands were now playing with each other, he stare at her each time with a smile

'I was 4 and my kid sis was two, we where introduced by my father to one of his friends daughter who was your exact age, she was naughty in nature and fun to have around'

He kept on with his story and was still sure to keep checking on Naomi's face with a smile.

'She also went with her family a lot into the dungeons and came visit to play when she was free or not going into dungeons'

He said

'I had no idea what it was but i knew i had liked her, and luckily for me she also felt the same, but the bad news was her family died in a dungeon and she was the only survivor of that incident, back then people called it the NETCAL INCIDENT'

he said

'The netcal incident, if i remember correctly i was a member of the ZANZA GUILD and was aiming for an S-Rank position when i heard about the news, i was a B-Rank hunter at that period'

Naomi said as she remembered the incident

'Lucky you, but unfortunately for her she had now suffered the ZEPHROID illness, the wealth her family had acquired was now seized by the guild and she was left with no means of medication, before my father had gotten words about her whereabouts it was already too late, it was the third stage of ZEPHROID, still she kept smiling each time i went visiting with my kid sister'

Snow giggled and his right hand aimed for his pocket with what happened to be a bracelet was revealed in his now wide open hands.

'A bracelet?'

Naomi said in confusion, the bracelet was made from tiny bits of Crystals and black rope, a beautiful blue crystal hand made bracelet it was

'The day before we got words of her death she gave me this and requested i kissed her, my sister was excited as she made sure i did'

Naomi felt speechless

'Before I left that day she said to me, make sure you wear it all the time so as to recognize you if ever we meet again'

Like it was a busy day the horns of vehicle could be heard from every street

'I had swore to make sure the guild that did this to her and her family would surely pay the price one day and in exchange of that determination i began to have interest of becoming a hunter, my father who had been the only source now died a year after, words of that guild i had loath so much met their demise two years after that'

Snow now chuckle while mocking himself

'I even became cold to my sister, i knew now we had to survive, so i decided to become a porter instead of a proper hunter just to make sure my sister had the necessary need for the daily survival'

As if she had been waiting for this side of the story her eyes was now wide open but was filled with sadness

'And that was how i came into the picture again'

She said and now staring at snow she smiled

'The reason i left was because my parent who were renown hunters wanted me to become a hunter at an early age so they made sure i had the proper training and mentality to venture into the dungeons'

She said and with surprise snow eyes met with hers

'The guild ZANZA was originally theirs, their goal was to make me inherit it ones i become an SS-RANK Hunter, but they got killed while i was in a raid in an S-RANK Dungeon'

Her story kept flowing without being interrupted

'After my parents death i began to think about you and your sister so i called your dad to let him know of the situation, it was then he told me that if a time came where he wont be around i should look after you two and support in anyway i can'

Snow now fully surprised became astonished

'My old man said that to you?'

'Yes, and just like he said, he was killed a year after i had become an S-rank hunter'

She had replied snow in a manner even snow response was that of someone who was lost

'My life in the guild had been going well and i also had a boyfriend who was three years older than me, he was my anchor during those hard times, but a day came, it was a raid day for the main force of ZANZA guild and on that day we ventured into a SS-Rank old dungeon.'

Snow had now swallowed a mouthful of saliva as her story wasnt the easy one to digest

'Just like you and your sis, my entire team suffered a lot, and we lost everyone except i and 2 other members who managed to escape, what we had saw that day left me hopeless, i had also lost my boyfriend in that dungeon, it was then the association who had been keeping eyes on me got in contact with me'

Like a bell been rung snow became alerted by the words ASSOCIATION

'they showed me everything regarding your father and i was tasked to keep an eye on you two to make sure you and your sister never knew of the secret that got your father killed and in exchange i will get information regarding my parents death'


Snow asked with anticipation of answers

'They also threatened to kill you and your sis unless i agreed to their terms, so i had to resign from the guild and tender my licence in other to live close to you guys and and file my weekly report'

Snow still unable to relax stare at naomi lips as they kept on with it story

'I was angry, sad and lonely, there was no one who i could trust or lean on for support, still i had to fulfill my promise to your dad and made sure the association claws never got to you two but then, when i visited i had thought you would never recognise me'

' but i did'

Snow responded with a smile

'But after seeing you two and how you've grown i came to distant myself trying as much as possible not to mingle like we used to, i had to dress more mature and made sure the distance was made'

'That is still a misery'

Snow said and mock her for it with naughty laugh

' yea right'

She felt disappointed by snows joke and pushed him with little force

'hearing you two were caught up in an SS-Rank Dungeon made me shiver, the thought of losing you two shrink my mind, i kept making sure to visit everyday, i had thought instead of distancing myself i should get closer if there was any chance to that'

She said with a smile and this time she had turned to face snow while folding her legs like an abbot

'It was then i realise my old feelings for you that was long buried deep down has been risen, and when your sister spoke about your feeling towards me i felt my heart melting'

Snow hearing her words was forced by emotion to only stare into her eye

Like his heart skipped a beat he could feel the tremor in his chest, his heart had began to race like a sport car trying to exceed its limits

'So I do understand where your sister is coming from and i know she's only making sure you are in good hands'

Naomi said while trying to ease snow worries, snow who could only listen was now moved to kiss Naomi lips.

Like an intruder badging on couples about making love white had found herself in her brothers room with a tray in her hands, she had thought of bringing breakfast to the two sleepy heads only to find them in such an awkward position

Snow and naomi gaze was fixed upon the opened door with white in front of them

'How on earth are you two going to make me unsee this?'

White said as she approached the reading table that had it books neatly placed in the corner.

As if been attracted to the tray the table had now been struck gently by the tray which had been placed on the table

'What happened to knocking?'

Snow said with big grin as he stood up to approach his sister

'Did you even lock your room'

'No, because there is no need to'

'What happened to privacy'

'Oh dear sister, just because puberty has caught up to you doesn't mean i need to keep things like this in the cupboard '

After few teases from each other snow now hugging her sister pat her head

'Forgive me sis'

'Figured you needed something to vent on so i did what was necessary '

Snow kissed her head and smiled at her

'May father blessings never seize from you sis'

'Likewise big bro'

After short words from this two only a huge noise could be head from both a punch and groan, white now feeling satisfied smirk at her beautiful master piece.

'Now that is satisfying '

She took her leave, leaving her brother groaning in pain from the punch to his stomach had absorbed, Naomi could only laugh at this scenario

'You little monster of a sister, this hurts for a payback'

'You are lucky i didn't aim for what's in between your legs, i would have felt bad for Naomi'

She yelled back in response to her brothers own.

Naomi leaving the pitiful snow aimed for the breakfast, she must be starving as she couldn't hold back on the sandwich in her hand

Snow seeing no one falling for his pretence instantly caught NAOMI from behind through a hug and his mouth was now offered a piece of offering by Naomi's hand as the sandwich came to its demise by his mouth.


She giggled and smiled


Like a family meeting the three had sat on a table, the day was bright with the noises made by cars could be heard, the contains and glass door to the balcony were shut close,

Naomi laying on Snows lap while she had her hair played with by snow, white stood and faced Naomi before taking her sit

'I did promise to tell you everything, didnt i?'

White said and like a mouse attracted to cheese Naomi attention was given

'The truth is, i and my brother died in that dungeon, and during our death, we made a vow to protect each other'

Naomi hearing her was now surprised and was forced to sit upright

'The powers we have showed you so far belongs to the bosses of that dungeon'

'Did you say bosses'

Naomi asked in curiosity

'There were two of them, a male and a female, and the powers we possess originally belong to them'

Snow said and smiled

'But how is that even possible '

She asked

'This is where it get juicy'

Snow said, he stood up and walked towards the refrigerator

'The bosses that had killed us offered us as a sacrifice to father, this bosses claimed that the world tree was behind the birth of dungeons appearing constantly'

White said and as she stared at snow who was offering a bottled drink to her

'They said that the reason was because man had stolen from it by eating from it magical fruit and the dungeons were created in other to retrieve every bit of magic spread around the world through that single fruit that had been eaten thousands of years ago'

Snow had now gotten to Naomi while he now opened her drink for her

'That makes sense if this falls to the history we know about'

Naomi said while accepting the bottled drink

'But the truth is, if no one is able to clear the last of the SS-RANK dungeon and the 20 S-Rank dungeon in the old series dungeons in the next 2 month, the world as we know it could come to an end'

The expression on white face has now gotten serious, even naomi could tell how serious this is

'But why would the bosses of a dungeon share any information with you two'

'Now you ask a good question'

Snow had replied to her question as he sat beside her

'The only catch to our survival was that in exchange to stop father creation from being destroyed by the raging world tree we needed power equivalent to the task, and we got it'

White said as she stare at snow

'That doesn't answer to my question '

Naomi said

'They shared information because they needed someone to stop the WORLD tree from destroying what God has created'

Snow had responded to her query

'And that was why we needed the fundamental basics of actual combats, and needed the experience, we partook in the training sessions for that sole reason and so far it has paid off'

White proceeded and placed a glowing dart on the table

'With your help I believe we would be able to clear every dungeon in two month but first, we needed to make sure of the changes made to our bodies'

White said and stare at Naomi who was finding it hard to take everything in at ones

'And that was why you needed to make sure you are strong enough to clear a dungeon with less party'

Noami said and figured out the rest of the puzzle

'And if this is all true, why would you need my help'

'The boss of the last SS-Rank Dungeon, with his powers it will be easy to clear the rest of the dungeons'

White said trying to make sure Naomi doesn't decline their request

'We will take care of the dungeon and it boss, but his power is all we are after'

Naomi now getting agitated found herself standing

'I need time to process all of this'

She said and walked away, but her movement came to a sudden halt

'Lastly, i and my brother have decided to go into the SS-Rank Dungeon next week...'

'Sis enough '

Snow had cut her off as Naomi rushed into the room

'Let it be sis'

'But time is running out'

Snow stood and stare at her

'Remember, we always have the option of clearing the S-Rank gates first'

He said and approached white, his gaze understood her worries, his left hand aimed for whites hair as she got herself pat gently and still have to endure the fact that her hair has been scattered after a long time of combing

'Next week will mark a month, but still we can still make it to avoid a dungeon brake from the old dungeons'

'Fine, i will let her be while i seat and watch the tv, call me if you need anything'

White said and pouted after being naughty, snow knew it was best to leave the sassy sister along and went in to join Naomi


It was heavy, the cries of the sky poured ceaselessly, the rain that felt like it could flood the city came down like a raging beast, a group of people surrounded Naomi who had now been laying unconsciously on the floor in an alley, her phone had sent an emergency call to snow as she was now laying on her own pool of blood that the rain felt impossible to wash away.

This so gathering came to an end as the criminals with their guild logo was the only information left behind as to whom were responsible for the incident.


To be Continued...


Next chapter