
The Busy Fairy Godmother

Ye Rim struggled to stay asleep but the activity around her seemed important too, deep in her mind she knew it. A good aroma invaded her nostrils, a delicious aroma of fresh food, and hmmm… She rolled over and nearly fell off the couch where she was lying on.

"Oops, damn it!"

Her blurred gaze went to the silhouette hurrying toward the door. 'This naughty unnie!'

"Eun Ha! Freeze where you are!' she shouted imperiously. 

Her unnie, carrying a large and stuffed bag, paralyzed the movement, caught off guard, but soon recovered and muttered some unintelligible excuse, speeding up again and turning the doorknob.

"UNNIE!" Ye Rim scrambled to her feet, realizing that she would have to be more emphatic, "Where did you go last night and what are you hiding from me?! Don't play dumb! Answer me!"

Eun Ha turned on her heels, staring at her,

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