
Hero Theme

Im in the kitchen of the orphanage now. Sister washes the dishes and i wipes them.And during this operation our conversation began.

(Krius) - Sister, I would like to ask you something.

(Anna) - Jasne. Zapytaj mnie.-I feel a slight unease in her voice. But I still ask.

(Krius)-I am curious how this orphanage still works. What source did you previously draw funds from? -I sense something, so I try to dispel doubts as gently as possible.

As soon as I said that. Anna dropped the plate from her hand. Which fell to the ground and crashed.Her expression scared me a little, fear, shame and disgust were on her face. I personally guess i know, but I don't even want to take this thought to myself. I prefer this not to be true.

After breaking the plate, Anna escaped from the kitchen crying. I didn't want to push her too much so I didn't run after her.If she wants, she will let me know. It was a mistake to talk to her like that. Though my question seemed simple, Anna sensed a hidden question in it. And that would bring out her secret.When sister disappeared, I decided to finish the laundry and fly to the city.

As I said, I did it. After finishing work, I went to the city. There, it was not without my "instructions" for a few bandits. This is the City of Gotham, this is the norm for me. I can't go out without intervention. And it doesn't bother me . I feel great satisfaction when I administer justice.And I am sure that those I have punished now will never return to the path of crime. I took care of it properly. When some ex-bandit witness the theft they may get a heart attack or severe dizziness. By repeating memories with me in the lead role.This is the only way to reduce crime permanently.And not just for a moment, as most heroes used to do.

This does not mean, however, that I punish every thief. Sometimes someone steals because he has nothing to eat and he does it. He doesn't punish such people, but on the contrary gives them support. Sometimes in the form of a few dollars and sometimes if I have food with me I give them them. But for now that's all I can do. I am not a business owner or anything like that. I flew over the city all day and punished criminals. Of course, that's not all. For example, when I flew around the outskirts of Gotham in areas where crime is rare.

For a little laugh and just for help. I helped an elderly woman cross the road. It was like that:

Grandma walked along the sidewalk. As if nothing had happened. And she was heading towards the transition . I saw her flying near her and then I came up with this idea. A woman approached the passage and pressed a button on the pole. To activate lights at a pedestrian crossing.While the woman is patiently waiting for the change of lights. The winged figure immediately appears next to her and puts his hand to her. The figure is surrounded by a bright yellow light. (Merit of White Energy). And he says to her:

(Krius) - Help you cross the streets.-I was just controlling myself. I was just a crack away from laughing.

The sight of the woman's face was priceless. There is disbelief on her face.Her brain couldn't process what was just happening. A similar face had drivers who were just standing on light's.Many of them took a picture, but I didn't do anything about it.I even waved to some while crossing the belts.After I crossed the lanes with the old woman. I disappeared as soon as I crossed.I bet these people won't leave the church for a month. And certainly attendance at Masses on Sunday will increase by a dozen or so people. And good, another plus of my action. The wolf is full and the whole sheep. As they say. I laughed at their expressions. And ith he they converted.

Today was a good day. I've done a lot of good. I helped, punished.When I finished it was night so I went to my new room in the orphanage. During dinner, my sister agreed to my stay. So I went to my new room, which was on the first floor. I also had a balcony from which I can start fly .I went there and immediately went to sleep. It was late and I didn't want to wake up anyone.

Thank you for reading. I hope you like it. I took the extra time to correct. However, if I missed something . Say it This is right nowI will improve it.

Thank you for reading. Write what you think.

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