
You Gotta Run!

"Aishh! This time I'll make them pay!" she grunted, looking out of the corner of the eye at the men standing on the other side of the corner, covertly watching her work.

For the third time, Eun Ha passed that corner and put up the

HEARING - WE ARE LOOKING FOR FEMALE SINGERS signs. She had spent the entire day helping to publicize the audition process for a singer for Pearl. When Pearl reopened, they would need a new singer to replace Ye Rim.

It was not very simple to walk around like Stylist Jung Eun Ha, however. Recently, some reporters were stalking the 'hottest topic' in Korean fashion near her building, trying to get an exclusive interview. Eun Ha had no choice but to disguise herself. She disguised as a student, with lighter hair and no makeup. Her magic wand was very effective for that.

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